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In Board of Aldermen, November 8, 1869.

THE Committee on Paving, to whom was recommitted the petition of the Metropolitan Railroad Company for a location in Temple place, report the following order of location.

For the Committee.



Ordered, In addition to the rights heretofore granted to the Metropolitan Railroad Company to lay down tracks in several of the streets of the City of Boston, said company shall have the right to lay down a single track in the centre of the roadway of Temple place, with curved tracks to connect the same with the tracks now laid down in Washington and Tremont streets.

The right to lay down the tracks located by this order, is upon the condition that the whole work of laying down the tracks, the precise location of the same, and the form of rail to be used, shall be under the direction, and to the satisfaction of the Committee on Paving and the Superintendent of Streets, and shall be approved by them.

Also, upon the condition that the space between the rails and three feet on each side thereof shall be paved with wooden pavement.

Also, upon the condition that the said Metropolitan Railroad Company shall accept this order of location, and agree in writing to comply with the conditions therein contained, and file said acceptance and agreement with the City Clerk within twenty days of the date of its passage, otherwise it shall be null and void.

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