CITY OF BOSTΟΝ. In Board of Aldermen, December 30, 1869. Whereas, pursuant to an order of this Board, approved August 14, 1868, Tremont Street was widened on its westerly side, between Boylston street and Seaver place, at an expense of $135,233.00; and whereas, in the opinion of this Board, the estates named in the foregoing schedule have been benefited by the widening of said street as aforesaid, it is therefore hereby Ordered, That the estates named in the said schedule be, and they hereby are, respectively charged with the sums therein severally named against them; the said sums so assessed not exceeding one-half of the amount of the adjudged benefit to said estates by the said widening. Amount Remarks. assessed. 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 330 00 225 00 240 00 270 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 210 00 210 00 210 00 210 00 210 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 240 00 240 00 680 00 6,500 00 Assumed by city. 5,000 00 4,000 00 2,800 00 2,835 00 3,200 00 1,733 00 4,900 00 3,780 00 1,890 00 1,800 00 1,800 00 1,800 00 2,500 00 1,200 00 1,000 00 1,800 00 1,350 00 3,780 00 11,600 00 700 00 1,483 00 4,500 00 4,680 00 1,620 00 1,620 00 1,754 00 Assumed by city. 1,752 00 1,752 00 Assumed by city. 1,752 00 ،، ،، 3,600 00 1,800 00 1,950 00 3,230 00 |