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westwardly by Lucas street, sixty-two and 85 feet; north- Emerald st. westwardly by land now or formerly of Jonathan M. Plais- side. ted, twenty and 33 feet; and northeastwardly by land now No. 34, or formerly of William Varnum, sixty-two and 73 feet: Lucas st.) containing one thousand two hundred and seventy-six square feet, more or less.





A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to WILLIAM No. 32. VARNUM, bounded as follows, viz: Southeastwardly by Emerald street, there measuring twenty and 20 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Abijah P. White, sixty-two and 3 feet; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Jonathan M. Plaisted and by land now or formerly of Lemuel A. Cooledge, twenty feet; and northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Adeline L. Barry and by land now or formerly of Mary E. R. Jones, sixtytwo and feet: containing one thousand two hundred and fifty-eight square feet, more or less.






A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to MARY E. No. 30. R. JONES, bounded as follows, viz:- Southeastwardly by Emerald street, there measuring nineteen and feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of William Varnum, forty-three and feet; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Adeline L. Barry, eighteen and 96 feet; and northeastwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Elizabeth Randall, forty-three and 50 feet: containing eight hundred and thirty-one square feet, more or less.



A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to the HEIRS No. 28. OF ELIZABETH RANDALL, bounded as follows, viz: - Southeastwardly by Emerald street, there measuring nineteen and 24 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Mary E. R. Jones, forty-three and feet; northwest





Emerald st. Wardly by land now or formerly of Adeline L. Barry,


side. No. 28.

Rear of

Nos. 28, 30.

Vacant land.


eighteen and 9 feet; and northeastwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of William S. White, fortythree and 38 feet: containing eight hundred and twenty


nine square feet, more or less.


A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to ADELINE L. BARRY, bounded as follows, viz:- Southeastwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Elizabeth Randall and by land now or formerly of Mary E. R. Jones, there measuring thirty-seven and feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of William Varnum, nineteen feet; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Lemuel A. Cooledge, by land now or formerly of Howell Matson and by land now or formerly of Henry Holthaus, thirty-seven and 67 feet; and northeastwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of William S. White, nineteen feet: containing seven hundred and seventeen square feet, more or less.




A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to the HEIRS OF WILLIAM S. WHITE, bounded as follows, viz:- Southcastwardly by Emerald street, there measuring one hundred seven and 25 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Elizabeth Randall and by land now or formerly of Adeline L. Barry, sixty-two and 38 feet; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Henry Holthaus, 37 of a foot; again southwestwardly by the same, 13 33 of a foot; northwestwardly again by land now or formerly of Alonzo B. Wentworth, by land now or formerly of Seth W. Fuller, by land now or formerly of Elizabeth J. Appleton, by land now or formerly of Hannah Bornstein and by land now or formerly of the Boston Turnverein, one hundred five and feet; and northeastwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Thomas Brewer, sixty-two and 29 feet: con




taining six thousand six hundred and sixty-five square feet, more or less.



100 (corner of

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to CATHERINE Emerald st. OBERHAUSER, bounded as follows, viz:- Southeastwardly side. by Emerald street, there measuring twenty-two and 50 No. 4, feet; southwestwardly by Paul street, twenty-seven and Paul street.) 28 feet; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Marcus Wyzanski, twenty-two and 50 feet; and northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Constantine McGinnis, twenty-seven and 13 feet: containing six hundred and twelve square feet, more or less.





(corner of

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to CONSTAN- No. 2. TINE MCGINNIS, bounded as follows, viz:-Southeastwardly Castle st.) by Emerald street, there measuring twenty-two and 100 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Catherine Oberhauser, twenty-seven and 13 feet; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Marcus Wyzanski, twenty-two and 50 feet; and northeastwardly by Castle street, twenty-seven feet: containing six hundred and nine square feet, more or less.




A parcel of land belonging to a person or persons un- Portion of, known, the same being a PORTION OF EMERALD STREET, bounded as follows, viz:- Southwestwardly by another portion of Emerald street, there measuring twenty feet; northwestwardly by the same, forty-six feet; again southwestwardly by the same, twenty feet; northwestwardly again by Paul street, twenty-four and 15 feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Catherine Oberhauser, twenty feet; northwestwardly again by the same and by land now or formerly of Constantine McGinnis, forty-five feet; again northeastwardly by Castle street, twenty feet; and southeastwardly by the southeasterly line of Emerald street, one hundred sixteen and 25 feet.



A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to MARTIN Southeast KIRCHGASSNER, bounded as follows, viz: - Northwestwardly No.1,


(corner of

Castle st.)



No. 1,

(corner of

Emerald st. by Emerald street, there measuring twenty-six feet; northeastwardly by Castle street, twenty feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Cornelius and Timothy Sheehan, Castle st.) twenty-six feet; and southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Jeremiah F. O'Brien, twenty feet: containing five hundred and twenty square feet, more or less.

No. 3.

Nos. 5, 7, 9.

No. 11.

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to JEREMIAH F. O'BRIEN, bounded as follows, viz:- Northwestwardly by Emerald street, there measuring twenty-six feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Martin Kirchgassner, twenty feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Cornelius and Timothy Sheehan, twenty-six feet; and southwestwardly by land now or formerly of William Parker, twenty feet: containing five hundred and twenty square feet, more or less.


A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to WILLIAM PARKER, bounded as follows, viz:- Northwestwardly by Emerald street, there measuring sixty-four and 25 feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Jeremiah F. O'Brien, by land now or formerly of Cornelius and Timothy Sheehan and by land now or formerly of John Horgan, sixty feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Joanna Donovan, by land now or formerly of Jane L. Nottage and by land now or formerly of Robert L. Day trustee, sixty-five and 25 feet; and southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Eliza Keen, sixty feet: containing three thousand eight hundred and eighty-five square feet, more or less.


A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to ELIZA Keen, bounded as follows, viz: - Northwestwardly by Emerald street, there measuring twenty-six and 21 fect; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of William Parker, sixty feet;






Nos. 15-17


southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Robert L. Day Emerald st. trustee, two and 75 feet; again northeastwardly by the Southeast same, fifty-six and feet; southeastwardly again by Mid- No. 11, and dlesex street, fifty-three and feet; southwestwardly by Middlesex land now or formerly of the heirs of William S. White, fifty-eight and 42 fect; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Thomas Brewer, twenty-six and 10 feet; and southwestwardly again by the same, fiftyeight and feet: containing four thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven square feet, more or less.




A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to the HEIRS No. 13. OF THOMAS BREWER, bounded as follows, viz:- Northwestwardly by Emerald street, there measuring twenty-nine and 180 feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Eliza Keen, fifty-eight and 4 feet; southeastwardly by the same, twenty-six and feet; and southwestwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of William S. White, fifty-eight and feet: containing one thousand six hundred and thirty-one square feet, more or less.






A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to the HEIRS Vacant OF WILLIAM S. WHITE, bounded as follows, viz:- North- land. westwardly by Emerald street, there measuring one hundred and eight fect; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Thomas Brewer and by land now or formerly of Eliza Keen, one hundred sixteen and 83 feet; southeastwardly by Middlesex street, one hundred ten and 180 feet; and southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Theodore A. Twickeler and by land now or formerly of the heirs of Peter Renton, one hundred eighteen and 2 feet: containing twelve thousand eight hundred and ten square feet, more or less.


A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to the HEIRS No. 27.

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