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No. 10.

W. TUTTLE, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Chapman Chapman street, there measuring twenty-two and feet; feet; Southwest southeastwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of side. Henry K. Hancock, forty-three and 36 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Henry R. Plimpton, twenty-two and 14 feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of James Hooton, forty-two and 62 feet: containing nine hundred and forty-seven square feet, more or less.


4 100


A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to JAMES No. 12. HOOTON, bounded as follows, viz :-Northeastwardly by Chapman street, there measuring twenty-two and feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Thomas W. Tuttle, forty-two and 2 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Henry R. Plimpton, twenty-two and 140 feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Catherine Sosnowski, forty-one and 90 feet: containing nine hundred and thirty-one square feet, more or less.







A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to CATHERINE No. 14. SOSNOWSKI, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Chapman street, there measuring twenty-two and feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of James Hooton, forty-one and feet; southwestwardly by land now or 20 100 formerly of Henry R. Plimpton, eighteen and feet; again southeastwardly by the same, eight and 23 feet; southwestwardly again by land now or formerly of William H. Leatherbee, four and 15 feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Thomas R. Burnham, forty-nine and 62 feet: containing nine hundred and forty-eight square feet, more or less.




A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to THOMAS R. BURNHAM, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by

No. 16.




No. 16.

62 100


Chapman Chapman street, there measuring twenty-two and 5 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Catherine Sosnowski, forty-nine and feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of William H. Leatherbee, twenty-two and feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Mary J. Leatherbee, forty-nine and 69 feet: containing one thousand and ninety-five square feet, more or less.

No. 18.

No. 20.

No. 22.



A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to MARY J. LEATHERBEE, bounded as follows, viz: - Northeastwardly by Chapman street, there measuring twenty-two and 150 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Thomas R. Burnham, forty-nine and feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of William H. Leatherbee, twenty-two and 15 feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Alice K. Hopkins, forty-nine and feet: containing one thousand and ninety-six square feet, more or less.





A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to ALICE K. HOPKINS, bounded as follows, viz: - Northeastwardly by Chapman street, there measuring twenty-two and 150 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Mary J. Leatherbee, forty-nine and feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of William H. Leatherbee, twenty-two and 5 feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Ella May and Mary L. Learnard, forty-nine and 83 feet: containing one thousand and ninety-eight square feet, more or less.



A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to ELLA MAY AND MARY L. LEARNARD, bounded as follows, viz: Northeastwardly by Chapman street, there measuring twenty-two and 15 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Alice K. Hopkins, forty-nine and 83 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Henry R.






Plimpton, twenty-two and feet; and northwestwardly Chapman by land now or formerly of Samuel W. Hodges, forty-nine Southwest and feet: containing one thousand and ninety-eight side. square feet, more or less.





A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to SAMUEL W. No. 24. HODGES, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Chapman street, there measuring twenty-two and 150 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Ella May and Mary L. Learnard and by land now or formerly of Henry R. Plimpton, ninety-two and 5 feet; southwestwardly by Carney place, twelve and 50% feet; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of George W. Tuxbury, Joseph H. White and Julia B. H. James trustees, seventeen and 54 feet again southwestwardly by the same, nine and feet; and northwestwardly again by land now or formerly of Robert Bishop and by land now or formerly of John Gormley, seventy-five and 4 feet: containing one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight square feet, more or less.




A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to JOHN No. 26. GORMLEY, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Chapman street, there measuring twenty-two and 150 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Samuel W. Hodges, forty-two and feet; southwestwardly by land 8 100 now or formerly of Robert Bishop, twenty-two feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of George R. Sneaden, forty-two and feet: containing nine hundred and twenty-nine square feet, more or less.


of Suffolk

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to GEORGE No. 28. (cor. R. SNEADEN, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by street.) Chapman street, there measuring twenty-two and 150 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of John Gormley, forty-two and 300 feet; southwestwardly by land now or

Chapman formerly of Robert Bishop, twenty and 58 feet; and north




Southwest westwardly by Suffolk street, forty-two and 50 feet: containing nine hundred and four square feet, more or less.


54, (cor. of



6 2 100

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to PATRICK KNEELAND, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Nos. 48, 50, Chapman street, there measuring sixty-two and 35 feet; Middlesex southeastwardly by Middlesex street, forty-one and 18 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of George McLean and by land now or formerly of George W. Tuxbury, Joseph H. White and Julia B. H. James trustees, sixty-two and 13 feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Thomas J. Whidden, forty-one and 46 feet: containing two thousand five hundred and eighty-five square feet, more or less.








A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to THOMAS of Emerald J. WHIDDEN, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Chapman street, there measuring fifty-nine and feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Patrick Kneeland, forty-one and 46 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of George W. Tuxbury, Joseph H. White and Julia B. H. James trustees, sixty and feet; and northwestwardly by Emerald street, forty-one and 26 feet: containing two thousand four hundred and eighty square feet, more or less.

No. 64. (cor. of Emerald street.)





A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to MARY A. MORTON, bounded as follows, viz: — Northeastwardly by Chapman street, there measuring twenty-one and 55 feet; southeastwardly by Emerald street, thirty-eight and 17 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Josephus Morton, twenty-one and feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Charles Morton, thirty-eight and 180 feet: containing eight hundred and twenty-five square feet, more or less.



6 100


No. 66.

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to CHARLES Chapman MORTON, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Southwest Chapman street, there measuring twenty-one and feet; side. southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Mary A. Morton and by land now or formerly of Josephus Morton, thirty-nine and 56 feet; southwestwardly by said land now or formerly of Josephus Morton, twenty-one and 12 feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Emily H. Sandford, thirtynine and 45 feet: containing eight hundred and thirty-three square fect, more or less.






erald st.

A parcel of land in the rear of those last described now Rear of Nos. or formerly belonging to JOSEPHUS MORTON, bounded as fol- Passagelows, viz: - Northeastwardly by land now or formerly of way to EmCharles Morton, there measuring twenty-one and 12 feet; 100 northwestwardly by the same, one and 50 feet; again northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Mary A. Morton, twenty-one and feet; southeastwardly by Emerald street, three feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of George W. Tuxbury, Joseph H. White and Julia B. H. James trustees, forty-two and 85 feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Emily H. Sandford, one and 50 feet: containing ninety-seven square feet, more or less.





[ocr errors]

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to EMILY H. No. 68. SANDFORD, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Chapman street, there measuring twenty-one and 116 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Charles Morton and by land now or formerly of Josephus Morton, forty and 95 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of George W. Tuxbury, Joseph H. White and Julia B. H. James trustees, twenty-one and 12 feet; and north westwardly by land now or formerly of Oliver P. Leavitt, forty and feet: containing eight hundred and sixty-three square feet, more or less.




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