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southwestwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs Paul street. of Thomas Brewer, fifteen and 37 feet; and northwest100 wardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of William No. 16. Pope, forty-five and 16 feet: containing seven hundred and


seven square feet, more or less.


A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to the HEIRS No. 14. OF WILLIAM POPE, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Paul street, there measuring fifteen and 12 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Lucinda Phillips, forty-five and 16 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Thomas Brewer, fifteen and 140 feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Catherine McLean, forty-five and 8 feet: containing six hundred and seventy-eight square feet, more or less.



2 100

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to CATHERINE No. 12. MCLEAN, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Paul street, there measuring fifteen and feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of William Pope, forty-five and 18 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Thomas Brewer, fifteen and 40 feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Jens Jensen Lund, forty-five feet: containing six hundred and seventy-six square feet, more or less.





A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to JENS JEN- No. 10. SEN LUND, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Paul street, there measuring fifteen and feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Catherine McLean, forty-five feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Thomas Brewer, fifteen and feet; and 4 100 northwestwardly by land now or formerly of William Hyland, forty-four and 92 feet: containing six hundred and seventy-five square feet, more or less.


Paul street.

No. 8.

No. 6.

No. 4.

No. 30, (cor. of Albion street.)





A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to WILLIAM HYLAND, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Paul street, there measuring fifteen and feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Jens Jensen Lund, fortyfour and feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Thomas Brewer, fifteen and feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Harrison P. Page and William G. Harding, forty-four and 83 feet: containing six hundred and seventy-four square feet, more or less.






A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to HARRISON P. PAGE and WILLIAM G. HARDING, bounded as follows, viz:— Northeastwardly by Paul street, there measuring fourteen and 6 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of William Hyland, forty-four and 83 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Thomas Brewer, fourteen and feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of John S. Laming and Alonzo S. Drisko, forty-four and 75 feet: containing six hundred and fifty-eight square feet, more or less.





A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to LUCIEN M. BLANCHARD, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Paul street, there measuring thirty feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Emma C. White and by land now or formerly of Lewis Coleman, forty-three and 42 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Thomas Brewer, thirty feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Elijah Russell and by land now or formerly of Timothy Connelly, forty-three and 100 feet: containing one thousand two hundred and ninety-eight square feet, more or less.

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to TIMOTHY



of Albion

CONNELLY, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Paul street. Paul street, there measuring forty-four and feet; south-Southwest eastwardly bý land now or formerly of Lucien M. Blanchard, No. 3. (cor. twenty-one and feet; southwestwardly by land now or street.) formerly of Elijah Russell, forty-six and 58 feet; and north100 westwardly by Albion street, twenty-one feet: containing nine hundred and seventy-one square feet, more or less.



A parcel of land belonging to a person or persons un- Paul street. known, the same being PAUL STREET, bounded as follows, Street. viz:-Southeastwardly by Emerald street, there measuring, twenty-four and 15 feet; southwestwardly by the southwesterly line of Paul street, four hundred forty-two and 100 feet; northwestwardly by Tremont street, twenty-two and 10 feet; and northeastwardly by the northeasterly line of Paul street, four hundred thirty-nine and feet. 100


A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to SAMUEL D. Northeast PARKER, bounded as follows, viz:-Southwestwardly by No. 1. Paul street, there measuring twenty and 16 feet; north100 westwardly by land now or formerly of John A. Sargent forty-five and 4 feet; northeastwardly by Castle street, twenty and 15 feet; and southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Charles L. Hancock, forty-five and feet: containing nine hundred and five square feet, more or less.





A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to CHARLES Nos. 2-3. L. HANCOCK, bounded as follows, viz:- Southwestwardly by Paul street, there measuring forty and 85 feet; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Samuel D. Parker, fortyfive and feet; northeastwardly by Castle street, forty and 78 feet; and southeastwardly by land belonging to a person or persons unknown, forty-five feet: containing one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight square feet, more or less.



Paul, Albion and

Vacant land.


A parcel of land belonging to A PERSON or PERSONS UNCastle sts. KNOWN, bounded as follows, viz:- Southwestwardly by Paul street, there measuring one foot and 35 of a foot; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Charles L. Hancock, forty-five feet; northeastwardly by Castle street, five and 23 feet; and southeastwardly by Albion street, fortyfive and 24 feet: containing one hundred and fifty-eight square feet, more or less.

Castle st.





A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to MARY D. side. No. 62. W. SCHAFFER, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Castle street, there measuring twenty feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Thomas Brewer, forty-three and feet; southwestwardly by the same, ten and 25 feet; again southeastwardly by the same, fifteen and 8 feet; southwestwardly again by land now or formerly of the heirs of George A. Kettell, ten and 33 feet; and northwestwardly by the same, fifty-eight and 95 feet: containing one thousand and thirty-five square feet, more or less.

No. 64 to corner of







A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to the HEIRS Suffolk st. OF GEORGE A. KETTELL, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Castle street, there measuring one hundred thirty-eight and 5 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Mary D. W. Schaffer, fifty-eight and 95 feet again northeastwardly by the same, ten and 33 feet; southeastwardly again by land now or formerly of the heirs of Thomas Brewer, sixty-six and 48% feet; southwestwardly by the same, on two lines, one hundred eleven and





10% feet and thirty-five and 4 feet; and northwestwardly by Suffolk street, one hundred and twenty-five feet: containing seventeen thousand nine hundred and twenty-two square feet, more or less.


(corners of

Another parcel of land now or formerly belonging to the Castle st. HEIRS OF GEORGE A. KETTELL, bounded as follows, viz: side. Northeastwardly by Castle street, there measuring ninetyeight and 25 feet; southeastwardly by Suffolk street, fifty100 five feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Nos. 84-96. George O. Currier, forty-six and 32 feet; again southeast- suffolk and wardly by the same, six and 2 feet; southwestwardly Middlesex again by land now or formerly of Michael Daley, fifty-two feet; and northwestwardly by Middlesex street, sixty-one and 58 feet: containing five thousand seven hundred and sixty-five square feet, more or less.


100 72



(corner of


A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to TIMOTHY No. 102. F. HAGERTY, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly Middlesex by Castle street, there measuring twenty and 180 feet; 6 southeastwardly by Middlesex street, fifty-two feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Joanna Donovan, twenty and 180 feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Charles W. Moore, fifty-two feet: containing one thousand and forty-three square feet, more or less.




A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to CHARLES Nos. 104, W. MOORE, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Castle street, there measuring twenty-six and 76 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Timothy F. Hagerty, fifty-two feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Joanna Donovan, twenty-six and 72 feet; and northwestwardly by land now or formerly of John Horgan, fifty-two feet: containing one thousand three hundred and ninety square feet, more or less.


A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to JOHN No. 108. HORGAN, bounded as follows, viz:- Northeastwardly by Castle street, there measuring twenty-six and 72 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Charles W.


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