SCHOOL CENSUS. Table showing the number of Children in each Ward between five and fifteen years of age, andthe number attending public and private Schools, May 1868. The following Table shows the number of persons in the city between the ages of five and fifteen, for ten years, and also the amount received by the city, in each year, from the State School Fund: The following Table shows the average whole number, the average attendance and the per cent of attendance, of the public schools of all grades, for ten years, ending July 31, 1868: The following Table shows the aggregate of the average whole number and attendance of the pupils of the HIGH SCHOOLS, for ten years, ending July 31, 1868: The following Table shows the aggregate of the average whole number and attendance of the GRAMMAR SCHOOLS, for ten years, ending July 31, 1868 : 1864-65.. .... 13,915 13,110 93.8 1865-66... ..... 14,394 13,620 94.2 1866-67.... 14,849 14,026 94.1 1867-68.... 17,450 16,362 93.3 The following Table shows the aggregate of the average whole number and attendance of the pupils of the PRIMARY SCHOOLS for ten years, ending July 31, 1868: The following Table shows the number of PRIMARY SCHOOLS, the average number and the average attendance to a school, for ten years, ending July 31, 1868: |