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magnitude, and importance of the measures proposed for our consideration and decision at every session. I am sure that a careful survey of the official business of the year, now closed, must be a source of just pride to every member of the Board of Aldermen, for the year 1869.

During no year, since the formation of this City Government, have so many important measures been consummated and considered. Permit me to refer, in brief terms, to a few of them.

Widening of Hanover street from Court street to Blackstone street, and the subsequent passage of the orders to complete the widening to Commercial street.

Widening of Federal street from Summer to First street.

Widening of Tremont street from Boylston street to the Railroad Bridge.

Widening of Devonshire street from State street to Milk street, and raising the grade of Devonshire and Water streets.

Construction of Atlantic avenue, consisting of sea-wall, partial filling, settling of many land damages, and in contracting for the entire completion of this grand improvement during the present year. The filling is to consist almost entirely of earth, to be removed from Fort Hill.

Extension of Broadway from Federal to Albany street, a project needed, and agitated for many years by the citizens of South Boston. I trust the incoming Government will deem it for the best interests of the city to still farther extend this broad avenue in a direct line, and as originally contemplated, to Washington


The whole extension is under contract, and is so far advanced as to promise completion in the early part of the year.

Completion of the extended improvement of the Church street district, which involved the raising of a territory comprising nearly fourteen acres, and some portions to an elevation of seventeen feet.

The erection of a number of the finest and most convenient

schoolhouses ever built by the city of Boston. In addition to the above, this Board have carefully considered and passed the necessary resolves for the widening of Eliot street, extension of Washington street to Haymarket square, widening and extension of Portland street, purchase of the East Boston Ferries, raising and grading the so-called "Suffolk Street District."

The large increase of travel in the streets of Boston, and the recent additions of territory, have made larger demands upon the Paving Department than ever before.

In addition to its ordinary business, the Paving Department has had charge of the construction of Atlantic avenue, and the extension of Broadway. The Committee on Paving, with their Superintendent, have given unusual attention to finding a substitute for the cobble-stone pavement now so generally disliked. The small granite blocks are far superior to any stone pavement now in use.

Wooden pavements having been so extensively and satisfactory used in New York, Chicago, and other large cities, this committee have favored the laying out of enough in this city to submit it to a fair trial.

Accordingly the "Nicolson wooden pavement" has been laid in East, School and Richmond streets; also on that part of Tremont street between LaGrange and Eliot streets; the "Mc Gonegel wooden pavement" on portions of D and Bulfinch streets; also on that part of Tremont street between Winter street and Temple place; the "Paul wooden pavement" on that part of Tremont street between Pleasant street and the Railroad Bridge; the "Stafford wooden pavement" on Court square and part of Court street.

As chairman of this important committee for the past four years, I desire to bear testimony to the faithful and intelligent performance of the arduous duties of the office of Superintendent of Streets by Charles Harris. This has always been an office of trust and importance, but the present rapid increase of paving, the larger amount of extra work now performed by this department, make it a position requiring a combination of engineering skill, clerical ability, practical knowledge of materials, executive force in handling large numbers of men, possessed in a remarkable degree by Mr. Harris.

As chairman of the Committee on Public Lands, I take pleasure in stating that the sales of lands belonging to the city of Boston during the past year amount to $464,153.77, a sum larger than the aggregate sales of any year since 1858.

In conclusion, I feel assured that all will join me in acknowledging the pleasant intercourse with, the hearty co-operation and valuable assistance of, His Honor Mayor Shurtleff in all our official duties; also of the faithful and indispensable services of our most efficient City Clerk, of our worthy Clerk of Committees, and of the Heads of Departments.

I wish you all, fellow-members of the Board, your full measure of health, happiness, and prosperity.

On motion of Alderman FAIRBANKS,

Ordered, That the final proceedings of the Board, together with the addresses of the chairman, and of his Honor the Mayor, be printed for the use of the members of the Government.

On motion of Alderman TALBOT, the Board then adjourned sine die.



City Clerk.

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