APPENDIX XX. LIBRARY SERVICE. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. JUSTIN WINSOR, Superintendent. William A. Wheeler, Asst. Supt. Edward Capen, Lib. of Lower Halls. William E. Ford, Janitor. Appleton P. C. Griffin, Miss Maggie McGrath, Miss Ellen Stevenson (part Misses Eliza J. Mack, Sarah A. Mack. Joanna F. McCue, Annie M. Kennedy, Lucy A. W. Ginness (part time), Henrietta E. Mack (part time) Florence E. Ginness (part time), Runners. Elbridge Bradshaw, Outside Clerk. Miss Carrie E. Porée, Reading Room Attendant. Mr. J. G. Cupples, Reading Room Attendant (evenings). Miss Jennie E. Tyler, Registration Clerk. Miss Matilda J. Ross, Assistant Registration Clerk. NOTE. - The binderies of Orus Clark and Jerome Scidensticker are also employed. AGENCY DEPARTMENT. Messrs. William H. Piper & Co., Boston. Messrs. Little, Brown & Co., and Sampson Low, Son & Marston, Boston and London. Mr. F. W. Christern, and M. Charles Reinwald, New York and Paris. APPENDIX XXI. REPORT ON THE EXAMINATION OF THE LIBRARY. To the Superintendent : SIR, Since entering upon my duties as Custodian of the Shelves, on the 9th of April last, I have made a thorough examination of the Library, and herewith present my REPORT. • 3,654 vols. That in the Bates Hall there were missing from the shelves at time of examination 230 584 • Four of these volumes are marked on the loan-slips as returned, and are without doubt misplaced in an alcove previously examined. Of the remaining five, no trace has yet been found. Six of the missing pamphlets were laid aside in 1863 with several thousand others, for separate binding; but as a different system has since been devised, it is to be presumed that they have been bound with other pamphlets, and the shelf number by which each was identified merged in a new one, so that they will only be discovered after having been through the process of cataloguing. The remainder were received at a later date, but may be accounted for in a similar manner. In the Lower Hall there were missing from the shelves All of these missing volumes have been loaned during the year, and most of them several times, as is shown by the loan-slips. Probably they will, at some future time, appear on the shelves, and their present disappearance be found to have been owing to the wrong numbering on the cover, or to a transposition of figures, or some other error, in charging the loans. Forty of the volumes reported missing last year have appeared on the shelves at the present examination. The following tabular statement will show the number of books The large number of volumes missing from the seventh alcove may be explained by the fact that this alcove contains the novels of Cooper, Marryat, Simms, and Mayne Reid, which, being very popular and in constant use, often require re-covering, and are thus more liable to errors in numbering. Respectfully submitted, L. T. BARTON, Custodian of the Shelves. APPENDIX XXII. LIBRARIES IN MASSACHUSETTS, 1868-9. 12-20 .10 .2 5,000 1,000 300 15-30 • • 5,000 125 .. Ν..50 .5 6,000 200 7-20 .66 .25 6-7,000 • 400 • .. Novels and Juveniles. Use of Books yearly. Loans. Per cent. of purchases in novels. Per cent. of use. in volumes. Yearly increase volumes. Age of most of users. the Library. People using Building. Subscription. Income from Founded. PLACE AND NAME OF LIBRARY. |