7TH VICTORIA. 14TH SEPTEMBER, 1843. Recites - Tha the College wa incorporated o re established by Charter o 40th Georg III. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, To ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING, WHEREAS the Body Politic and Corporate of THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS IN LONDON was incorporated or reestablished under or by virtue of a certain Charter or Letters Patent, bearing date at Westminster, the twenty-second day of March, in the Fortieth Year of the Reign of King George the Third, or otherwise, as in such Letters Patent mentioned or referred to, and the said College is now regulated and governed by and according to the Provisions of such Charter Recites - That or Letters Patent, and a certain other or Supplemental Charter, granted Chupple by Letters Patent bearing date at Westminster the thirteenth day of granted February in the Third year of the Reign of King George the Fourth, and George IV. also by or according to certain Bye-Laws and Ordinances made by the said College for its regulation and better government. a supplemental was 3rd the College at Members con AND WHEREAS the Body Politic and Corporate of the said College at Recites-That present consists of persons created Members of the said College by the said present consists first-mentioned Charter, or constituted such Members by Letters Testi-stituted by Let Testimonial. Recites-That Body consists of monial, under the Common Seal of the said College, of the respective the Governing qualifications of such persons to practise the Art and Science of Surgery. a Council of And the Governing Body of the said College consists of a Council of of them being Twenty-one, ten Examiners, one of such ten persons being also the President, and two of them the Vice-Presi dents. the two principal Serjeant-Sur twenty-one of the Members of the College, ten of them being also Examiners of Surgeons for the College, and one of such ten persons being also the President and two of them the Vice-Presidents of the College and the two principal Serjeant-Surgeons to us and to our Heirs and Successors and Recites-That the Surgeon-General to the Forces, of us, our Heirs and Successors, provided they shall have been chosen Members of the Council, have at present Surgeon-Genea preference of being admitted Examiners of the said College before all other persons whenever vacancies happen in the Court of Examiners of the College. C (provided chosen Members of the they shall have a Council) have preference of being admitted Examiners. : is expedient to Declares that it AND WHEREAS, in order more effectually to promote and encourage the create a new study and practice of the said art and science of Surgery, It appears to us class of Mem- expedient, that a new class of Members of the said College, to be called bers, to be called Fellows. of the Council Fellows, should be created, and (with the exception of the first Fellows hereinafter named and directed and authorized respectively to be appointed) be required, in order to obtain the Diploma of their Fellowship, to have attained a greater age than is at present necessary in the case of Ordinary Members of the said College, and to have complied with such Rules and That the number Regulations, and passed such Examination as hereinafter mentioned; That should be in the number of the Members of the Council of the said College should be all future Mem- increased, and that all future Members of the Council be chosen from the creased, and that bers be chosen only, instead from the Fellows, Fellows of the College and hold their office for a limited period only, inford limited per stead of for life, and that the right of electing Members of the Council be the forellife, and transferred from the Council (with whom such right now resides) to the of electing the Body of such Fellows; That alterations be also made as regards the elec Fellows have the right Council, and that alterations be tion and admission and continuance in office of the future Examiners of also made as re gards the elec- the College, and that certain further powers and privileges should also be and continuance granted to the said College. Now KNOW YE, That WE, of our especial tion, admission, in office of future Examiners. 1. The name of the College to be grace and mere motion, at the Humble Petition of the said Royal College, HAVE willed, ordained, constituted, and declared and granted, and by these presents for us, our Heirs and Successors, Do will, ordain, constitute and declare, and unto the said ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS in LONDON do grant, in manner following, to wit: 1. That from henceforth the Corporate Name or Style of the said College the Royal College shall be-THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND, and that a portion England, and a of the Members of the said College shall be Fellows thereof by the name portion of the Members to be of Surgeons of Fellows thereof. 2. First Fel lows. or style of THE FELLOWS OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. 2. That the present President and two Vice-Presidents, and all other the present Members of the Council of the said College, and also such several other persons, not being less than two hundred and fifty nor more than three hundred in number, and being Members of the said College, as the Council of the said College, at any time or times before the expiration of three calendar months from the date hereof, shall elect and declare to be Fellows in manner hereinafter directed, together with any such other persons as the Council of the said College, after the expiration of the said three calendar months, and within one year from the date hereof, shall think fit and shall appoint in manner hereinafter authorized, shall be Fellows of the said College. 3. That the Council of the said College, with all convenient speed after the date of these our Letters Patent, and before the expiration of three calendar months from the date hereof, and in such manner as the said Council shall deem best, shall elect to be Fellows of the said College any such number of persons, being Members of the said College, and not being in the whole less than two hundred and fifty nor more than three hundred, as the said Council shall think proper: And also shall, before the expiration of such three calendar months, by one general Diploma, under the Seal of the said College, and in such form as the Council shall think fit declare, or cause such persons to be declared Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of England accordingly; but the names of all such persons, so declared Fellows, shall be contained and set forth in a Schedule to such general Diploma. And such general Diploma shall also, within two calendar months after the Seal of the said College shall have been affixed thereto, be enrolled in our High Court of Chancery. 4. That it shall also be lawful for the Council of the said College, at any time or times after the expiration of the said three calendar months and before the expiration of one year from the date hereof, by Diploma or Diplomas under the Seal of the said College, and in such form as the said Council shall think fit, and without any Fee, to appoint any other person or persons (being a Member or Members of the said College) to be a Fellow or Fellows of the said Royal College of Surgeons of England. 5. That, except as hereinbefore mentioned, no person shall become or 5. Except be admitted a Fellow of the said College until after he shall have attained hereinbefore the age of Twenty-five years, and shall also have complied with such Rules and Regulations as the Council of the said College shall from time to time consider expedient, and by a Bye-Law or Bye-Laws direct, nor unless he shall have passed such special Examination by the Examiners of the said College, as the Council shall from time to time think fit, and by a Bye-Law or Bye-Laws direct, that Candidates for a Fellowship of the said College shall undergo; but every fit and proper person having attained such age, and complied with such Rules and Regulations, and passed such special Framination, shall be entitled to be admitted a Fellow of the said College. mentioned, person tobe a mitteda Fellc until he sha ha have attaine the age of twe ty-five, complied wit Regulations : such Rules ar shall be cons dered exp dient, and ha Examination. passed a speci Admission of a Fellow to be 6. That the admittance of every such new Fellow as last mentioned, by Diploma, shall be by Diploma under the Seal of the said College, in such form as and every Fel- the Council of the College shall from time to time think fit and direct; low (not being already a Mem- and that every person so admitted a Fellow of the said College, and not ber) to be a Member by vir. being already a Member thereof, shall also, by virtue of such his admittue of his Fel- tance as a Fellow, become and be considered admitted as a Member of the lowship. said College. 7. Admission7. That the Fee to be paid on the admittance of every such new Fellow Fee of a Fellow to be any sum as last aforesaid (over and besides the stamp-duty on his admittance or not exceeding Diploma), shall be any such sum not exceeding the sum of Thirty-one Thirty Guineas. Pounds Ten Shillings, as the Council of the said College shall from time to time think fit, and by a Bye-Law or Bye-Laws direct. 8. Diplomas of Fellowsgranted 8. That where several Diplomas shall be granted on the same day the same day to (whether to such new Fellows as last aforesaid, or to any Fellows to be be numbered to created after the said first three calendar months, and within the first year show priority. open to the inspection of Members. from the date hereof as aforesaid), such Diplomas shall be numbered under such Regulations as the Council may think fit, in order to show the order and priority of such Diplomas among themselves. 9. A Register to be kept of the 9. That the Council of the said College shall cause the name of every Fellows accord- Fellow for the time being of the said College, and if thought fit by the ing to their several senior- Council, together also with the place of residence of every such Fellow, to ities, and to be be entered according to their several seniorities (in the manner and to be determined or ascertained respectively as hereinafter mentioned), in a Book or Register to be kept for that purpose at the Hall of the said College, or such other place for the time being as the said Council shall direct; and such Book or Register of Fellows, at such times and subject to such reasonable and proper Regulations as the Council for the time being shall think fit and direct, shall be open to the inspection of any Member of the of Fellows is to said College (whether Fellow or not), at the Fall of the said College, or And How seniority other place appointed for the time being for the custody of the same. be determined. the Seniority of such Fellows to be entered in such Book or Register as aforesaid, shall be and be determined or ascertained respectively as follows, that is to say, The present President shall be entered first, the two present Vice-Presidents, according to their respective seniority next after him, and then all the other present Members of the Council according to their respective seniorities, and immediately after such the present Members of the Council; the Fellows to be elected within three calendar months from the date hereof as hereinbefore directed, according to the order and priority of their names, as the same shall be contained and set forth in the Schedule to such general Diploma, whereby they shall be so declared Fellows as hereinbefore directed; and, with respect to all other Fellows, their names shall be entered according to the dates of their respective Diplomas; and when the Diplomas of any Fellows shall bear date on the same day, then as regards or between such Fellows according to the order and priority in which the Diplomas shall be so numbered, as hereinbefore directed. 10. That from henceforth no Member of the said College, who shall no also be a Fellow of the same, shall be eligible as a Member of the Council of the said College; nor (but subject and without prejudice to the validity of any Election to be made as hereinafter directed) shall any Fellow be so eligible whilst practising Midwifery or Pharmacy, or who shall have practised Midwifery or Pharmacy at any time during the five years next preceding the day of Election, nor unless he shall reside and bona fide practise his profession of Surgeon within five miles by highway or road from the General Post-Office in St. Martin's-le-Grand. And if any Member of the Council shall at any time after his Election practise Midwifery or Pharmacy, or shall cease to reside and bonâ fide practise his profession of Surgeon within five miles of the General Post-Office, as aforesaid, he shall be liable to removal from the Council. 11. That the present Members of the Council of the said College shall be and continue Life Members thereof as heretofore, and that the number of the Members of the Council shall in the manner hereinafter mentioned be increased from twenty-one to twenty-four, and that all future Members of the Council shall be elective and be elected periodically, in the manner and subject to the regulations hereinafter mentioned and directed. 11. Present Memcontinue for life, bers of Council to the number of the Council to be in creased to twen ty-four; future Members to be elective and elect ed periodically, as after mentioned. 12. 1hUpon the first next ensuing date hereof (or within 12. That upon the first Thursday in the Month of July in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, or within one calendar month afterwards, and in the manner hereinafter mentioned, three Fellows of the said College shall be chosen to be additional Members of the Council of the said College; and that upon the first Thursday in July in every tional Members one month), in mentioned, three manner after Fellows be choto be addiof the Council. |