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period in every

And at the same succeeding year, for ever thereafter, or within one calendar month aftersucceeding year wards, and in the manner hereinafter mentioned, three Fellows shall be shall berchosen chosen to be members of the Council; and in every such succeeding In each year in year in which there shall be no vacancy, or less than three vacancies be no vacancy, or among the Life Members of the Council, three of the Elective Members of


which there shall

less than three,

Members, three

Members, or such

with the vacancies

shall make

among the Life the Council, or such less number of such Elective Members as, with the of the Elective number of vacancies in that year among the Life Members, will make up less number as the number three, shall go out of office upon the day whereon such three among Life Mem- Fellows shall be chosen to be Members as aforesaid, so that the number of the number three, the Council shall at no time exceed twenty-four; and in every such office, and when succeeding year in which there shall be three or more than three vacanVacancies among cies among the Life Members, none of the Elective Members shall go out one of the Elec of office in that year, and three Fellows, and three only, shall be chosen and three Felices to fill up three of such vacancies among the Life Members, and the re

shall go out of

more than three

Life Members,

tive to

Fellows only to be chosen

to fill up three of maining vacancy or vacancies of that year (if any) shall be considered

the Life vacancies,

ing vacancies to

and the remain- and treated as a vacancy or vacancies among the Life Members in the be treated as Life following year or years, as the case may be or require. But from and lowing year or after the period when the number of the Elective Members of the Coun

vacancies for fol

years, as the case

may require.
When the num-


twenty-four three
of the Council to

cil shall be completed and made up to twenty-four, three of the Members

berm of Elective of the Council shall go out of office every year, upon the day whereon three completed to new Members shall be elected, as aforesaid. But in all cases Fellows go out of effice going out of office shall notwithstanding be eligible for nomination and imIn all cases Fel- mediate re-election, and, continuing eligible in other respects, their names ering of shall be announced to the Meeting accordingly in the order and manner


office to be eligi

ble for re-elec- hereinafter directed.


13. Those

out of office

Members to go time go out of office in the manner hereinbefore mentioned and directed,
13. That the Elective Members of the Council, who shall from time to
who have been shall be those who shall have been longest on the Council without re-
longest on the

14. Substitute

Members to be

election; and in the case of Fellows elected upon the Council in the same year, those shall first go out of office whose names stand lowest (among those elected of the same year) on the Book or Register of the Fellows of the College.

14. That whenever any vacancy or vacancies shall take place among

from time to time the Elective Members in any other way than by their going out of office place among Elec- by rotation as aforesaid, such vacancy or vacancies shall be filled up by the any other way election (upon some early and convenient day to be fixed by the Council

elected to fill up

vacancies taking

tive Members in

of office by i tion; every son so electe

hold officet person in wl

the time when

room he sh have been cho

for that purpose) of a substitute Member or Members in the room of the than by going person or persons whose place or places shall have so become vacant; and every person, so elected to fill up any such vacancy, shall hold such office until the time when the person in whose room he shall be chosen would have been liable to go out of office, and he shall then go out of office accordingly, but shall notwithstanding be eligible for nomination and immediate re-election, and continuing eligible in other respects, his name shall be announced to the Meeting accordingly in the order and manner hereinafter directed.

15. That the Members of the Council of the College shall hereafter be elected by the Fellows of the said College, including the Members of the Council as such; and such Fellows, whether Members of the Council or not, shall be allowed to vote in person only and not by proxy; and that any number of Fellows (not being less than fifteen present) at a Meeting convened for the purpose of electing a Member or Members of Council, shall be competent to proceed to such Election.

would have g to be re-eligi

out of office,

[blocks in formation]

16. At


Meeting convene

for election of

Member of Cour

taken by the Pre

the Vice-Presi

cil present. Adjournment

day to day

Noother business

16. That the Chair at every such Meeting shall be taken by the President of the said College, or in his absence by one of the Vice-Presidents, or in case also of their absence, then by the senior Member of the Council the Chair to b cil of the said College then present. And if it shall so happen that sident or one from any cause the business of the day cannot be concluded upon such dents, or by senio the day fixed for election as aforesaid, then and in every such case an adjournment of the Meeting shall take place to the next day, at an hour may take plac to be named by the Chairman (Sundays, Christmas-days and Good Fridays excepted, and being passed over when occasion shall require), and so from day to day (except as aforesaid) until the business of the Meeting shall be completed; but no other business shall be discussed or attended to at any such Meeting besides the election of a Member or Members of the Council, for which the same shall have been convened. PROVIDED ALSO, that if upon the day fixed for any such Election there shall not be fifteen or more Fellows assembled and continuing together for the purpose of such Election, then at any time after the space of one hour after the time of day fixed for such Election the Chair may be taken as aforesaid, and it shall be lawful for the Chairman to adjourn the Meeting to the next day, and so from day to day (except as aforesaid) if necessary, in the man

than that of Electo be discussed or attended to


Chairman may

adjourn the Meet

ing from day to

day not fifteen Fellows present

within one hour fixed.

after the time

17. Such notices

of Election to be

given as the Coun

ner hereinbefore mentioned with respect to adjournments of such Meetings in case of the business thereof not being concluded as aforesaid.

17. That such previous notice or notices of every election of a Member

eil shall think fit or Members of the Council shall be given as the Council shall from time

and shall deter


mine by Bye- to time think fit, and shall by a Bye-Law or Bye-Laws determine and apSubject to these point, and that, subject only to the regulations and restrictions in these tions to be con- our Letters Patent mentioned or contained, the election of Members of the

presents, Elec

ducted as the

Bye-Laws deter


Council shall by Council shall be conducted in such way and manner as the Council shall But such Election from time to time think fit, and shall by a Bye-Law or Bye-Laws also deBalbe always by termine or regulate and appoint, but such Election shall always be by decided by a ma- Ballot, and be decided by a majority of balls or votes, and every Fellow

Ballot, and

jority votes.

Every eligible

announced to the

who shall be eligible to be elected according to the regulations and restrictions contained or mentioned and authorized in or by these our Letters

Fellow shall be Patent, shall be announced to the Meeting as a Fellow eligible in the order Meeting accord- and according to the priority in which his name shall stand in the book or

ing to the priority

of his on

the Regiame of registry of Fellows; and if he shall be thereupon nominated in such mode Fellow, if nomi- as the Council shall by Bye-Law or Bye-Laws provide for the general


nated as provided nomination of Members at Elections, he shall be balloted for accordingly,

for by Bye-Laws,

shall be balloted but not otherwise.

for accordingly.

18. When any eli

gible Fellow shall

18. That when any eligible Fellow shall have been passed by for want

have been passed of any such nomination as aforesaid,

nomination or for

or having been balloted for shall not

non-election, he be elected a Member of the Council, he shall cease to be eligible to be

bhain buch spliga elected, except upon such special terms


terms as shall be


of nomination as shall by the Coun

provided for by cil by Bye-Law be for the time being provided for such cases, and upon Bye-Laws; but if passed by second time, he such special terms any Fellow so passed by or not elected may be re-noshall cease to be minated for and be elected a Member of the Council, but if he shall be on


19. No Fellow eligible to the

time of his nom

such second occasion either passed by or not elected, he shall for ever thereafter cease to be eligible for election upon the Council.

19. That no Fellow whatever shall be eligible to be a Member of the Council unless at Council unless at the time of his nomination for election as such there ination there shall shall also be produced and delivered in, in such way and manner and in Certificate that he such form as the Council shall from time to time think fit and by Bye-Law Member of the regulate and appoint accordingly, a Certificate in writing signed by such

[blocks in formation]

not within five effect that such Fellow so nominated is a fit and proper person to be a Mem




and practises

miles from fice.

geon within General Post

ber of the Council, and particularly that he does not practise and has not years within five years practised Midwifery or Pharmacy, and that he resides Pharmacy, and boná fide practises his profession of a Surgeon within five miles by profession of highway or road from the General Post-Office in St. Martin's-le-Grand, and such nomination and certificate being delivered in, in the manner required, the same (as regards the matters or particulars so to be certified as aforesaid, but no further) shall be final and conclusive as to the right of such Fellow to be balloted for as a Member of the Council, and also to be elected such Member if upon the Ballot he shall be so elected.

20. The pres the Serjeant-S Surgeon-Gene no longer to ha any preference being admitt Examiners.

Examinersto ce tinue for life; F

20. That there shall be Ten Examiners of Surgeons for the said College, and the present Examiners shall be and continue such Examiners for life as heretofore. But that the two principal Serjeant-Surgeons to Us and to our Heirs and Successors, and the Surgeon-General to the Forces of Us our Heirs and Successors, or any of them, and although they may be chosen Members of the Council of the said College, shall no longer have any preference of being admitted Examiners of the said College before other persons; and that all future Examiners of the said College shall be elected by the Council of the College, either from the Members of the Council or from the other Fellows of the said College, or from both or either of them; and that all future Examiners of the said College shall hold their office of Examiners during the pleasure of the Council, and so cil. long only as the Council of the College shall think fit.

All future Exam either from th

ners to be electe

Council or fro
Fellows, c

both or either, an

shall hold offic

during the plea

sure of the Cour

21. President an

no longer to b chosen exclusive ly from the Ex

aminers, but fron indifferently, and

all the Counci


21. That the President and Vice-Presidents of the said College shall no Vice - President longer be chosen exclusively from or out of the Examiners of the said College, but from or out of all the Members of the Council indifferently, and whether Examiners of the College or not. And that any number of Examiners of the College, not being less than Six, shall be sufficient to form a Court of Examiners, and with or without the President or VicePresidents of the College, or any of them (and whether or not the President or Vice-Presidents, or any of them, may be Examiners).

22. That if it shall at any time hereafter appear that any present or future Member, or any Fellow of the said College, to be appointed or admitted at any time after the expiration of the said first three calendar months from the date hereof, shall have obtained his Letters Testimonial

or his Diploma respectively by any fraud, false statement, or imposition

ners or not.

Any number

Examiners, nol

less than Six, suf Court, and with

ficient to form a

out President οι Vice Presidents (although Examiners) being present.


22. Diploma
nial obtained by
fraud may be de-

Letters Testimo

clared void after such previous notice and hearing as the Council shall think proper; and there

ber or Fellow

upon such Mem- or that, either before or after obtaining such his Letters Testimonial or shall cease to be Diploma, he shall have violated any Bye-Law, Rule, or Regulation of the

Confirmation of existing Powers except as hereby altered.

No future Bye-
Law or Ordi-

nance to be of any force until approved of by the Crown or otherwise, as shall be directed.

said College, then and in every such case, and after such previous notice to and such hearing of, such Member or Fellow as, under the circumstances, the Council of the said College shall think proper, it shall be lawful for such Council to recall and to declare the Letters Testimonial or Diploma respectively of such Member or Fellow to be void, and thereupon every such Member or Fellow shall cease to be a Member, or a Member and Fellow of the said College, as the case may be accordingly.

AND WE DO FURTHER DECLARE OUR WILL AND PLEASURE TO BE, That, except in the respects hereby altered, the said College and the Council of the same shall continue to have all such and the same jurisdiction, powers, authorities and discretions for and with respect to the government of the said College and the election and choice of the Officers of the same, as well as the admission and expulsion of Members and Fellows, and for the making, ordaining, confirming, annulling, or revoking Bye-Laws, Ordinances, Rules, and Constitutions, and transacting and ordaining all other matters and things whatsoever for the regulation, government and advan.. tage of the said College, as such College and the Council thereof respectively now have under or by virtue of the said two several hereinbefore recited or mentioned Charters or Letters Patent, or either of them respectively, or in any other lawful manner.

AND WE DO HEREBY FOR Us, our Heirs and Successors, grant and confirm unto them all such jurisdictions, powers, authorities and discretions accordingly; PROVIDED ALWAYS, and it is our further Will and Pleasure, that no Bye-Law or Ordinance hereafter to be made by the said Council shall be of any force until our approval thereof shall have been signified to the said College under the hand of one of our Principal Secretaries of State, or the same shall have been otherwise approved in such manner as shall be directed by Us, with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons of our Realm, in Parliament assembled.

AND WE DO HEREBY FOR Us, our Heirs and Successors, further grant unto the said College, that these our Letters Patent, or the enrolment or exemplification thereof, shall be in and by all things, good, firm, valid, sufficient, and effectual in the Law, according to the true intent and meaning

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