thereof, notwithstanding the not fully or not duly reciting the said several Letters Patent, or the dates thereof, or any other omission, imperfection, defect, matter, cause or thing whatsoever, the same or any Rule or Law to the contrary thereof, in anywise notwithstanding. In witness whereof, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent. Witness Ourself at Our Palace at Westminster, this Fourteenth day of September in the Seventh year of Our Reign. By Writ of Privy Seal, EDMUNDS. 15TH VICTORIA. 18TH MARCH, 1852. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, To ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING, WHEREAS the Body Politic and Corporate of THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS IN LONDON was incorporated or reestablished under or by virtue of a certain Charter or Letters Patent, bearing date at Westminster the Twenty-second day of March in the Fortieth year of the Reign of King George the Third, or otherwise, as in such Letters Patent mentioned or referred to, and further powers and privileges were granted to the said College by a certain other or Supplemental Charter granted by Letters Patent, bearing date at Westminster the Thirteenth day of February in the Third Year of the Reign of King George the Fourth. And by our Letters Patent, bearing date at Westminster the Fourteenth day of September in the Seventh year of our Reign, the name or style of the said College was altered to "The Royal College of Surgeons of England," by which name or style the said College is now called or known, and divers further powers and privileges were granted to the said College by our said Letters Patent: And the said College is now regulated and governed by and according to the provisions of the said several Charters or Letters Patent, and also by or according to certain Bye-Laws and Ordinances made by the said College for its regulation and better government. Recital That the College was incorporated or reestablished by Charter of 40th George III. That further powers were granted by Charter of 3rd George IV. Recital Recital That the name of the College was altered and divers further powers granted by Charter of 7th Victoria. Recital Of government and constitu. tion of the College. Declares it to be expedient that the right of admission to the Fellowship be extended to Members at date of late Charter. AND WHEREAS the Body Politic and Corporate of the said College at present consists of persons created Members of the said College by the said first-mentioned Charter, or constituted such Members by Letters Testimonial, under the Common Seal of the said College, of the respective qualifications of such Persons to practise the Art and Science of Surgery, and also of persons created Fellows of the said College under the provisions of our said Letters Patent, and elected and declared to be Fellows of the said College by one General Diploma, under the Seal of the said College, enrolled in our High Court of Chancery, and also of other persons appointed under the powers of our said Letters Patent, by the Council of the said College, to be Fellows of the said College by Diplomas under the Seal of the said College, and also of other persons, who after having attained the age of Twenty-five years, and complied with the Rules and Regulations directed by the Bye-Laws of the said College, and having passed a special Examination by the Examiners of the said College, have been admitted Fellows by Diplomas under the Seal of the said College. And the governing body of the said College consists of a Council of twenty-four persons, some of whom, being Members of the said Council at the date of our said Letters Patent, were thereby continued, and are Life Members thereof, and others of them are elective Members of the said Council, chosen from the Fellows of the said College in manner mentioned and directed by our said Letters Patent, and hold their office for a limited period only, and one of such twenty-four persons is the President, and two of them are the Vice-Presidents of the said College; and the Court of Examiners of the said College consists of ten persons, some of whom, being Examiners at the date of our said Letters Patent, were thereby continued and are such Examiners for life, and others of them have been elected by the Council of the said College since the date of our said Letters Patent and under the directions therein contained, and hold their office of Examiners during the pleasure of the Council of the said College. AND WHEREAS, it appears to us expedient that the right of admission to the Fellowship of the said College be extended to such persons as were Members of the said College at the date of our said Letters Patent, subject to certain conditions and regulations hereinafter mentioned, and that he Council of the said College have power annually to elect certain Members of the College to be Fellows, without Examination, in manner restrictions be removed and other qualifications required as to admission to the Council. hereinafter mentioned. That certain restrictions now existing upon the That certain eligibility of Fellows to be Members of the Council of the said College be removed, and that certain other qualifications be required of Fellows offering themselves as Candidates for the Council. That certain alterations be made in the electing of Members of the Council. That power be given for admission to the College as hereinafter mentioned of Fellows, Members and Licentiates of certain other Corporate Bodies, as hereinafter mentioned. That certain alterations be made as to the continuance in office of all future Examiners of the said College, and as to the continuance of the President in certain cases as a Member of the Council, and that a Board of Examiners in Midwifery be established, as hereinafter mentioned. NOW KNOW YE, That We of Our special grace and mere motion, at the humble Petition of the said Royal College, have willed, ordained, constituted, and declared and granted, and by these Presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, do, will, ordain, constitute and declare, and unto the said Royal College of Surgeons of England do grant in manner following, to wit, 1. THAT it shall be lawful for the Council of the said College at any time or times hereafter, by Diploma or Diplomas under the Seal of the said College, in such form as the said Council may think fit and direct, and without any previous examination, to appoint any person or persons who at the date of our said Letters Patent was or were a Member or Members of the said College of Fifteen Years' standing; and also any person or persons who, being at the date of our said Letters Patent a Member or Members of the said College of less than Fifteen Years' standing, shall have attained at the time of such appointment the standing of Fifteen Years, to be a Fellow or Fellows of the said College, subject to the regulations hereinafter mentioned and directed. 1. Power of Council to ap point Members of 15 years' standing to the Fellowship without exami nation. ment Mem 2. THAT the appointment of every person to the Fellowship of the said 2. AppointCollege under the powers herein contained, shall be determined by the Vote bers to the Fellowship to be by vote of Council, and Persons seeking such admis or Ballot of the Council, and be decided by a majority of votes or balls, and that every such person seeking to be admitted to the Fellowship shall transmit or deliver to the Secretary of the said College, at such time before the day appointed for the Ballot or Election as the Council may think proper and direct, a Certificate, signed by such persons as hereinafter mentioned, of the moral character and professional attainments as to Character, of the person applying for admission to the Fellowship, and that he does and Practice. sion to deliver and Declaration a Certificate Attainments 3. Persons by whom such Certificates are not sell or supply Drugs or Medicines otherwise than in the due exercise or practice of his Profession of an Apothecary: and shall also at such time, so to be appointed as aforesaid, transmit or deliver to the said Secretary a Declaration signed by himself, to the effect that he does not sell or supply Drugs or Medicines otherwise than in the due exercise or practice of his Profession of an Apothecary; and such Certificate and Declaration shall be in such form as the Council of the said College shall from time to time direct. 3. THAT the Certificate to be produced by the persons seeking admission to the Fellowship of the said College, as last aforesaid, shall be to be signed. signed by Six Fellows of the said College; or in the case of persons 4. Fee on ad absent from the United Kingdom in the service of our Royal Army or Navy, by Two Fellows of the said College, and by the Director-General or other Officer superintending the Medical Department of the service to which such persons shall respectively belong; or in the service of the Honourable East India Company by Two Fellows of the said College, and by the Secretary to the Military Department of the said Company; or in the case of Persons resident in any of our Colonies, Plantations or Dependencies, by Two Fellows of the said College, and by the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or Superintendent thereof, whose signature shall be certified by our Secretary, or one of our Under Secretaries of State for the Colonies. 4. THAT the Fee to be paid upon the admittance of every Fellow of the mission of such said College, to be appointed under the powers hereinbefore contained Fellows to be 5. Lawful for Council to ad (over and besides any Stamp Duty on his admittance or Diploma), shall be the sum of Ten Guineas. 5. THAT it shall be lawful for the Council of the said College, by mit annually to Diploma or Diplomas under the Seal of the said College, in such form as the Fellowship the Council may think proper, to admit to the Fellowship of the said without examination two Members of twenty years' standing. College in each and every year from the date of these our Letters Patent, without examination, but subject to such conditions and regulations as the said Council may think fit, and by any Bye-Law or Bye-Laws direct, any Two persons, being at the time of such admittance Members of the said College of not less than Twenty Years' standing; and that the Fee to be paid upon the admittance of each such Fellow as last aforesaid shall be the same as the Fee payable upon the admittance of Members of the said College to the Fellowship under the authority of our said Letters Patent. 6. THAT it shall be lawful for the Council of the College, by Diploma 6. Lawful for under the Seal of the College, to admit without examination to the Mem- the Council to admit without bership or Fellowship of the said College, on such conditions, and on the examination t payment of such respective Fees as the Council of the College shall by the Membership or Fellov Bye-Law determine, the Fellows, Members and Licentiates respectively of ship of the Co lege, the Felthe Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, the Royal College of Surgeons lows, Members of Edinburgh, and the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and Licentiate of Colleges of provided such Fellows, Members and Licentiates shall be, at the time of Surgeons of their application for admission, in the bona fide practice of the Profession Dublin and Edinburgh, of a Surgeon in England or Wales, and shall have obtained their respect- and Faculty of Glasgow, ive Diplomas or Licences after examination, and such persons so admitted, practising to such Membership or Fellowship shall take rank amongst the Members Surgery in England or or Fellows of the said College, according to the date of such last-mentioned Wales. Diplomas or Licences. 7. THAT from henceforth no Fellow of the said College who shall not have been a Fellow of the same for Fourteen Years, or a Member of the same for Twenty Years, and no Fellow of the said College who at the time of election shall not be in the bona fide practice of his Profession of a Surgeon, or who shall be practising as an Apothecary, shall be eligible as a Member of the Council of the said College; but every Fellow of the said College of such standing as a Fellow or Member of the same as last aforesaid, and who at the time of such election shall be in the bona fide practice of his Profession of a Surgeon, and shall not be practising as an Apothecary, shall be eligible as a Member of the said Council, any restriction or disqualification in respect of the practice or residence of such Fellow or otherwise in the said Letters Patent contained to the contrary notwithstanding. But if any Member of the Council shall at any time after his Election cease to be in the bona fide practice of his Profession of a Surgeon, 7. Eligibility of Fellows to the Council. Member of Council ceasing to practise Surgery, or practising as an Apothecary, shall thereupon or shall practise as an Apothecary, he shall thereupon cease to be such vacancies in the Council. cease to be a Member of |