dical Act of 218 and 22nd Victoris AND WHEREAS by the Medical Act, made and passed in the Twenty-first Recital-Of Me and Twenty-second years of our Reign, it is amongst other things enacted " that it shall, notwithstanding anything therein contained, be lawful for Ourself by Charter to grant to the Royal College of Surgeons of England power to institute and hold Examinations for the purpose of testing the fitness of persons to practise as Dentists who may be desirous of being so examined, and to grant Certificates of such Fitness." Declares it to be this College should havepower minations of persons to practise as to institute exa Dentists. AND WHEREAS, in order to provide for the due qualification of persons expedient that practising as Dentists, it appears to us expedient that the said Royal College of Surgeons of England should have power to institute and hold Examinations for the purpose of testing the fitness of such persons, subject to the regulations and directions hereinafter mentioned. NOW KNOW YE, That We of our especial grace and mere motion, at the humble Petition of the said Royal College, have willed, ordained, constituted, and declared and granted, and by these Presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, do will, ordain, constitute and declare, and unto the said Royal College of Surgeons of England do grant in manner following, to wit, 1. That it shall be lawful for the Council of the said College to appoint a Board of Examiners for the purpose of testing the fitness of persons to practise as Dentists who may be desirous of being so examined, and to grant Certificates of such fitness. And it is our will and pleasure that such Board of Examiners be called the Board of Examiners in Dental Surgery, and consist of not less than six Members, to be appointed as hereinafter mentioned, three of whom shall be Members of the Court Examiners for the time being of the said College, and the others of them shall be such persons skilled in Dental Surgery as the Council of the said College shall from time to time think proper to appoint. of 1. Power of Council to appoint a Board of Examithe fitness of pere ners for testing practise as Dentists, and to grant Certiffcates of such fitness. That such Board consiste noted than be Members, 3 to be Members of the Court of Examiners of the College, and the others to be persons skilled in Dental Surgery. 2. That the Counsuch Board withfrom this date, office for such pe cil shall appoint in six months riod, to conduc: the examinations in such manner 2. AND we do hereby authorize and require the Council of the said College, within six calendar months from the date of these our Letters Patent, to appoint three persons, being Members of the Court of Examiners of the said College, and also three such other persons skilled in Dental Surgery as they may think fit, to be such Examiners in Dental Surgery, who shall continue in Office for such period, and shall conduct the Examinations in such manner, and shall grant Certificates in such form, cil shall deter as the Council of the said College shall determine and from time to time mine. direct. And it shall be lawful for the said Council of the said College and to grant Cer form, the Coun the Board of Ex That Vacancies in from time to time, as vacancies shall occur in such last-mentioned Board aminers to be fill- of Examiners, to appoint any persons to fill up the same, nevertheless so to time by the that the said Board of Examiners shall always be constituted as hereinbe ed up from time Council. 3. That all Persons being 21 having complied fore directed. 3. AND IT IS OUR FURTHER WILL AND PLEASURE, That the said College years of age, and do admit all persons who shall be desirous of being examined as aforesaid, with the Regula- whether Members of the said College or not Members thereof, to examinated to examina- tion by the said Board of Examiners in Dental Surgery. PROVIDED never cation, be admit tion. 4. Such reasonable Fees to be theless that such persons shall have attained the age of Twenty-one years, and shall also have complied with such Rules and Regulations as to education as the Council of the said College shall from time to time consider expedient. 4. THAT such reasonable Fees shall be paid for the Certificates of the paid for the Cer- said Board of Examiners in Dental Surgery as the Council of the said Council shall by College shall from time to time think fit, and by any Bye-Law or Bye tificate as the Bye-Laws direct. Laws direct. PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND IT IS OUR FURTHER WILL AND PLEA The Certificate SURE, That these Presents shall not operate to create, or be taken or right to be regis- deemed to confer upon any person who shall obtain such Certificate of not to confer any under Medical Act. fitness as aforesaid, any right or title to be registered under the said Medical Act in respect of such Certificate. IN WITNESS whereof, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent. Witness Ourselves at our Palace at Westminster, this Eighth day of September in the Twenty-third year of Our Reign. By Her Majesty's Command, EDMUNDS. BYE-LAWS. SECT. I.—COMMON SEAL. 1. THE COMMON SEAL of the ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND shall consist of the Armorial Bearings, Crest, Supporters and Motto of the College, as registered in Her Majesty's College of Arms; and of which a fac-simile is here given. 2. The Seal shall be in the custody of the President and Vice-Presidents. 3. The Seal shall not be affixed to any instrument, except in the presence of the President or of one of the VicePresidents, or in their absence in the presence of the Senior Member of the Council. SECT. II. - HONORARY MEDAL. 1. There shall be an Honorary Medal of the College, to be awarded by the Council under such Rules and Conditions as the Council shall from time to time determine. 2. The Honorary Medal shall not be awarded to any Member of the Council. SECT. III.--BYE-LAWS. The making, altering or abrogating any Bye-Law shall be in the following manner: A written Formula for any proposed Bye-Law, or for altering or for abrogating any existing Bye-Law, being delivered by a Member of the Council to the President or presiding Member at any Meeting of the Council, shall thereupon be read; and if seconded, be taken into consideration; the Council shall then decide by Ballot, whether the said Formula shall be referred to a Committee; and if a Majority be in favour of such reference, a Committee of three Members of the Council shall immediately be elected, by marking lists, to whom the said Formula shall be referred: and such Committee shall thereupon take the said Formula into consideration and report their opinion thereon to the next Meeting of the Council. At which next or any succeeding Meeting, the Council, having considered the report of the said Committee, shall ballot for the acceptance or rejection of the said Formula; and if the same be then approved and accepted, it shall be again referred to the said Committee, in order that the Opinion of Counsel may be taken upon any point therein, if in the judgment of the said Council or Committee such Opinion be necessary. And the said Committee shall report to the next Meeting of the Council their determination in the matter, with the Opinion of Counsel, if any have been taken; and if the said Formula be again approved by a Majority of the said Council or of any succeeding Council, the same shall be ordained by such Council, signed by the Members present, and submitted to the proper authority, for sanction and ratification. SECT. IV. ELECTION AND ADMISSION OF MEMBERS OF COUNCIL 1. The place and time appointed for every Meeting of the Fellows for the Election of Members or a Member of the Council shall be announced in the 'Londen Gazette,' and in two London daily Newspapers, not less than thirty days and not more than forty before the day of Meeting. 2. Every Fellow desirous of a seat in the Council shall, within ten days from the publication of the London Gazette' in which the day of Meeting for the Election shall be announced, transmit or deliver to the Secretary of the College, or person acting for him, a Notice and Declaration signed by himself in the following Terms : I, A. B., of C., Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, do hereby declare, that I am a Candidate for a Seat in the Council of the said College; that I am in the bona fide practice of the Profession of a Surgeon, and that I do not practise as an Apothecary. Together with a Nominationsigned by six Fellows of the College in the following Terms, viz.:-- We, the undersigned Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, do hereby certify that A. B., of C., is in our estimation a fit and proper person to be a Member of the Council of the said College: and we do hereby nominate him a Candidate for a seat in the said Council. And also a Certificate signed by three Fellows, in the following Terms, viz.:We, the undersigned Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, do hereby certify, on our own personal knowledge, that A. B., of C., is in the bonâ fide practice of the Profession of a Surgeon, and that he does not practise as an Apothecary. 3. The names of the eligible Fellows (who shall have been nominated as Candidates for the Council in the manner required, and who shall have complied with the provisions and conditions respecting the said Notice and Declaration, Nomination and Certificate), together with the names of the six Fellows by whom they shall respectively have been nominated, shall be published in the London Gazette,' and in two London daily Newspapers, not less than ten days before the day appointed for the Election. 4. Members of the Council retiring from Office by rotation, and desirous of reelection, shall intimate such their desire in writing, addressed to the Secretary or person acting for him, within ten days from the publication of the London Gazette' in which the day of Meeting for the Election shall be announced; and the names of such Members shall be published in the London Gazette' and in two London daily Newspapers, at the head of the list of the names of the several other Candidates to be published as aforesaid. 1 5. At every Meeting for Election into the Council, not less than fifteen Fellows being present, the Chairman having declared the business of the day, the Secretary or person acting for him shall proceed to announce to the Meeting the names of the several Candidates so published as aforesaid in the order in which such names were so published, except the names of such of the said Candidates as shall previously have signified to the Secretary in writing his or their desire not to proceed to the Election, whereupon a Ballot shall be forthwith taken for the Election of such a : number of Members as shall be required to fill up the vacancies in the Council, and such Ballot shall be kept open for three hours; unless for the space of ten minutes after notice from the Chairman of his intention to close such Ballot no Fellow shall actually ballot, in which case the Chairman shall declare such Ballot to be closed, although the three hours may not have expired; and at the expiration of such three hours, or upon such previous closing of the Ballot, as the case may be, the Ballotingbox shall be opened by the Chairman, who shall ascertain the result of such Ballot, and shall forthwith declare the names of the Fellows elected into such vacancies, and thereupon the Election of such Fellows to be Members of the Council shall be deemed complete. But if, after the result of such Ballot shall have been so ascertained and the names of the Fellows elected shall have been declared, it shall appear that the number of Fellows so elected shall from any cause not be sufficient to fill up all the Vacancies, the proceedings of the Meeting shall be continued, and the Ballot taken again until all the said Vacancies shall have been filled up by the Election of sufficient Fellows for that purpose. 6. When there shall be any vacancy in the Council by the death or resignation of an Elective Member, the Fellow, of those elected, who shall have been so elected by the smallest number of votes shall be the substitute Member of Council in the room of such Elective Member; and when more than one such Vacancy shall be required to be so filled up, the Fellow elected by the smallest number of votes shall be the substitute in the room of that Member whose period of office would have first terminated, and so in regard to each of such vacancies respectively. And if it shall at any time happen that more than one Member shall be elected by the same number of votes, being with reference to the other Fellows elected the smallest number of votes, the youngest in standing as a Fellow of the persons so elected by such equal number of votes shall be the substitute Member, and so in regard to each of such vacancies respectively. 7. Every Member of the Council shall, prior to his Admission, subscribe his Name to a copy of the Bye-Laws, in testimony of having engaged himself to the observance thereof; and upon his refusal or neglect so to do, within the period of three months from the date of his Election, his Election shall be void. 8. Every Member of the Council shall, prior to his Admission, pay Twenty Guineas; but which Sum shall be paid on his first Admission only. SECT. V.-ABSENCE OR MISCONDUCT OF MEMBERS OF COUNCIL. 1. Should any Member of the Council be absent from more than two successive Quarterly Meetings, without leave of the Council, he shall be liable to Removal therefrom by resolution of Council; unless a reason for such Absence, satisfactory to the Council, be assigned. 2. Any Member of the Council who shall wilfully disobey any Bye-Law, Ordinance, Rule, or Constitution of the College, shall be liable to Censure or to Removal from the Council, by resolution thereof. SECT. VI. - RESIGNATION OF MEMBERS OF COUNCIL. 1. The Resignation of a Member of the Council shall not be effectual until the acceptance thereof by the Council. 2. Every Member of the Council, whose Resignation shall have been accepted, or who shall have been removed, or who shall have gone out of office by rotation, shall, ipso facto, cease to be a Member of every Committee, of which he shall have been elected a Member. 1873. E |