SECT. VII. — MEETINGS OF COUNCIL. 1. A Meeting of the Council shall be holden upon the first Thursday in January, April, July, and October in every year; or within one Calendar Month after each of those days. 2. The President may call a Meeting of the Council whenever he shall judge the same to be necessary. 3. The President shall call a Meeting of the Council upon a Requisition, signed by eight or more Members of the Council. 4. Upon the demand of three Members, any question under consideration by the Council shall be decided by Ballot. 5. Every Resolution of the Council relating to Censure or Removal shall be submitted to the Council at a Meeting specially to be holden for that purpose; of which Meeting seven days' Notice, by summons, stating such purpose, shall be given to the Members of the Council. 6. Every question in the Council relating to Censure or Removal shall be determined by Ballot. 7. Every Member present from the commencement until the termination of any Meeting of the Council shall be entitled to One Guinea. SECT. VIII.—ELECTION OF EXAMINERS. 1. Every election into the Court of Examiners shall take place at a Special Meeting of the Council to be held for that purpose: of which Meeting and its purpose not less than seven days' notice shall be given to the Members of the Council by summons. 2. The mode of Election of a Member of the Court of Examiners shall be as follows: Every Member of the Council present, and intending to vote, shall put into the Balloting-box a slip of paper containing the name of such Fellow of the College, whether a Member of the Council or not, as he may think fit and proper to be elected an Examiner of the College; the papers shall then, severally, be examined by the President, or presiding Member, and the names written thereon read aloud by the Secretary, or person acting for him; and the Fellow whose name shall appear on the greatest number of such papers shall be declared, and shall be deemed to be, duly elected a Member of the Court of Examiners for the period of five years as directed by the Charter. And in case, on the examination of the said papers, it shall appear that no Fellow has a majority of votes in his favour, the proceedings of the meeting shall be continued and the votes be again taken in like manner, until it shall appear that some Fellow has a majority of Votes in his favour. 3. Every person so elected to be a Member of the Court of Examiners shall, prior to his first Admission, pay Twenty Guineas. SECT. IX. ----ABSENCE OF EXAMINERS. Should a Member of the Court of Examiners be absent from that Court more than six successive Meetings without assigning a Reason satisfactory to the Court, such Absence shall be reported to the Council holden next after the said six Meetings; and the Member so absenting himself shall be liable to removal from the Court by resolution of the Council. SECT. X. -RESIGNATION OF EXAMINERS. The Resignation of a Member of the Court of Examiners shall not be effectual until the Acceptance thereof by the Council. SECT. XI. - MEETINGS OF COURT OF EXAMINERS. 1. The Court of Examiners shall be authorized to hold such Courts and to make such adjournments as may by them be judged expedient. 2. Every Member present from the commencement until the termination of any Meeting of the Court of Examiners for the purpose of Examination shall be entitled to One Guinea. 3. In every case of Examination for the Diploma, whether of Fellow or Member, the Examiners present from the commencement until the termination of such Examination shall be entitled to an equal division of Five Guineas, whether the person examined be approved or not. 4. The President, or, in his absence, the Senior Vice-President, or, in his absence also, the Junior Vice-President may direct a Special Court of Examiners to be held on any emergency. 5. Every Person on whose application and account such Special Court shall be held and every other person examined at such Court, shall severally pay Five Guineas; and shall also, on being approved, pay the same sum for his Diploma or Certificate of Qualification as if he had been examined and approved at an ordinary Court of Examiners. SECT. XII. —ELECTION OF PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT. The mode of Election of President and Vice-President shall be as follows:Every Member of the Council present at the Meeting for such Election, having been furnished with a list of the Members of the Council, shall put a mark against the name of the person in such list whom he may think fit and proper to be elected President (or Vice-President), and put the same into a Balloting-box; the papers shall then be severally examined by the President or presiding Member, and every name against which such mark shall be affixed read aloud by the Secretary or person acting for him; and the person against whose name the greatest number of marks shall be affixed shall be, and shall be declared to be, duly elected President (or Vice-President). And in case it shall appear that no name on the said lists has a majority of marks affixed against it, the proceedings of the meeting shall be continued and the votes be again taken in like manner, until it shall appear that some name in the said list has a majority of marks affixed against it. SECT. XIII.—PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION FOR MEMBERSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP. 1. The Council shall, under such regulations and for such time or period as to them shall seem proper (but always subject to removal at the pleasure of the Council), appoint such persons as they may think proper for the purpose of conducting an examination in the elements of science, and such other elements of general knowledge as the Council shall think proper, of Candidates for the Diplomas of Members or Fellows. 2. The Council shall have power to accept from any Candidate in lieu of such Examination any Certificate or Degree of an University in the United Kingdom, or of a Colonial or Foreign University recognized for the purpose, or of any one of the licensing bodies included in Schedule A of the Medical Act of 1858, or of any National Examining Board, whose Certificate or Degree the Council shall deem to be equivalent to the passing of such Examination. 3. The Council shall annually (in the month of July) publish in the 'London Gazette' a list of the several Universities and other Institutions whose Certificate or Degree will be recognized and received as mentioned in the last preceding clause. 4. That each Candidate, prior to his admission to the Preliminary Examinations, shall pay the fee of £2. SECT. XIV. -EXAMINATION AND ADMISSION OF MEMBERS. 1. No person under Twenty-one years of age shall be admitted to the final Examination for the Diploma of Member of the College. 2. No person shall be admitted to an Examination for the Diploma of Member without producing to the Court of Examiners satisfactory evidence of having passed such preliminary Examination in the Elements of Science, and such other Elements of General Knowledge, and of such Anatomical and Surgical Education as shall from time to time be required by the Rules and Regulations of the College. 3. No person shall be entitled to the Diploma of Member without having passed an Examination in Medicine, as provided by Section XXIV., or having in lieu thereof produced to the Court of Examiners such Medical Degree, Diploma, Licence, or Certificate as shall be considered by the Council equivalent to passing such Examination. 4. The Diploma of Member shall be in such Form as the Council may from time to time judge proper. 5. The Seal of the College shall be affixed to the Diploma of every Member of the College. 6. The Diploma of every Member of the College shall be signed by the Members of the Court of Examiners present at the time of his Examination. 7. Every person, prior to his admission as a Member of the College, shall, in the presence of the Court of Examiners, make and subscribe his name to the following Declaration : "I, A. B., do solemnly and sincerely declare, that, while a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, I will observe the Bye-Laws thereof: that I will obey every lawful Summons issued by order of the Council of the said College, having no reasonable excuse to the contrary: that I will demean myself honourably in the practice of my Profession; and to the utmost of my power maintain the dignity and welfare of the College." 8. Every person, prior to his Admission as a Member, shall subscribe his name to a Copy of the Bye-Laws of the College, in testimony of his having engaged himself to the observance thereof. 9. The fee of Twenty Guineas, over and besides the fee for the preliminary Examination and the Stamp Duty, shall be paid by every person prior to his admission as a Member; but every Candidate for the Diploma of Member shall, prior to being admitted to the Primary, and also prior to being admitted to the final Professional Examination, pay a fee of £5 5s., and each such fee shall be allowed to him as part of the said fee of Twenty Guineas payable on his admission as a Member, but shall be retained in case he shall fail to pass the Examination, in respect of which such fee of £5 5s. shall be paid. And no Candidate shall, after two failures at either of such Examinations, be admitted to a further Examination without paying a further fee of £5 5s., which shall in each case extend to two further Examinations, and shall in each case be retained on failure to pass the Examination in respect of which the fee is paid, and so on toties quoties for every admission to, and failure upon two further Examinations. 10. Every person who shall have been examined and found qualified for the appointment of principal Surgeon in any Service-and who shall afterwards be admitted a Member of the College-shall have the amount of the fee paid for the Certificate of such qualification allowed in the Sum required to be paid by a Member prior to his Admission. 11. If the Court of Examiners shall find any circumstance in the Char Conduct, or mode of Practice of any Candidate for Examination which in opinion renders such Candidate unfit to be admitted a Member of the College said Court shall have the power of declining to examine him until the opini the Council shall have been taken thereon. SECT. XV.—ARTICLED STUDENTS. 1. No person under Seventeen years of Age shall be articled at the College Student; nor shall any Person be articled for a shorter period than Four years. 2. Every Member of the College, on receiving an articled Student as afore shall pay or cause to be paid the sum of Ten Guineas, over and above all charg Stamps which may be necessary; which sum of Ten Guineas shall be allowe that required on the admission of such Student to be a Member of the College. 3. Upon the Death of a Member to whom a Student has been articled at College, and the term of whose studentship has not expired, the Student, by with the consent of the Court of Examiners, may be transferred to another Men of the College for the remainder of the said term. SECT. XVI.—RIGHTS OF FELLOWS AND MEMBERS. The Council will, at all times, protect and defend every Fellow and Member the College who may be disturbed in the exercise and enjoyment of the Rig Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities, acquired by him as a Fellow and Mem or Member thereof. SECT. XVII.—MISCONDUCT OF FELLOWS AND MEMBERS. 1. No Fellow or Member of the College shall publicly profess or advertise a sec method or process of Cure relating to his practice as a Surgeon; or put forth publish, in any way whatever, any indecent Advertisement or Notification relati to his said practice as a Surgeon: and any Fellow or Member, who may in a manner offend herein, shall be liable to Removal by Resolution of the Council, fro being a Fellow and Member or a Member of the College. 2. No Fellow or Member of the College shall advertise or publish any Matter Thing prejudicial to the Interest or derogatory to the Honour of the College, disgraceful to the Profession of Surgery: and any Fellow or Member, who may: any manner offend herein, shall be liable to Removal by Resolution of the Cour cil, from being a Fellow and Member or a Member of the College. 3. Should any Fellow or Member of the College be convicted of any Crimina Offence, the Council may, if they should consider the offence of which he sha have been so convicted to be of such a nature as to render him unfit to remain Fellow and Member or a Member of the said College, remove such Fellow or Mem ber by Resolution to that effect, from being a Fellow and Member or a Member o the College. 4. Should any Fellow or Member use his Diplomas or Diploma, or knowingly permit the same to be used, in any attempt at false personation or imposition, οι for any fraudulent purpose, he shall be liable to Removal by the Council, by Resolution thereof, from being a Fellow and Member or a Member of the College. 5. Any Fellow or Member who shall have been so removed by Resolution of the Council as aforesaid shall thereby forfeit all his Rights and Privileges as a Fellow and Member or a Member of the College; and his Diplomas or Diploma shall thereupon be void and shall become the property of the College, and be delivered up by such Fellow or Member to the College on demand. SECT. XVIII.—MEETINGS OF FELLOWS AND MEMBERS. 1. No business whatever shall be transacted, nor any matter be discussed or debated, at any meeting or assemblage convened by or under the authority of the President or Council, or before or after the business thereof shall have commenced, other than the particular business or matter in respect of which such meeting or assemblage shall have been convened; nor shall any debate or discussion whatsoever be had or allowed at any meeting convened by the President or Council for the delivery of Lectures or Orations, either before or after the same shall have commenced or terminated. And no meeting or assemblage of Fellows or Members of the College shall be held in the Hall or Council House of the College, or in any of its appurtenances, unless convened by or under the authority of the President or Council; and no Fellow or Member of the College shall advertise, or convene or attend, or combine with others to advertise, or convene or attend, any meeting or assemblage in the Hall or Council House of the College, or in any of its appurtenances, not authorized by the President or Council. And any Fellow or Member of the College who may in any manner offend herein shall be liable to be restrained and excluded by the Council from attending any Orations and Lectures at the Theatre, and from any use of or admission to the Library and Museum, and to be suspended from any or all other Privileges which he may have as a Fellow and Member or a Member of the College, for any such period as the Council may adjudge, or to removal by resolution of the Council from being a Fellow and Member or a Member of the College. And every Fellow or Member of the College who shall thereupon be removed as aforesaid shall forfeit all his rights and privileges as a Fellow and Member or a Member thereof. 2. All meetings convened by or under the authority of the President or Council of the College, as well for general business as for the delivery of Orations or Lectures, or for the distribution of Prizes, shall be under the control and direction of the President or other Member of the Council presiding at such Meeting. And any Fellow or Member of the College who shall interrupt, impede, or interfere with the proceedings at any such Meeting, or shall propose any matter for discussion or debate without the leave of the President or other person so presiding, shall, upon being required by the President or other person so presiding, immediately withdraw from such Meeting; and shall be moreover liable to be restrained and excluded by the Council from attending any Orations and Lectures at the Theatre, and from any use of or admission to the Library and Museum, and to be suspended from any or all other privileges which he may have as a Fellow and Member or a Member of the College, for any such period as the Council may adjudge. And any Fellow or Member of the College who shall so offend a second time, or during any suspension by the Council shall attempt to exercise any of the privileges from which he shall be suspended, shall be liable to removal by resolution of the Council from being a Fellow and Member or a Member of the College. And every Fellow or Member of the College who shall thereupon be removed as aforesaid shall forfeit all his rights and privileges as a Fellow and Member or a Member thereof. SECT. XIX.—RESIGNATION AND RELEASE OF FELLOWS AND 1. Any Fellow or Member of the College, desirous of ceasing to be a Fellow or Member thereof, shall tender his resignation to the Council; and upon the acceptance of his Resignation, he shall pay Ten Guineas, over and above all charges of Stamps. |