shall belong, shall be equal to the respective Courses of professional Study required for the Fellowship and Membership of this College. 8. The Fellows of the Royal Colleges of Dublin and Edinburgh, and of the Faculty of Glasgow, shall pay on their Admission to the Fellowship of this College the sum of Thirty Guineas over and above all charges for Stamps which shall be necessary. 9. The Members or Licentiates of the Colleges of Dublin and Edinburgh, and of the Faculty of Glasgow, shall pay on their Admission to the Membership of this College the sum of Twenty Guineas over and above all charges for Stamps which shall be necessary. 10. No person admitted ad eundem a Fellow or Member of this College shall exercise any right or privilege he shall have acquired by such admission until he shall have signed a copy of the Bye-Laws of the College, in testimony of having engaged himself to the observance thereof, and made and subscribed the following Declaration in the presence of the Council, viz. : "I, A. B., of C., Fellow (Member or Licentiate) of D., do solemnly and sincerely declare that, while a Fellow (or Member) of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, I will observe the Bye-Laws thereof, and will obey every lawful summons issued by order of the Council of the said College, having no reasonable excuse to the contrary. And I make this solemn Declaration by virtue of the provisions of an Act passed in the sixth year of the Reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled an Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled an Act for the more effectual Abolition of Oaths and Affirmations taken and made in various departments of the State, and to substitute Declarations in lieu thereof, and for the more entire suppression of voluntary and extra-judicial Oaths and Affidavits, and to make other provisions for the abolition of unnecessary Oaths." SECT. XXIV.—EXAMINATIONS IN MEDICINE. 1. The Council shall, under such Regulations, and for such time or period as to them shall seem proper (but always subject to removal at the pleasure of the Council), appoint such persons as they may think proper for the purpose of conducting an Examination in Medicine of Candidates for the Diplomas of Fellows and Members respectively. 2. The Examination in Medicine to be required of all Candidates for the Diplomas of Fellows and Members respectively shall be held at such time, and shall be conducted in such manner as the Council of the College shall from time to time direct. 3. The Council shall have power to accept from any Candidate, in lieu of such Examination in Medicine, any Degree, Diploma, Licence, or Certificate of any University, College, or other public body whose Degree, Diploma, or Licence the Council shall decree to be equivalent to the passing of such Examination. SECT. XXV.—EXAMINATIONS IN MIDWIFERY. 1. The Board of Examiners in Midwifery shall be appointed by the Council of the College, for such period of office and with such remuneration as the Council shall from time to time determine. 2. The Board shall hold such Meetings and shall conduct its proceedings in such manner as the Council shall from time to time direct. 3. Candidates for the Certificate of Qualification in Midwifery shall produce such Certificates and shall comply with such regulations as regards examination as shall r om time to time be required by the Council. 4. The Fee for the Certificate of Qualification in Midwifery shall be as follows: -for all persons who are now, or who shall prior to the first day of January one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three become Members of this College, Two Guineas; for those who shall become Members of this College on or after the said first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, and for those who shall produce any other Diploma or Certificate of Degree that may be considered by the Council to afford satisfactory proof of sufficient Surgical and Medical education, Three Guineas; and for all other persons, Ten Guineas. 5. The Certificate of Qualification in Midwifery shall be in such form and signed by such persons as the Council shall from time to time direct. SECT. XXVI. —TREASURERS. 1. The President and Vice-Presidents for the time being shall be joint Treasurers of the College. 2. All Payments, Contributions, and Fines shall be paid to the Treasurers of the College. 3. All Drafts upon the Banker of the College shall be signed by two of the Treasurers at least. SECT. XXVII.—PROPERTY OF THE COLLEGE. 1. The Moneys belonging to the College shall not be invested otherwise than upon Government or upon Real Security. 2. All investments shall be made in the Name of the "Royal College of Surgeons of England." 3. All Moneys, the property of or belonging to the College, shall be paid to the President, or, by his order or in his absence, to one of the Vice-Presidents, by the Secretary or any other Person holding or having received the same, as soon as such payment can be made. 4. All Payments, Contributions, and Fines shall be to the use of the College. SECT. XXVIII.—DENTAL SURGERY. 1. The Board of Examiners in Dental Surgery shall consist of three Members of the Court of Examiners of this College, and of three other persons skilled in Dental Surgery. 2. The Members of the Board shall be elected by the Council of this College, for the period of five years, but shall be eligible for re-election. 3. Should a vacancy occur in the Board from the death or resignation of a Member thereof, or from any other cause, such vacancy shall be declared at the next meeting of the Council of this College, and filled up at the following meeting of the Council, of which meeting seven days' notice shall be given by summons. 4. Should a Member of the Board be absent from more than three consecutive Meetings, such absence shall be reported to the Council holden next after the said three Meetings; and the Member so absenting himself, without assigning a reason satisfactory to the Council, shall be liable to removal from the Board by resolution of the Council. 5. The Board shall hold such meetings, and shall conduct its proceedings in such manner, as the Council of this College shall from time to time direct. 6. The Senior Member of the Court of Examiners of this College, on the Board, shall act as Chairman thereof; and in his absence the next Senior Member of the said Court shall preside. 7. Candidates for the Certificate of fitness to practise as a Dentist shall comply with such regulations, as regards Professional Study and Examination, as shall from time to time be required by the Council of this College. 8. The Fee for the Certificate of fitness to practise as a Dentist shall be Ten Guineas, over and above any stamp duty. 9. The Certificate shall be in such form as the Council of this College shall from time to time direct, and shall be signed by the several Members of the Board present at the examination of the Candidate. 10. The Chairman of the Board may direct a Special Meeting of the Board to be held on any emergency requiring, in his opinion, such Meeting. 11. Every person on whose application and account such Special Meeting shall be held, and every other person examined at such Meeting, shall severally pay Five Guineas, and shall also, on being approved, pay the same sum for the Certificate as if he had been examined and approved at an Ordinary Meeting of the Board. 12. No person shall be admitted to Examination for the Certificate of fitness to practise as a Dentist until he shall have completed the twenty-first year of his age. TRUSTEES OF THE HUNTERIAN COLLECTION. BY OFFICE. 17. THE LORD CHANCELLOR. THE FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURY. THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER. THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR WAR. THE PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. THE PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS. THE REGIUS PROFESSOR OF PHYSIC, UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. OFFICERS, ETC. COUNCIL. PRESIDENT. FREDERICK LE GROS CLARK, 14 St. Thomas'-street, S.E. VICE-PRESIDENTS. SIR JAMES PAGET, Bart., 1 Harewood-place, W. PRESCOTT GARDNER HEWETT, 1 Chesterfield-street, W. JOHN HILTON, 10 New Broad-street, E.C. SIR WILLIAM FERGUSSON, Bart., 16 George-street, Hanover-square, W. GEORGE BUSK, 32 Harley-street, W. HENRY HANCOCK, 76 Harley-street, W. THOMAS BLIZARD CURLING, 39 Grosvenor-street, W. HENRY SPENCER SMITH, 9 Queen Anne-street, W. JOHN BIRKETT, 59 Green-street, W. JOHN SIMON, 40 Kensington-square, W. GEORGE MURRAY HUMPHRY, M.D., The Leys, Cambridge. LUTHER HOLDEN, 65 Gower-street, W.C. JOHN GAY, 10 Finsbury-place South, E.C. JOHN ERIC ERICHSEN, 6 Cavendish-place, W. WILLIAM JAMES ERASMUS WILSON, 17 Henrietta-street, W. THOMAS SPENCER WELLS, 3 Upper Grosvenor-street, W. GEORGE CRITCHETT, 21 Harley-street, W. BARNARD WIGHT HOLT, 14 Savile-row, W. HAYNES WALTON, 1 Brook-street, W. JOHN MARSHALL, 10 Savile-row, W. GEORGE SOUTHAM, 10 Lever-street, Manchester. ALFRED BAKER, 20A Temple-row, Birmingham. HONORARY RETIRED MEMBER OF COUNCIL. JAMES MONCRIEFF ARNOTT, Chapel, Ladybank, Fifeshire. |