option; but no Candidate will be allowed to offer himself for Examination on more than four subjects : 1. Translation of a passage from the first book of the Anabasis of Xenophon. 2. Translation of a passage from X. B. Saintine's "Picciola." 3. Translation of a passage from Schiller's "Wilhelm Tell." Besides these Translations into English, the Candidate will be required to answer questions on the Grammar of each subject, whether compulsory or optional. 4. Mechanics. The questions will be chiefly of an elementary character. 5. Chemistry. The questions will be on the elementary facts of Chemistry. 6. Botany and Zoology. The questions will be on the classification of Plants and Animals. The quality of the handwriting and the spelling will be taken into account. N.B. Each Candidate (who has not at a previous examination paid the amount) is required to pay a Fee of £2 on the morning of the first day of his Examination, prior to his admission thereto. The next Examination will be held in December. The exact dates of the Examination will be duly advertised when fixed in the Journals. Candidates are required to send in the prescribed forms of application not less than three weeks before the commencement of the Examination. NOTE.-A Candidate in order to qualify for the Fellowship is required, in addition to the subjects contained in Part I., to pass in Greek, and in French or German, and in one, at his option, of the remaining subjects in Part II. SECTION II. PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION. I. Professional Studies, prior to the date at which the Candidate shall have passed an Examination in General Knowledge in conformity with the Regulation in the preceding Section, are not recognized. II. The following will be considered as the commencement of Professional Education : 1. Attendance on the Practice of a Hospital, or other Public Institution recognized by this College for that purpose. 2. Instruction as the Pupil of a legally qualified Surgeon, holding the appointment of Surgeon to a Hospital, General Dispensary, or Union Workhouse, or where such opportunities of practical instruction are afforded as shall be satisfactory to the Council. 3. Attendance on Lectures on Anatomy, Physiology, or Chemistry, by Lecturers recognized by this College. The commencement of professional study, otherwise than by attendance on Lectures in recognized Medical Schools, or by attendance on the Practice of recognized Hospitals, will not be admitted until a Certificate thereof shall be furnished to the Secretary for registration at the College, by the Practitioner whose Pupil the Candidate shall have become, or by the Medical Superintendent of the Hospital or other Institution to the practice of which he shall have entered, and will, consequently, date only from the reception of such Certificate by the Secretary; the Certificate to be accompanied by proof of having passed the necessary Preliminary Examination in General Knowledge. III. Candidates will be required to produce the following Certificates, viz. :1. Of being twenty-one years of age. 2. Of having been engaged, subsequently to the date of passing the Preliminary Examination, during four years, or during a period extending over not less than four Winter and four Summer Sessions, in the acquirement of professional knowledge. 3. Of having attended Lectures on Anatomy, during two Winter Sessions. 4. Of having performed Dissections during not less than two Winter Sessions. 5. Of having attended Lectures on General Anatomy and Physiology during one Winter Session. 6. Of having attended a Practical Course of General Anatomy and Physiology during another Winter or a Summer Session, consisting of not less than thirty meetings of the Class. Note A. By the Practical Course referred to in Clause 6, it is meant that the learners themselves shall, individually, be engaged in the necessary experiments, manipulations, &c.; but it is not hereby intended that the learners shall perform vivisections. 7. Of having attended Lectures on Surgery during one Winter Session. 8. Of having attended a Course of Practical Surgery during a period occupying not less than six months prior or subsequent to the Course required by the preceding Clause 7. Note B. The Course of Practical Surgery referred to in Clause 8 is intended to embrace instruction in which each Pupil shall be exercised in practical details, such as in The Application of Anatomical facts to Surgery, on the living person, or on the dead body. The methods of proceeding and the manipulations necessary in order to detect The examination of diseased structures, as illustrated in the contents of a museum of Morbid Anatomy and otherwise. 9. Of having attended one Course of Lectures on each of the following subjects, viz. : Chemistry. Materia Medica. Medicine. Forensic Medicine. Midwifery (with practical instruction, and a certificate of having per sonally conducted not less than ten labours). Pathological Anatomy during not less than three months. Note C.-The Course of Lectures on Chemistry included in Clause 9 will not be required in the case of a Candidate who shall have passed a satisfactory Examination in this subject in his Preliminary Examination. 10. Of having studied Practical Pharmacy during three months. 11. Of having attended a three months' course of Practical Chemistry (with Manipulations), in its application to Medical Study. 12. Of Instruction and Proficiency in the practice of Vaccination. Note D.-In the case of Candidates who commenced their Professional Education on or after the 1st of October, 1868, the Certificate of Instruction in Vaccination will only be received from recognized Vaccine Stations, or from recognized Vaccine Departments in Medical Schools or Hospitals, or other Public Institutions, where the appointed Teacher of Vaccination is not liable to frequent change, and where ample means for study are provided by not less than such a number of cases (eight or ten on an average weekly) as may be found, after due inquiry, to be sufficient for this purpose at each place. Note E. The Certificates of attendance on the several Courses of Lectures must include evidence that the Student has attended the Practical Instructions and Examinations of his Teacher in each Course. 13. Of having attended, at a recognized Hospital or Hospitals, the Practice of Surgery, during three Winter* and two Summer† Sessions. * The Winter Session comprises a period of six months, and, in England, commences on the 1st of October and terminates on the 31st of March. † The Summer Session comprises a period of three months, and, in England, commences on the 1st of May and terminates on the 31st of July. 14. Of having been individually engaged, at least twice in each week, in the observation and examination of Patients at a recognized Hospital, or Hospitals, under the direction of a recognized Teacher, during not less than three months. Note F.-It is intended that the Candidate should receive the instruction required by Clause 14 at an early period of his attendance at the Hospital. 15. Of having, subsequently to the first Winter Session of attendance on Surgical Hospital Practice, attended, at a recognized Hospital or Hospitals, Clinical Lectures on Surgery, during two Winter and two Summer Sessions. 16. Of having been a Dresser at a recognized Hospital, or of having, subsequently to the completion of one year's professional education, taken charge of Patients under the superintendence of a Surgeon during not less than Six months, at a Hospital, General Dispensary, or Parochial or Union Infirmary recognized for this purpose, or in such other similar manner as, in the opinion of the Council, shall afford sufficient opportunity for the acquirement of Practical Surgery. 17. Of having attended during the whole period of attendance on Surgical Hospital Practice (see Clause 13) demonstrations in the Post-Mortem Rooms of a recognized Hospital. 18. Of having attended, at a recognized Hospital or Hospitals, the Practice of Medicine, and Clinical Lectures on Medicine, during one Winter and one Summer Session. Notice. Clauses 6, 8, 11, 14, and 17, and Notes A, B, C, E, and F, together with the courses of Lectures on Forensic Medicine and Pathological Anatomy mentioned in clause 9, are applicable to Candidates who commenced their professional education on or after the 1st of October, 1870. N.B. Blank Forms of the required Certificates may be obtained on application to the Secretary, and all necessary Certificates will be retained at the College. SECTION III. I. Certificates will not be received on more than one branch of Science from one and the same Lecturer; but Anatomy and Dissections will be considered as one branch of Science. II. Certificates will not be recognized from any Hospital in the United Kingdom unless the Surgeons thereto be members of one of the legally constituted Colleges of Surgeons in the United Kingdom; nor from any School of Anatomy and Physiology or Midwifery, unless the Teachers in such School be members of some legally constituted College of Physicians or Surgeons in the United Kingdom; nor from any School of Surgery, unless the Teachers in such School be members of one of the legally constituted Colleges of Surgeons in the United Kingdom. III. No Metropolitan Hospital will be recognized by this College which contains less than 150, and no Provincial or Colonial Hospital which contains less than 100 Patients. IV. The recognition of Colonial Hospitals and Schools is governed by the same Regulations, with respect to number of Patients and to Courses of Lectures, as apply to the recognition of Provincial Hospitals and Schools in England. V. Certificates of Attendance upon the practice of a recognized Provincial or Colonial Hospital unconnected with, or not in convenient proximity to, a recognized Medical School, will not be received for more than one Winter and one Summer Session of the Hospital Attendance required by the Regulations of this College; and in such cases Clinical Lectures will not be necessary, but a Certificate of having acted as Dresser for a period of at least six months will be required. VI. Certificates will not be received from Candidates who have studied in London, unless they shall have registered at the College their cards of admission to attendance on Lectures and Hospital Practice within fifteen days from the commencement of the Session; nor from Candidates who have studied in the Provincial Schools in England, unless their names shall be duly returned from their respective Schools. N.B. At their first registration in October, Candidates will be required to produce a Certificate of having passed one or other of the Preliminary Examinations in General Knowledge recognized by this College. VII. Those Candidates who shall have pursued the whole of their studies in Scotland or Ireland will be admitted to examination upon the production of the several Certificates required respectively by the College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, and the College of Surgeons in Ireland from Candidates for their Diploma, together with a Certificate of instruction and proficiency in the practice of Vaccination, and satisfactory evidence of having been occupied, subsequently to the date of passing the Preliminary Examination, at least four years, or during a period extending over four Winter and four Summer Sessions, in the acquirement of professional knowledge; and in the case of Candidates who shall have pursued the whole of their studies at recognized Foreign or Colonial Universities, upon the production of the several Certificates required for their Degree by the Authorities of such Universities, together with a Certificate of instruction and proficiency in the practice of Vaccination, and satisfactory evidence of having been occupied, subsequently to the date of passing the Preliminary Examination, at least four years, or during a period extending over four Winter and four Summer Sessions, in the acquirement of professional knowledge. VIII. Members or Licentiates of any legally constituted College of Surgeons in the United Kingdom, and Graduates in Surgery of any University recognized for this purpose by this College, will be admitted to examination on producing their Diploma, Licence, or Degree, together with proof of being twenty-one years of age, a Certificate of instruction and proficiency in the practice of Vaccination, and satisfactory evidence of having been occupied, subsequently to the date of passing the Preliminary Examination, at least four years or during a period extending over four Winter and four Summer Sessions, in the acquirement of professional knowledge. IX. Graduates in Medicine of any legally constituted College or University recognized for this purpose by this College will be admitted to examination on adducing, together with their Diploma or Degree, proof of being twenty-one years of age, a Certificate of instruction and proficiency in the practice of Vaccination, and satisfactory evidence of having been occupied, subsequently to the date of passing the Preliminary Examination, at least four years or during a period extending over four Winter and four Summer Sessions, in the acquirement of professional knowledge. SECTION IV. PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION. This Examination is divided into two parts. 1. The First or Primary Examination, on Anatomy and Physiology, is partly written and partly demonstrative on the recently dissected Subject, and on prepared parts of the Human body. 2. The Second or Pass Examination, on Surgical Anatomy and the Principles and Practice of Surgery and Medicine *, is partly written, partly oral, and partly on the practical use of Surgical Apparatus, and the practical examination of Patients. * Candidates can claim exemption from examination in Medicine under the following conditions, viz. : I. The production by the Candidate of a Degree, Diploma, or Licence in Medicine entitling him to register under the Medical Act of 1858, or a Degree, Diploma, or Licence in Medicine of a Colonial or Foreign University approved by the Council of the College. II. A declaration by the Candidate, prior to his admission to the Final Examination for Membership or Fellowship, that it is his intention to obtain either of the Medical Qualifications mentioned in the foregoing paragraph, in which case the Diploma of the College will not be issued to him until he shall produce either the said Medical Qualification or proof of having passed the several examinations entitling him to receive the same. 3. The Primary Examinations are held in the months of January, April, May, July, and November, and the Pass Examinations generally in the ensuing week respectively. 4. Candidates will not be admitted to the Primary Examination until after the termination of the second Winter Session of their attendance at a recognized School or Schools; nor to the Pass, or Surgical Examination, until after the termination of the fourth year of their professional education. 5. The fee of Five Guineas, paid prior to the Primary Examination, and allowed on the whole fee of Twenty-two Pounds * payable for the Diploma, is retained; and after any two consecutive failures at the Primary Examination, the Candidate is required to pay an additional fee of Five Guineas prior to being again admitted to that Examination, which additional fee is also retained. * This sum of Twenty-two Pounds is exclusive of the fee of Two Pounds paid for the Preliminary Examination. 6. Five Guineas, part of the sum of Sixteen Pounds Fifteen Shillings, the balance of the whole fee due for the Diploma and paid prior to the Pass Examination, is |