4. Prior to his admission to the First or Anatomical and Physiological Examination, the Candidate is required to pay a. A fee of Five Guineas, to be allowed on the fee for the Diploma of Fellow, but to be retained in case of rejection. 5. Prior to his admission to the Second Professional Examination, the Candidate is required to pay a*. A fee of Five Guineas (if a Member) over and above all charges for stamps, to be retained in case of rejection. b*. A fee of Twenty-five Guineas (if not a Member) over and above all charges for stamps, of which Five Guineas will be retained in case of rejection. 6. A Candidate whose qualifications shall be found insufficient on his Anatomical and Physiological Examination shall be referred, and shall not be allowed to present himself for re-examination until after the expiration of six months from the date of his reference. 7. A Candidate whose qualifications shall be found insufficient upon his Pathological and Surgical Examination shall be referred, and shall not be allowed to present himself for re-examination until after the expiration of one year from the date of his reference, unless the Court of Examiners shall otherwise determine. * The sum of £2 paid on the Preliminary Examination will be allowed against these amounts. Candidates for the Certificate of Qualification in Midwifery. 1. Persons who were Fellows or Members of the College prior to the 1st day of January, 1853, will be admitted to Examination for the Certificate of qualification in Midwifery upon producing their Diploma. 2. Persons having become Members of the College subsequently to the 1st of January, 1853, will be admitted to Examination on producing their Diploma, together with a Certificate or Certificates of having attended twenty Labours. 3. Members or Licentiates of any legally constituted College of Surgeons in the United Kingdom, and Graduates in Surgery of any University recognized for this purpose by this College, will also be admitted to Examination on producing, together with their Diploma, Licence, or Degree, proof of being Twenty-one years of age, of having been occupied at least four entire years in the acquirement of Professional Knowledge, of having attended one Course of Lectures on Midwifery, and of having attended not less than twenty Labours. 4. Graduates in Medicine of any legally constituted College or University recognized for this purpose by this College will also be admitted to Examination on producing, together with their Diploma or Degree, proof of being Twenty-one years of age, of having been occupied at least four entire years in the acquirement of Professional Knowledge, of having completed, at recognized Schools, the Anatomical and Surgical Education required of Candidates for the Diploma of Member of the College, of having attended one Course of Lectures on Midwifery, and of having attended not less than twenty Labours. 5. Persons having commenced their Professional Education, either by attendance on Hospital Practice, or on Lectures on Anatomy, prior to the 1st of January, 1853, will be admitted to Examination on producing the several Certificates of Professional Education required for admission to Examination for the Diploma of Member of this College at the period when such persons shall respectively have, in such manner, commenced their Professional Education. 6. Persons having commenced their Professional Education, either by attendance on Hospital Practice, or on Lectures on Anatomy, after the 31st day of December, 1852, will be admitted to Examination on producing Certificates of being Twentyone years of age, of having been engaged during at least four entire years in the acquirement of Professional Knowledge, of having completed, at recognized Schools, the Professional Education required of Candidates for the Diploma of Member of this College, of having attended one Course of Lectures on Midwifery and the Diseases of Women and Children, and of having personally conducted thirty Labours. NOTE.-All Candidates who commenced their Professional Education on or after the 1st of October, 1866, will, in addition to the Certificates enumerated in the foregoing Clauses, be required to produce a Certificate of having, prior to such commencement, passed a Preliminary Examination in General Knowledge recognized by this College. N.B. The fee for the Certificate is as follows, viz. 1. Persons who were Fellows or Members of this College prior to the 1st of January, 1853, Two Guineas. 2. Persons admitted Fellows or Members of this College subsequently to the 1st of January, 1853, Three Guineas. 3, 4. Persons producing any other Diploma or Certificate of Degree which may be considered by the Council to afford satisfactory proof of sufficient Surgical and Medical Education, Three Guineas. 5, 6. All other Persons, Ten Guineas. The Examinations are held in the months of February, May, August, and December. Candidates for the Licence in Dental Surgery. Candidates are required to produce the following Certificates :1. Of being twenty-one years of age. 2. Of having been engaged during four years in the acquirement of professional knowledge. 3. Of having attended, at a School or Schools recognized by this College, not less than one of each of the following Courses of Lectures, delivered by Lecturers recognized by this College-namely, Anatomy, Physiology, Surgery, Medicine, Chemistry, and Materia Medica. 4. Of having attended a second Winter Course of Lectures on Anatomy, or a Course of not less than twenty Lectures on the Anatomy of the Head and Neck, delivered by Lecturers recognized by this College. 5. Of having performed Dissections at a recognized School during not less than nine months. 6. Of having completed a course of Chemical Manipulation, under the superintendence of a Teacher or Lecturer recognized by this College. 7. Of having attended, at a recognized Hospital or Hospitals in the United Kingdom, the Practice of Surgery and Clinical Lectures on Surgery during two Winter Sessions. 8. Of having attended, at a recognized School, two Courses of Lectures upon each of the following subjects, viz. Dental Anatomy and Physiology (Human and Comparative), Dental Surgery, Dental Mechanics, and one Course of Lectures on Metallurgy, by Lecturers recognized by this College. 9. Of having been engaged, during a period of not less than three years, in acquiring a practical familiarity with the details of Mechanical Dentistry, under the instruction of a competent Practitioner. 10. Of having attended at a recognized Dental Hospital, or in the dental department of a recognized general Hospital, the practice of Dental Surgery during the period of two years. N.B. The Students of the London Schools are required to register the above Certificates at this College; and special Returns will be required from the Provincial Schools. Candidates who were in Practice as Dentists, or who had commenced their Education as Dentists prior to September 1859-the date of the Charter-and who are unable to produce the Certificates required by the foregoing Regulations, shall furnish the Board of Examiners with A Certificate of moral and professional character, signed by two Members of this College*, together with answers to the following inquiries : Professional Address. If in practice as a Dentist, the date of the commencement thereof. United Kingdom; and, if so, of what College. Whether Graduate of any University in the United Kingdom; and, if so, of what University; and whether Graduate in Arts or Medicine. The date or dates of any such Diploma, Licence, or Degree. Whether Member of any Learned or Scientific Society; and, if so, of what. Whether his Practice as a Dentist is carried on in connexion with any other business; and, if so, with what business. Whether, since September 1859, he has employed Advertisements or public Notices of any kind in connexion with the practice of his Profession. The particulars of Professional Education, Medical or Special. The Board of Examiners will determine whether the evidence of character and education produced by a Candidate be such as to entitle him to Examination. * N.B. In the case of Candidates in practice or educated in Scotland or Ireland, the Certificate of moral and professional character may be signed by two Licentiates of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, or the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, or of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, as the case may be. EXAMINATION. The examination is partly written and partly oral. The written examination comprises General Anatomy and Physiology, and General Pathology and Surgery, with especial reference to the practice of the Dental Profession. The oral practical examination comprises the several subjects included in the curriculum of professional education, and is conducted by the use of preparations, casts, drawings, &c. Members of the College, in the written examination, will only have to answer those questions set by the Section of the Board consisting of persons skilled in Dental Surgery; and in the oral examination will be examined only by that Section. A Candidate whose qualifications shall be found insufficient will be referred back to his studies, and will not be admitted to re-examination within the period of six months, unless the Board shall otherwise determine. Examinations will be held in January and June. The Fee for the Diploma is Ten Guineas, over and above any stamp duty. lectures will be presented to each Candidate on his obtaining the Diploma. Candidates for the Fellowship by Election. Members of the College who were Members on the 14th day of September, 1843, desirous of admission to the Fellowship, otherwise than by Examination, shall transmit or deliver to the Secretary of the College a Declaration signed by himself, in the following terms, namely : "I, A. B., of C., a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, do declare that I do not sell or supply Drugs or Medicines, (or that) I do not sell or supply Drugs or Medicines (otherwise than in the due exercise or practice of my Profession as an Apothecary)." Together with a Certificate in the following terms, namely :"We. the undersigned Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, do, from our personal knowledge of the high moral character and professional attainments of A. B. of C., declare that in our opinion he is deserving of the honour of the Fellowship of the said College, and that he does not sell or supply Drugs or Medicines, (or that) he does not sell or supply Drugs or Medicines otherwise than in the due exercise or practice of his Profession as an Apothecary. We therefore recommend the said A. B. to the Council to be admitted a Fellow of the College." In the case of a Member resident in the United Kingdom, such Certificate shall be signed by six Fellows of the College. In the case of a Member absent from the United Kingdom, in the Service of the Royal Army or Navy, such Certificate shall be signed by two Fellows of the College, and also by the Officer superintending the Medical Department of the Service to which such Member shall belong. In the case of a Member resident in any of the British Colonies, Plantations, or Dependencies, such Certificate shall be signed by two Fellows of the College, and also by the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor or Superintendent of such Colony, Plantation or Dependency, whose signature shall be verified by the Secretary or one of the Under Secretaries of State for the Colonies. The said Declaration and Certificate shall be received at least seven days before the Meeting of the Council at which the ballot shall be taken for the election of the said Member into the Fellowship. The Fee of Ten Guineas payable upon the Admission of Members to the Fellowship by Election, shall be paid at or before the issue of the Diploma of Fellowship. The names of such Fellows as shall be elected as aforesaid shall be entered upon the List or Register of Fellows according to the dates of their election, and when more than one shall be elected upon the same day, their names shall take precedence according to the priority of their Diplomas as Members. No Member of the College, admitted to the Fellowship by Election, shall exercise any right or privilege he shall have acquired as a Fellow until he shall have signed a copy of the Bye-Laws of the College, in testimony of having engaged himself to the observance thereof, and made and subscribed the following Declaration in the presence of the Council, viz : "I, A. B., of C., Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, do solemnly and sincerely declare that while a Fellow of the said College, I will observe the Bye-Laws thereof, and will obey every lawful summons issued by order of the Council of the said College, having no reasonable excuse to the contrary. And I make this solemn Declaration by virtue of the provisions of an Act passed in the sixth year of the Reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled an Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament intituled an Act for the more effectual Abolition of Oaths and Affirmations taken and made in various de partments of the State, and to substitute Declarations in lieu thereof, and for the more entire Suppression of voluntary and extra-judicial Oaths and Affidavits, and to make other provisions for the Abolition of unnecessary Oaths." Candidates for the Ad Eundem Admission to the Fellowship and Membership. BYE-LAWS. 1. Any Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, or of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, who shall be desirous of Admission to the Fellowship of this College, shall transmit or deliver to the Secretary of the College, or person acting for him, his Diploma, an Application to be so admitted, and a Declaration signed by himself in the following terms: "I, A. B., of C., Fellow of D., do hereby declare that I was duly admitted to such Fellowship, having previously passed the necessary Examination or Examinations required by the Bye-Laws or Regulations of the said Royal College (or Faculty), and that I am in the bona fide practice of the Profession of a Surgeon in England (or Wales), and that I do not sell or supply Drugs or Medicines, (or that) I do not sell or supply Drugs or Medicines otherwise than in the due exercise or practice of my Profession as an Apothecary." Together with the foregoing Declaration shall be transmitted or delivered the following Certificate : "We, the undersigned Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (or of Edinburgh) (or of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow), do hereby certify that A. B., of C., Fellow of the said Royal College (or Faculty), is, from his moral character and professional attainments, a fit and proper Person to be admitted to the Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and that he does not sell or supply Drugs or Medicines, (or that) he does not sell or supply Drugs or Medicines otherwise than in the due exercise or practice of his Profession of an Apothecary, and we accordingly recommend him to the Council of the said College to be admitted a Fellow thereof." 2. The foregoing Certificate shall be signed by six Fellows of the College (or Faculty) of which the said Applicant shall be a Fellow. 3. A similar Certificate signed by six Fellows of this College shall also be transmitted or delivered with the foregoing Declaration and Certificate. 4. Any Member or Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, or of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, who shall be desirous of admission to the Membership of this College, shall transmit or deliver to the Secretary of the College, or person acting for him, his Diploma, an Application to be so admitted, and a Declaration signed by himself in the following terms : "I, A. B., of C., Member (or Licentiate) of D., do hereby declare that I was duly admitted as such Member (or Licentiate), having previously passed the necessary Examination or Examinations required by the Bye-Laws or Regulations of the said Royal College (or Faculty), and that I am in the bonâ fide practice of the Profession of a Surgeon in England (or Wales)." Together with the foregoing Declaration must be transmitted or delivered the following Certificate :- |