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And further it is Our Will and Pleasure that the Master and Governors T of the said College, hereby incorporated and established, or one of them, me together with the Assistants of the said College, hereby nominated, or the thi major part of them, shall, within thirty Days next after the Date of these for Our Letters Patent, meet at such place at which the Persons, Members of of the said late Corporation, shall have usually held their Meetings, for the ter space of six Months next before the Day of the Date of these Presents, or Ma at such other place within the Cities of London or Westminster, or within nor one Mile of either of those Cities, as the Master or Governors, or any two ant of them, hereby constituted, shall in that behalf, by notice to be by them the given and published in the London Gazette, fourteen Days before the Day of holding such Meeting for that purpose, appoint; and shall then and there hold a Court of Assistants, for carrying into effect these Our Letters Patent; and at such Court the said Master and Governors, Examiners and Assistants, or such of them as shall be then present, shall administer unto each other respectively, and each of them shall take the respective Oaths following, that is to say, the said Master and Governors shall take the following Oath :---" You do swear that, according to the best of your The "Skill and Knowledge, you will discharge the several Trusts and Powers the "vested in you, as Master (or Governor, as the Case may be) of the Royal "College of Surgeons in London; and that you will diligently maintain "the Honor and Welfare of the said College; and in all Things, which "shall in any Sort concern your Office, you will act faithfully and honestly, "without Favor or Affection, Prejudice or Partiality, to any Person or "Persons whomsoever. - SO HELP YOU GOD."



And that each of such Examiners and Assistants shall take the following Oath, that is to say " You do swear, that so long as you shall remain in The "the Office of Examiner (or Assistant, as the Case may be) of the Royal A "College of Surgeons in London, you will diligently maintain the Honor "and Welfare of the said College; and in all Things relating to your "Office, and with all Manner of Persons, act equally and impartially, ac"cording to the best of your Skill and Knowledge. - SO HELP YOU GOD."

And no Person hereby appointed or hereafter to be elected Master, No Governor, Examiner, or Assistant of the said College, hereby established act and incorporated, shall proceed to act in the execution of such Office, until with he and they shall have taken the respective Oath and Oaths hereinbefore Oat



The Court of Assistants upon the

Julyin every year,


out of the Exami

mentioned, which shall be duly administered to them respectively, at a Court of Assistants to be holden in pursuance of these Our Letters Patent.

And We further Will, that the Master, Governors, and Assistants, for

first Thursday in the time being, of the said College, hereby made and established, shall, monthithin aftone upon the first Thursday in the Month of July next after the Date of these to meet and chuse Our Letters Patent, or within one Month then after, and upon the first ebe et person Thursday in July, in every succeeding Year, or within one Month then Governors for the after, meet in the Place which shall from time to time be used, or appointed succeeding year.

to Master, and two to be

the Serjeant-Sur

geon-General, if

to be used as their Hall or Council-house, or as near to such Hall or Council-house as conveniently may be; and then and there elect, chuse, and appoint out of the Examiners, by the Majority of Votes of such of the Court of Assistants as shall be then present, one Person to be Principal

Master, and two other Persons to be Governors of the said College, for the

And to appoint then succeeding Year; and then and there also, in like manner, chuse and geons or the Sur- appoint one or more of Our Principal Serjeant-Surgeons, or the Surgeonnot already Ex- General of Our Forces, if not already an Examiner or Examiners of Surtave other often geons of the said College; or otherwise shall chuse and appoint out of

aminers, and if

they are,

ants, to fill up

Court of Assist their own Body, some other Person or Persons, to be Examiner or Exshall be in the aminers of Surgeons for the said College, in the place and stead of such

such Vacancies as

Court of Exami

ners, unless such Examiner or Examiners as shall have happened to die, or have been re

Vacancies shall

ously filled up,

have been previ- moved from the said Office of Examiner in the then next preceding Year, which it shall be unless such Vacancies in the Office of Master or Governor, and in that special Court of Court, shall have been previously filled up within the then preceding Year,

lawful to do at a


which it shall be lawful for the said Court of Assistants to do, at any

And also to chuse special Court to be held for that purpose. And also in like manner chuse

out of the Mem

bers of the College, some Person or Persons to be of the Court of Assistants in the

place of such of

the Assistants as

shall have died or

been removed in

the then next pre

ceding year, un


filled up in that year.

and appoint, out of the Members of the said College established by these Presents, some Person or Persons to be of the Court of Assistants of the same College, in the place of such Person or Persons who shall have happened to die in or have been removed from the said Office of one of the Court of Assistants in the then next preceding Year: unless such Vacan

previously cies in that Court shall have been previously filled up within the then preceding Year; which it shall be lawful for the said Court of Assistants to do, at a special Court to be held for that purpose.

The Master or one of the Go

And it is our Will and Pleasure, that the Master, or one of the Goververnors, with nors, together with ten Assistants at the least, shall be at all times suffi


cient to constitute a Court of Assistants for the purpose of such Elections, or for the purpose of transacting any other Business belonging to the said Court. But that no Court of Assistants shall be holden for the special purpose of electing any Person to be Master, Governor, Examiner, or Assistant; without seven Days previous Notice to be given for that purpose, by Summons to the Members of the Court of Assistants for the time being.

cient to constitu

a Court of Assis

ants for the pu

pose of such Ele

tions, and for a

Purposes. But Court sha

beholden for t

special purpose

any such Electio

without seve

Days'notice to th

Court of Assis ants.

If the Master an die or be inca pable of acting a the same time,

Governors sha

the senior Mem

of Assistants maconvene and hold a Court within

And furthermore it is Our Will and Pleasure, that if, at any time or times hereafter, it shall happen that the Master and both the Governors of the said College hereby established, shall die, or become incapable of acting before the Election of a new Master and Governors, according to the Provisions hereinbefore contained, that then, and in every such case, ber of the Cour it shall and may be lawful for the senior Member of the Court of Assistants who shall be capable of attending, to summon, convene, and hold a Court of Assistants which shall be held as soon as may be next after the Death or Incapacity of the last of such of them the said Master and Governors, who shall be so dead or incapable of acting; and that at such Court, a Master and Governors of the said College shall be elected for the Governors for the remainder of the then current Year; and that it shall and may be lawful

after the death of

fourteen days nex incapacity of the ter or Governors And at such Court

last of such Mas

the Master and

remainder of the

then current year

be elected.

and the senior

Memberwhoshall be present shall

preside at, and

hold such Court,

and administer to

the new Master

and Governors

the Oath to be

If, on the ordinary
Master and Go-

day of Election of

vernors, the Mas

ter and both the

Governors shall dead or

pable of attend

for the senior Assistant of the said College who shall be then present, to preside at and hold such Court, and to administer to the new Master and Governors, who shall be then and there elected, the Oath appointed to be taken by the Master and Governors of the said College as aforesaid, any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding: And in taken by them. case it shall so happen that on the Day appointed for the ordinary Election of Master and Governors for the ensuing Year, the Master and both the Governors shall be dead, or incapable of attending, the senior Member of the Court of Assistants, who shall be present at the Court of Assistants to be held for the purpose of such Election, shall preside at, and hold such Court, and administer to the new Master and Governors, who shall then and there be elected, the Oath appointed to be taken by the Master and Governors of the said College as aforesaid, any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding: And in case it shall at any time happen, that the Persons who shall assemble at the Day and Place appointed for any Court of Assistants to be holden in pursuance of these our Letters Patent, shall not be capable of holding such Court, by reason of the Absence of any of the Members of the said Court whose Presence shall be required bajo present mar

immbe preniot

Member shall hold such

Court and admi

nister the Oaths.

If it shall at any no Court of Asheld by reason of the absence of any of the Members whose presence

time happen that

sistants can be

shall be required;

the senior Member

to a future day; for that purpose, it shall be lawful for the senior Member present to

but no such ad

journment shall adjourn such Court to a future Day, provided that no such Adjournment after the expira- shall be made until after the Expiration of one hour at the least, from the

take place until

tion of one hour,

from the time ap- Hour appointed for holding such Court.

pointed for hold

ing the Court.

No person shall

be capable of be

And it is our further Will and Pleasure, that after the Day of the Date

coming a Member of these Presents, no Person except those who before the Day of the Date

of the College,

except the Mem- of these Presents were Members of the late Corporation of Surgeons,

bers of the late

pany, and persons

the dissolution

dissolved Com- established by the said Act, made and passed in the eighteenth Year of who have since the Reign of Our Royal Grandfather, King George II.; and also exceptthereof obtained ing such Persons as shall have received such Letters Testimonial as aforenial, &c., unless said, under a Seal purporting to be the Seal of the late dissolved Company timoniale under or Corporation of Surgeons, shall be capable of becoming a Member of the

Letters Testimo

he shail bave


the Seal of the College.

who shall here

said College hereby established, unless he shall have obtained Letters Testimonial of his Qualification to practise the Art and Science of Surgery,

But every person under the Common Seal of the College hereby established; but every after obtain such Person who shall hereafter obtain such Letters Testimonial, under the nial, shall become Common Seal of the College aforesaid, shall thereby, by virtue of such

Letters Testimo

a Member of the College.

The Court of

Letters Testimonial, become and be constituted a Member of the said College, subject to all the Regulations, Provisions, and Bye-Laws of the said College.

And it is our further Will and Pleasure, that from and after such Day

from time to on which the Court of Assistants of the College hereby established shall time, upon re- first meet, in the manner before-mentioned, the Examiners of the College quest of the Commander in of Surgeons hereby established, shall, and they are hereby required from Chief and time to time, upon Request to them made by the Commander in Chief of Admiralty, to our Forces, and by the Lord High Admiral or Commissioners for execuexamine all army and navy ting the Office of Lord High Admiral, or any other Officer of Us, Our Surgeons and Heirs or Successors, properly authorized to examine every Person who

Lords of the

their Assistants and Mates,

shall be a Candidate to be appointed to serve as a Surgeon or Assistant Surgeon in any Regiment, Troop, Company, Hospital, or Garrison of Soldiers, in the Service of Ourselves, Our Heirs or Successors, or to serve as a Surgeon or Surgeon's Mate, appointed on Board any Ship or Ships in

the Service of Ourselves, Our Heirs or Successors, or any other Service in

and for such Exa- which We, Our Heirs or Successors shall think fit to employ any Persons ceive such Fee as to act in any such Capacities, and shall accept and receive for each such them from time Examination, from the Persons so examined respectively, such Fee or

minations to re

shall be allowed

to time by the Officer or Officers

thorized to

Reward as shall from time to time be allowed by such Officer or Officers of who shall be Us, Our Heirs or Successors, as shall be authorized to require such quire such E:


Examinations, to be had respectively, and no more; and shall also in like and shall also manner examine all Surgeons' Instruments to be used in Our Service, mine Surgeo

like manner, ex Instruments,

the same wh


such manner shall be requir


which they shall be required in like manner to examine, and shall return and shall retu such Instruments, when examined, to such Person or Persons as shall be examined, appointed to receive the same, with such Certificate, in such Form, and properly sealed up, or otherwise authenticated in such manner as the Officer or Officers, from time to time, to be appointed by Us for such Purposes, shall require; and taking for the same Examination such Fee

or Reward as shall be allowed from time to time by such our Officer or Officers respectively, and no more.

Provided always, that the Fees or Rewards from time to time to be appointed as aforesaid, for the Examination of any such Person or Instruments as aforesaid, shall not be less than the Fees or Rewards heretofore paid for the like Examinations respectively.

taking for su



Buchares as sh

such Officers fro time to time.

Provided th such Fees so to l

from time to tim Examination

appointed for th


any such persc or instrument shall not be les than the Fee heretofore pai for the like Exa minations.

No Court of Exa unless in the pre ter, or one of th

miners to be hel

sence of the Mas

And further We Will that no Court or Courts for the Examination of any Person or Persons touching their Skill in Surgery, shall ever be held but in the Presence of the Master or one of the Governors, and five of the Members, at least, of the Court of Examiners of the said College, five Members o

hereby established and incorporated as aforesaid.

Governors and

the Court of Exa miners at least.

The Members o the late Company and such persons the

who have, since dissolution thereof, obtained

Letters Testimobe willing to betheticollege, to

come Members of

testify consent

And it is Our further Will and Pleasure, that the Members of the said late Corporation and such other Persons who, since the Dissolution thereof, shall have obtained such Letters Testimonial under a Seal, purporting to be the Seal of the late dissolved Company or Corporation as aforesaid; and who shall be willing to become and be Members of the said College hereby established and incorporated, shall testify their Acceptance of these Our Letters Patent, and their Consent to become Members of the the courtting to said College, by signifying such their Acceptance and Consent in Writing six months after to the Court of Assistants, within six calendar Months after the Date of these Our Letters Patent, who shall cause such Acceptance and Consent to be entered in certain Books to be kept for that purpose, at the Hall or Council-house of the said College; and the said Court of Assistants are College hereby required to keep such Books, and have such Entries made therein accordingly.

sistants, within

the date of the


Which accept

ance and consent shall be entered in proper books to be kept at the

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