31. W. The Second Registration closes. Winter Session ends. Oxford N.B. The Second Registration commences on Monday the 22nd, and closes on Wednesday the 31st of this month. The Lectures of the Professor of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology (Hunterian) are usually delivered during this and the preceding month. Oxford Easter Term ends. Cambridge Easter Term divides at noon WHIT SUNDAY. N.B. Primary and Pass Examinations for the Diploma of Member, the Professional Examinations for the Fellowship, and the Midwifery Examination are held during this month. N.B. The Lectures of the Professor of Surgery and Pathology and of the Lecturer on Ana tomy and Physiology are usually delivered in this month. CHARTERS. 40TH GEORGE III. 22ND MARCH, 1800. Recital of of 1st Edw 4th; GEORGE THE THIRD, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. TO ALL TO WHOM these Presents shall come, WHEREAS our Royal Predecessor, King Edward IV., by Letters Pat certain Letters Patent, under the Great Seal of England, bearing date the 24th Day of February, in the first Year of his Reign, did at the Supplication of the Freemen of the Mystery of Barbers of the City of London, using the Mystery or Faculty of Surgery, grant to them, among other Things, that incorporatin the said Mystery, and all the Men of the same Mystery of the said City, the Freemer the Mystery should be one Body and Perpetual Community, and that two Principals of Barbers of the same Commonalty, of the most expert Men in the Mystery of Surgery, Cityof Lond might, with the assent of twelve or eight Persons at the least, of the same Community, every Year elect and make out of the Community, two Masters, or Governors, being the most expert in the Mystery of Surgery, to oversee, rule, and govern, the Mystery and Commonalty aforesaid. AND WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament, made and passed in the 32d Of the Act 3 Year of the late King Henry VIII. intitled for Barbers and Surgeons, Henry 8th. after reciting, that, within the City of London, there were then two several and distinct Companies of Surgeons, occupying and exercising the Faculty of Surgery, one Company called the Barbers of London, and the other Company called the Surgeons of London. It was thereby enacted, That By which t the said two several and distinct Companies of Surgeons should from two Compan thenceforth be united, and made one intire and whole Body Corporate, and London, one Commonalty Perpetual, which at all times thereafter should be called Surgeons by the Name of the Masters or Governors of the Mystery and Commonalty united. of the Barbers and Surgeons of London; and by the same Name to implead and be impleaded before all manner of Justices, in all Courts, and in all manner of Suits. of Barbers a W B |