Name and Residence. Fellow. Member. Gilson, J. Thomas, Chelmsford Feb. 12, 1863 Sept. 2, 1825 Ex. Girdlestone, T. M., 114 Collins-street-east, Melb. Dec. 7, 1849 Jan. Gleadall, James, Sheffield.. Glover, J. Tuthill, Bengal Godfrey, Thomas, Herne Bay Godson, Charles, Barnet, N. Goodall, A., 24 Cambridge-terr., Hyde-park, W. Gore, Richard Thomas, Queen-street, Bath.. Green, Thomas, Berkeley-square, Bristol Ex. Greenhill, J. Ridge, Army Ex. Greenhow, H. Martineau, H.M. Indian Army.. Ex. Grigg, Joseph Collings. Groom, Thomas, Whitchurch, Salop Ex. Gwynn, Samuel Betton, Wem, Salop ... May Oct. Aug. June Oct. Dec. 3, 1845 July 13, 1871 Aug. 21, 1840 May 9, 1861 Apr. 22, 1842 Mar. 10, 1859 Oct. 8, 1841 10, 1860 Dec. 18, 1840 11, 1860 Dec. 28, 1827 8, 1871 June 15, 1855 26, 1844 Oct. 13, 1872 May 21, 1852 Apr. 9, 1852 Apr. 31, 1828 19, 1868 18, 1832 2, 1819 6, 1821 Dec. 11, 1843 July May Aug. 26, 1844 Nov. July 6, 1852 Dec. Dec. 13, 1866 April 12, 1858 2, 1844 3, 1840 Aug. 16, 1849 July 27, 1829 11, 1839 1, 1821 17, 1840 4, 1823 2, 1840 Dec. 11, 1843 Oct. 17, 1828 Ex. Harcourt, George, 21 Stafford-terrace, W. Apr. 17, 1845 Apr. Harding, J. F., Southborough, Tunbridge Wells Oct. 21, 1852 Apr. Ex. Harding, T. Massey. Harding, William, 4 Percy-street, W.. Ex. Hardwicke, Junius, Rotherham Ex. Harper, Philip Harry, 30 Cambridge-street, W. Harris, Clement Mears, Wotton-under-Edge 3, 1844 13, 1845 Dec. 10, 1868 July Dec. Ex. Harris, James Penn, Rodney-st., Liverpool. 21, 1835 12, 1834 7, 1837 Aug. 26, 1844 Apr. 2, 1819 3, 1826 Harrison, John, Nicholas-street, Chester. Ex. Havers, John, White-hill, Berkhampstead Ex. Hawkins, Thomas Henry, Newbury Haydon, Nathaniel John, Minchinhampton Heane, William, Cinderford, Gloucestershire Ex. Heath, Christopher, 9 Cavendish-place, W. Ex. Helsham, Hector, 320 Brixton-rd., S.W. Hembrough, John, Waltham, Grimsby 11, 1868 May 1, 1821 Ex. Henry, Mitchell, Stratheden-ho., Knightsbg.,S.W. May 11, 1854 July 30, 1847 Ex. Hickman, William, 1 Dorset-square, N.W. Name and Residence. Ex. Higgens, Charles, 28 New Cavendish-st., W... Higginbottom, John, Nottingham Higgins, C. Hayes, Claughton, Birkenhead.. Ex. Hill, J. Daniel, 17 Guildford-st., Russell-sq.,W.C. Ex. Hill, M. Berkeley, 14 Weymouth-street, W..... Hill, Samuel.. Hillas, G. Leicester, St. Kilda, Victoria. Hilliard, John, H.M. Indian Army Hills, George, Grove-park, Chiswick, W. Hilton, John, 10 New Broad-street, E.C... Ex. Hind, G. W., 5 Torrington-square, W.C. Hird, Francis, 13 Old Burlington-street, W...... Hitchman, John, Cedar Lodge, Cheltenham Hoare, Wm. Parker, Dartford Hobbs, William, R.N., Douglas, Isle of Man.. Hobkirk, W. Hamilton, Prince Edward's Island Hodder, E. Mulberry, Toronto. Ex. Hodges, Richard .. Hodson, Chas. Fred., Bishop Stortford Hoffmeister, W. Carter, Busigny-house, Cowes.. Hogg, Charles, 12A Charterhouse-square, E.C. Holbrow, Anthony, Stonehouse, Gloucester Ex. Holden, Luther, 65 Gower-street, W.C. Holding, Charles, 107 Victoria-street, S.W. Ex. Holland, Edmund Holland, Joseph, Prestwich, Manchester ... Ex. Holmes, T., 18 Cumberland-pl., Hyde-pk., W. Hough, Henry, H.M. Indian Army Ex. Hovell, Dennis de B., Five-houses, Clapton, N.E. Ex. Howell, Horace Sydney, Great Dunmow Howitt, Thomas, Lancaster.. ... Dec. 14, 1871 Apr. 21, 1868 Aug. 26, 1844 July 3, 1818 Aug. 26, 1844 Sept. 12, 1834 Dec. 12, 1867 July 18, 1859 Nov. 24, 1859 July 26, 1858 July 25, 1854 Feb. 5, 1836 Oct. 21, 1852 Feb. 13, 1829 Feb. 10, 1853 June 22, 1832 Mar. 11, 1857 Mar. 2, 1830 Dec. 11, 1843 May 22, 1827 Dec. 7, 1849 Nov. 3, 1827 Dec. 11, 1843 Oct. 21, 1836 Feb. 8, 1855 May 4, 1838 Aug. 10, 1865 Apr. 19, 1836 12, 1860 June 10, 1828 1, 1854 Aug. 4, 1837 Apr. June Dec. Dec. 1, 1854 May 27, 1834 7, 1849 July 31, 1843 Mar. 12, 1874 Dec. 22, 1837 Feb. 8, 1855 Jan. 17, 1840 Aug. 12, 1852 May 27, 1836 Nov. 13, 1862 Mar. 5, 1819 Dec. 24, 1844 Jan. 19, 1838 Dec. 13, 1855 July 23, 1830 June 8, 1865 Apr. 19, 1860 Oct. 21, 1852 Dec. 9, 1836 Aug. 6, 1857 June 27, 1842 Oct. 10, 1861 Apr. 20, 1838 May 12, 1853 May 12, 1853 Feb. 9, 1854 Feb. 9, 1827 Aug. 12, 1847 May 11, 1843 Apr. Apr. 12, 1855 Apr. 8, 1865 Apr. Dec. June 3, 1839 3, 1833 3, 1840 17, 1861 11, 1854 May 11, 1854 May Ex. Howse, Hy. Greenway, 10 St. Thomas'-st., S.E. June 11, 1868 Jan. 25, 1865 Hoyland, C. William Hudleston, J. N., Torrington, N. Devon Hughes, John, Carmarthen Hughes, Robert Hugman, W. Curtis, 55 Guildford-street, W.C. Ex. Hulke, J. Whitaker, 10 Old Burlington-st., W. Ex. Hulme, E. Charles, Woodbridge-road, Guildford. Hulme, Edward, Dunedin, New Zealand.. Name and Residence. Fellow. Member. Ex. Humphreys, Frederic Wm., 19 Trinity-sq., E.C. Dec. 10, 1868 Apr. 25, 1865 May 15, 1856 Apr. 29, 1853 Huntington, Frederick, George-street, Hull.... Dec. 11, 1843 Feb. 4, 1820 21, 1823 June 28, 1855 Jan. 5, 1838 Ibbetson, G. Augustus, 19A Hanover-square, W. Mar. 11, 1857 Oct. Ex. Ilott, Edward, Bromley, Kent.. 2, 1840 Image, William Edmund, Bury St. Edmunds. Ex. Jackson, Edward, Leamington Jackson, John, 28 George-st., Hanover-sq., W. Ex. Jessop, Thomas Richard, 32 Park-sq., Leeds.. Apr. 17, 1845 May 4, 1830 Aug. 26, 1844 Feb. 12, 1830 June 11, 1868 May 11, 1840 May 23, 1857 May 30, 1845 June 19, 1873 May 17, 1870 16, 1856 Oct. 8, 1841 14, 1865 July 26, 1847 26, 1844 Jan. 7, 1825 18, 1858 July 16, 1841 Jan. 13, 1859 Apr. 29, 1842 June 28, 1855 June 3, 1835 Feb. 10, 1853 Dec. 3, 1819 June 11, 1868 July 19, 1859 May 13, 1858 May 24, 1841 July 25, 1854 Feb. 22, 1839 Johnson, Christopher, 2 Nicholas-st., Lancaster Johnson, E. C., 4 Eaton-place, Belgrave-sq., W. Mar. 4, 1858 Feb. 24, 1843 Johnson, Henry James, 8 Suffolk-place, S.W. Johnson, John Godwin, 71 St. Giles-st., Norwich Ex. Johnstone, A. A. W., 20 Regency-sq., Brighton.. Jones, A. Newell.. Jones, Arthur O'Brien, Epsom. Ex. Jones, C. Marchant Ex. Jones, George Thomas Dec. 11, 1843 Feb. 7, 1834 June 13, 1867 Feb. 27, 1857 June 10, 1869 July 31, 1849 Jones, John, 53 Blenheim-cres., Notting-hill, W. July 6, 1852 Apr. 2, 1830 Name and Residence. Ex. Jones, P. Sydney, Sydney, N.S.W. Jones, Richard, 6 Waterloo-place, Leamington Keate, Henry, Shrewsbury Keddell, John Staples, Banks Town, Sheerness Ex. Keeling, Jas. Hurd, 267 Glossop-road, Sheffield. Ex. Keene, James, 33 Maddox-street, W... Fellow. Member. 29, 1858 1, 1822 4, 1842 4, 1853 26, 1844 Aug. 9, 1841 Aug. 12, 1852 Oct. 7, 1836 Kelly, Frederick, Wandsworth-road, S.W. ... 8, 1864 Apr. 12, 1843 13, 1864 Nov. 11, 1842 Apr. Dec. Dec. Oct. Nov. Feb. Dec. 3, 1870 Nov. 3, 1870 8, 1855 Sept. 1, 1815 19, 1861 Aug. 17, 1849 Lallemand, Fred. Francis, Macclesfield Dec. Ex. Lanchester, Henry Thomas, Croydon.. 26, 1844 Mar. 5, 1819 14, 1858 Oct. 21, 1842 14, 1865 Apr. 16, 1861 12, 1850 May 28, 1847 11, 1843 Mar. 6, 1829 10, 1863 Mar. 19, 1858 Dec. June Jan. Ex. Langton, John, 18 Harley-street, W. June Ex. Larkins, T. Brooks, H.M. Indian Army. Lay, Peter Goodal, H.M. Indian Army *F.R.C. Surgeons Edin., Nov. 12, 1858; and Licentiate, July 27, 1841. 2, 1853 Sept. 12, 1836 12, 1854 May 22, 1837 8, 1865 Apr. 10, 1861 11, 1849 Dec. 23, 1836 26, 1844 May 17, 1831 13, 1866 Apr. 16, 1852 17, 1857 Aug. 9, 1852 9, 1857 Oct. 15, 1841 |