Thereafter, until evidence is furnished by the delinquent, showing payment of the amount so reported for stoppage, further sales will not be made to him except for cash upon receipt of stores. 1241. Sales of reasonable quantities of stores will be made to an enlisted man on the active or retired list, for cash, upon his declaration, in writing, that they are intended for his own use. A post exchange may purchase stores upon the certificate of the officer in charge, and such purchases, when paid for within the calendar month in which made, are regarded as cash sales. 1242. Sales may be made on credit to officers and enlisted men who have not been regularly paid or who are in the field. Officers will certify that the stores are for their own use and will receipt for them. Enlisted men will obtain permits from their company commanders, approved by the commanding officer. Permits will not be given to a soldier in excess of the unencumbered pay due to him nor in any month in excess of his monthly pay. Such of the followingnamed articles as may be needed by him may be furnished to a recruit on credit, viz: A hand basin, a pipe, a box or bottle of tooth powder, and not to exceed 1 pound of tobacco. 1243. An officer purchasing subsistence stores on credit will furnish to the quartermaster making the sale a receipt in duplicate setting forth the place and date of purchase, the name of the quartermaster who made the sale, and the money value of the stores so purchased. One copy of the receipt will be forwarded by the quartermaster to the quartermaster who pays the officer, or to the department quartermaster, and will be filed with the pay voucher on which collection is made. The duplicate receipt will be filed by the quartermaster with his retained abstract of subsistence stores sold. The names of the officers purchasing subsistence stores on credit, the organizations to which they belong, and the money value of the stores so purchased will be entered on the abstract of subsistence stores sold. 1244. Exceptional articles of subsistence stores called for by officers and enlisted men, to be paid for by them regardless of condition upon arrival at posts, may be purchased under such instructions as to purchase and accountability as may from time to time be given by the Chief of the Quartermaster Corps. 1245. Civilians employed with the Army, including those expressly employed for their services as tailors, shoemakers, and laundrymen, may be allowed, at remote places or in the field where food can not otherwise be procured, to purchase from the Quartermaster Corps, in limited quantities for their own use, for cash, at cost prices, such articles of the ration or of stores kept for sales to officers and enlisted men as can be spared from the supplies on hand. 1 1246. Articles purchased by the Quartermaster Corps by net weight will be sold at net weight at the time of sale. Where the weight of a wrapper or cover at the time of purchase was included in the weight of an article it will be included in the weight when the article is sold. Articles in cartons, packets, or sealed cans will be sold as purchased. 1247. Post commanders will regulate sales and delivery of supplies. Selling (except by the post exchange) or bartering of supplies purchased or drawn from the quartermaster is forbidden. 1248. The commanding officer of a post at or near which the immediate family of an enlisted man who is absent abroad resides may, if the residence and other conditions of such family make it proper, grant to the head thereof permits to purchase from the Quartermaster Corps at the post, for cash, at cost prices, such quantities of subsistence stores as in his opinion may be reasonably needed for the sole use of the soldier's immediate family. The total amount of subsistence stores so sold to soldiers' families will be entered by the quartermaster in a separate item on the abstract of sales each month. 1249. The quartermaster who extends credit to an enlisted man will furnish to the commanding officer of the company or organization to which the man belongs a statement of the amount due from the soldier. The company or other commander will charge the amount due on the next pay roll and on subsequent rolls until the amount shall have been collected. The quartermaster will file with his retained papers all permits for sales to enlisted men on which credit sales have been made in the month to which the papers pertain. If a member of an organization or a recruit leaves his organization or a recruiting depot' before the money value of the articles furnished to him on credit shall have been collected, the amount due in each case, the place where, and the month and year in which the indebtedness was contracted will be noted on the descriptive list or descriptive and assignment card. Pay rolls upon which any subsistence charges have been made, when forwarded to the quartermaster, will be accompanied by a report of all such charges, showing in each case whether the charge is for credit sales, refundment of commutation of rations, or other subsistence account, and the place where and the month and year in which the indebtedness was contracted. When a statement of credit sales is furnished by the quartermaster, the company or other commander will note thereon any additional subsistence charges appearing on the pay rolls and forward the completed statement as directed in this paragraph. This report, after collections shall have been noted thereon, will be forwarded by the quartermaster to the Chief of the Quartermaster Corps, who will transmit it as soon as practicable to the Auditor for the War Department. 1250. Sales will be consolidated monthly on an abstract. The commanding officer will satisfy himself that the purchases have been properly authorized and duly made and will so certify on the abstract. The abstract accompanying the quartermaster's account current will serve as a voucher to the account current, as well as to the officer's return. 1251. The price at which subsistence stores may be transferred, or sold to officers and enlisted men, is the invoice or purchase price of the last lot of the same variety of subsistence stores received by the officer making the sale or transfer prior to the first day of the month in which the sale or transfer is made; but (1) the prices at a post or depot or at the office of a quartemaster will not be affected by transfers thereto from military posts, except where the articles are purchased at one post for shipment to another, the former having been regularly designated as the point of supply for the particular articles for the latter, in which case the rule laid down in the first five lines of this paragraph will obtain; (2) if two or more lots of the same variety of article are received on one invoice, or on the same date at different prices, the unit price to govern will be determined by dividing the total value of such lots by the total quantity of the same; (3) the equalization of prices among several varieties of the same article is not authorized, as in the case of several kinds of smoking tobacco, cigars, crackers, etc.; (4) if a quartermaster who has received an invoice of stores during the current month is relieved before the end of that month he will invoice to his successor the stores so received at their actual invoice price, although the current selling price of such stores will continue until the beginning of the next month. On the first day of each month a price list will be prepared at each station where sales are made, one copy to be furnished to the commanding officer and one copy to be posted in the salesroom, 1252. The quartermaster will be accountable for and will carry on his property accounts all cooking apparatus supplied by the Quartermaster Corps, and will furnish to commanding officers of organizations and detachments the necessary authorized articles of the same on approved requisitions, the issues to be made on memorandum receipts. Bake ovens will be dropped from his property accounts when permanently installed at posts. BLANK FORMS. 1253. Blank forms will be furnished to quartermasters on periodical requisitions sent directly to the Chief of the Quartermaster Corps. Officers at posts will obtain them from the post quartermasters. PAYMENTS, GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1254. The senior quartermaster of a command, under the direction of its commander, will be responsible for the payment of the troops of the command. 1255. In payments to officers and enlisted men, the days of commencement and expiration of service will be included. When service begins on the 31st day of a month, pay will not be allowed for that day. PAYMENTS TO OFFICERS. 1256. Officers will be paid monthly on accounts certified by themselves according to prescribed forms. 1257. An officer of the Army will be paid within the limits of his department and, as far as practicable, by the same quartermaster, unless he is on leave of absence or detached duty beyond the limits of his department, or shall have transferred or disposed of his accounts as provided in paragraphs 1258 and 1259, or has the authority of the Chief of the Quartermaster Corps for payment elsewhere. A retired officer will be paid in the department in which he resides unless he shall, for special reasons, desire to be paid elsewhere, when he will obtain the authority of the Chief of the Quartermaster Corps for such payments. 1258. An officer may forward his pay account to a quartermaster before maturity, the amount to be remitted to the officer when due, or placed to his credit with a bank if the account is so indorsed, but an officer will not hypothecate or transfer an account not actually due. When due it may be transferred, when the following form of indorsement will be strictly observed : Transferred this day of --------, 191, to------- and the department quartermaster at has been so notified. (Signature) When an account is so transferred, the officer will notify the department quartermaster of the department in which he is stationed, or the quartermaster who has been authorized by the Chief of the Quartermaster Corps to pay his accounts, and will instruct the person or persons to whom the account may be transferred to forward it to such quartermaster for payment. A transferred account will not be paid outside of the department in which the officer is regularly paid except when it is transferred for the benefit of his family residing in another department, in which case the officer will send the notification, through the office of the department quartermaster of the department in which he is usually paid, to the department quartermaster of the department in which the payee resides; the former to forward with the notification any information he may have affecting the validity of the account. 1259. An officer about to embark for service beyond the sea and desiring to make provision for himself or his family in the United States, may send to the quartermaster nearest the address of the payee such full monthly accounts as he may elect, indorsing them as follows: “When due pay to --," or, "When due place to the credit of ------- with -------," or, “When due place to my credit with -----." Such quartermaster will immediately notify the department quartermaster of the department where the officer is to serve of the months for which accounts have been so received, and will then pay them as they become due if the casualty list and stoppage circular show no bar to payment. Should an officer already in service beyond sea desire to have his accounts paid as described, he will forward them, through the department quartermaster of the department where he is serving, to the quartermaster whose station is nearest the address of the payee, and the former will make a record of the accounts so forwarded. In either case the officer will, at the time of forwarding the accounts, notify the Chief of the Quartermaster Corps of the months covered thereby, with the name and address of the person to whom payment is to be made, or forward the accounts through the office of the Chief of the Quartermaster Corps. 1260. A person appointed to the Army, or receiving an appointment to a new office therein, is entitled to pay from date of acceptance only. If the appointment creates vacancies to be filled by promotion, the promoted officers are entitled to pay of the new grade from the date of acceptance of the appointee. In all other cases of promotion the officer is entitled to pay from date of the occurrence of the vacancy. 1261. An officer of the Army appointed to a grade in the volunteers or militia in the service of the United States superior to that held by him in the Army will be entitled to the pay and emoluments of the grade to which appointed from date of acceptance of such appointment or from date of muster in thereunder. 1262. An officer who resigns, is dismissed, honorably discharged, or wholly retired, will forward his pay account (Form 3) to the Chief of the Quartermaster Corps, who will cause a certificate of nonindebtedness to be obtained and the account settled. An officer who has served in the Philippine Islands will procure a certificate of nonindebtedness from the Insular Auditor prior to departure from the islands, this certificate being an indispensable prerequisite to the settlement of an officer's final accounts with the Government. 1263. An officer whose resignation is accepted while he is on leave of absence will receive pay to include the date of acceptance; if accepted while he is on duty, he will receive pay to include the date he receives notice of its acceptance, or if sooner relieved from duty, to include the date of relief. An officer whose resignation takes effect at a future date is entitled to pay to include that date. 1264. An officer placed upon the retired list will receive active pay to include the date of retirement, and the pay of a retired officer thereafter. If on duty, he will receive active pay to include the date of receipt by him of notice of his retirement. 1265. An officer dismissed by sentence of court-martial will be paid to include the date of termination of service as specified in the order promulgating the sentence. 1266. Contract surgeons and acting dental surgeons must present their contracts to quartermasters when applying for payment of salaries, and quarter masters will indorse thereon date and period for which paid. If a contract surgeon on foreign service desires to have his accounts paid in the United States, the months for which such accounts have been transferred will be indorsed on the contract by a quartermaster or the commanding officer, who will also indorse on each voucher "Transfer noted on contract (signature)," and such accounts will not be paid unless so indorsed. ADDITIONAL PAY. 1267. To entitle an officer to additional pay under the acts of April 26, 1898, and May 26, 1900, for exercising a command above that pertaining to his grade, he must have exercised such command of troops operating against an enemy for a period of three months or more continuously, in obedience to orders issued by superior authority which he was bound to obey, and no pay or allowances as of a higher grade than that actually held by an officer will be paid him under this regulation unless a certified copy, in duplicate, of such order, accompanied by a statement of service thereunder, is filed with the quartermaster. 1268. The 10 per cent allowed by law to officers serving beyond the limits of the United States and territories contiguous thereto, except the Canal Zone, Panama, or Hawaii, or Porto Rico, will be paid on their regular monthly pay vouchers, which will be made up to include the entire compensation, of whatever character, which may be due the officer for the calendar month, or months, included in the accounts. There will be noted on the pay accounts the numbers and dates of orders or any other facts which affect the officer's pay status for the period covered by the accounts presented for payment. 1269. An officer shall be considered an actual flyer of heavier-than-air craft from the date of his first flight after reporting by order of the Secretary of War for duty at an aviation station or to the commanding officer of an aeronautical organization in the field until relieved from such duty. An officer entitled to increased pay on account of duty as an actual flyer of heavier-than-air craft will certify on each pay account, during the time the increased pay is claimed, that he was an actual flyer of heavier-than-air craft, under detail for aviation duty by the Secretary of War. The first voucher upon which the increased pay is claimed will give the date of the first flight. A copy of the order detailing the officer for aviation duty will be filed with this voucher and the order cited on all subsequent vouchers so long as the increased pay is claimed. When an officer in receipt of increased pay ceases to be entitled thereto, the date on which the pay ceases will be specifically stated on the voucher, and if relieved from aviation duty a copy of the order of relief will be filed with the voucher. 1270. No officer shall receive pay for two staff appointments for the same time. 1271. In computing longevity pay, service performed as enlisted men of the Army or Navy, or as cadets at the United States Military or Naval Academy, by those appointed prior to August 24, 1912, will be counted. Service performed as such cadets by those appointed on or after said date will not be counted. MOUNTED PAY. 1272. The officers on the active list hereinafter designated are required to be mounted: All officers of the General Staff Corps; officers of the staff corps and departments, whether permanent or detailed; officers of cavalry; officers of field artillery; authorized aids duly appointed; regimental and battalion staff officers; acting judge advocates detailed under the act of Congress approved February 2, 1901; all officers above the grade of captain, whatever their arm or |