Arms and Accouterments-Continued. Issues, 1526. Leather dressing or polishing material, 293. Militia, 455, 1143. Packing for transportation, 1544. Patients in hospitals, 1450. Repairs, 1537, 1538. Sales, 1520, 1521. Shipment to mobilization camps, 455. Transportation of loaded arms, 1544. Use of raw linseed oil on wood parts of, 292. Precedence on occasions of ceremony, 6. Army and Navy Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark.: Classes admitted, 1441, 1442, 1446. Control, 1441, 1442. Rations and subsistence, 1443, 1444. Army Corps: Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1514. Senior engineer officer, 1497, 1498. Fuel and stoves, 1044. Supply of medicines, 1473, 1474, 1480. Furloughs to enlisted men, 107, 108. Returns of troops, 811, 815. Army Field Engineer School: Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note headings, 512. Location, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 449. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Army Field Service and Correspondence School for Medical Officers: Detachment of officers, 192. Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note headings, 512. Location, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 449. Army List and Directory: Preparation and distribution, 774. Transportation of donations, 1145. Detachment of officers, 192. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. See Nurse Corps (Female). Army of the United States-Continued. Enlisted men. See Enlisted Men. Historical records and business, 774. Officers. See Officers, Army. Orders, regulations, etc., affecting, 766, 774. Supervision of troops of the line, 762. Use of unprescribed flags, colors, etc., 243. Preparation and distribution, 774. Army Reserve: Deposits of pay at time of furlough to, 1361, 1362, 1366. Enlistment contract, 855. Established Aug. 24, 1912, note, p. 299. Organizing, etc., in time of war, 193. Payments to soldiers furloughed to, 1375-1379. Regulations governing, 1573. Army School of the Line: Detachment of officers, 192. Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note headings, 512. Location, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 449. Mounted officers, 1272. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Army Signal School: Detachment of officers, 192. Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note headings, 512. Location, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 449. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Army Staff College: Detachment of officers, 192. Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note headings, 512. Location, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 449. Mounted officers, 1272. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Army Transport Service: Beer, wine, or intoxicating liquors, 346. Composition, 1109. Damage to vessels, 709. Parlor and sleeping cars, licensed officers, 1128. See also Transports. Army War College: Detachment of officers, 192. Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Location, Washington, D. C., 449. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Arraignment: Prisoners, A. W. 89. Arrest and Confinement: Commanders of guards, A. W. 67-69. See also Confinement, etc. Arrest of Officers: Breach of arrest, A. W. 65. By whom and how imposed, 922; A. W. 65. Close confinement, 923. Extension of limits, 923. Light offenses, 924. Limitation, A. W. 70, 71. Medical, 925. Place on the march, 927. Release without charges, 924; A. W. 71. Arsenals: Annual inspection, 191, 892, 895. Construction and repairs, 706, 707. Establishment and maintenance, 1511. Hospital matrons, 1449. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1513, 1514, 1516. Plats of land, 708. Supervision or control, 191. Surplus ordnance stores, 1532, 1533. Travel allowance of officers, 1295. Arson: Punishable by military courts, A. W. 58. Absence without leave, A. W. 31-35, 40. Appeals, A. W. 29, 30. Armies to be governed, p. 301, sec. 1342 R. S. Courts of inquiry, A. W. 115-121. Deceased officers and soldiers, A. W. 125-127. Discharge of enlisted men, A. W. 4. Evidence, courts-martial, A. W. 91, 92, 121. Hiring of duty, A. W. 36,37. Judge advocates, A. W. 74, 84, 85, 90, 113. Misconduct in time of war, A. W. 41, 42, 44-46, 57, Articles of War-Continued. Rank and command, A. W. 122, 124. Repealed, A. W. 72, 73, 75, 80-83, 94, 110, 123. Sentinels, A. W. 39. Soldiers dishonorably discharged, p. 314, act Spies, p. 313, sec. 1343 R. S. Violence to traders in foreign parts, A. W. 56. Appointment, 275, 278. Artificial Limbs: Classes entitled, 1490. Commutation, 1490. Transportation of applicants, 1491, 1492. Artillery: See- Coast Artillery Corps. Field Artillery. Artillery Engineer, Coast Defense Commands: See also Engineers, Coast Artillery Corps. Artillery Instruction: Chief of Coast Artillery, 303. Assault and Battery: Punishable by military courts, A. W. 58. Assemblages of Persons: Suppression of unlawful, 485, р. 101. Assignments: Chaplains, 43. Commanding officers, 13. Company commander, 268. Department commanders, 190. Field officers of the mobile army, 247. Officers, coast artillery, 303. Public animals to riders or drivers, 1072. Accounts for printing, 506, 507. Contracts for printing, 513. Assistant Secretary of the Navy: Salutes and honors, 400, 403. Attorney General: Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Auctioneer's account, etc., 680. Arrears of pay, etc., deceased soldiers, 165. Artificial limbs, etc., 1492. Certificates of merit, 187. Checks, spoiled or canceled, 610. Contractors' bonds, 571. Contracts, supplies and services, 561, 564, 571. Credit sales to enlisted men, 1249. Escaped prisoners' effects, 940. Payments to discharged soldiers, 1377. Personal effects, deceased officers and soldiers, Private property lost in service, 726. Settlement of accounts, deceased soldiers, 166. Authorities, Civil: See Civil Authorities. Authority, Military: Exercise, 2. Subordination to civil authority, A. W. 59. Aviation: Officers, additional pay, 1269. Signal Corps School, 449. Awards of Contracts: Ability to carry proposals into effect, 547. By whom made, 544. Lowest responsible bidder, 545. Slight failure to comply with terms, 546. Bacon: Ration, 1205. Badges: Military service, illegal possession, 189. Baggage: Allowance transported at public expense, 1136. Increase or reduction of allowance, 1136. Officers and men traveling, 1122-1125. Officers traveling on mileage status, 1122. Bakeries: Accounts and supplies, 1201. Bake ovens, 1201, 1252. Bakers and assistants, 329, 1201. Brooms, brushes, and mops, 1181. Detail of bakers, assistant bakers, and laborers, 1201. Fuel, 1044. Operated by Quartermaster Corps, 1201. Soap, towels, etc., 1215. Transportation of property, 340. Bakers and Cooks, Schools for: Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Bakers and Cooks, Schools for-Continued. Location, Washington Barracks, D. C., and Pre- sidio of San Francisco, Cal., 449. Pay of graduates, 329. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Baking Powder: Ration, 1205. Band Musicians: See Musicians. Bands: Competition with civilian musicians, 261. Duties, 264, 440. Funds, 324, 326, 327. Lye and sapolio, 1182. Marking of public property, 257. Musical instruments, 262, 1179. Noncommissioned officers, 260. Saluting, 375, 376, 378. Stations, 261. "The Star Spangled Banner," 264, 375, 378, 437. Baptisms: Report of chaplains, 45. Barley: Forage ration, 1077. Barracks and Quarters: Additions, alterations, etc., 208, 1017, 1019. Allotments for repairs, 1015. Allowance and assignments, 1024-1035, 1044, 1390, Annual inspection, 1012. Arms, accouterments, etc., 285, 292. Bachelor quarters, 1025. Choice, 1025, 1026. Constructed by Quartermaster Corps, 1000. Construction of permanent, 706, 707. Construction of temporary, 208. Daily inspection, 283. Erection of, on new sites, 704. Fuel and stoves, 1036-1049. Furniture and mess outfits, 1011, 1020-1023. Hire of quarters, 1028, 1029. Post commanders and surgeons to visit, 204. Record of expenditures for repairs, etc., 1019. Repairs, 208, 1012-1017, 1019. Responsibility for care, etc., 1011. Squads to be quartered together, 284. Trunk lockers, 1021, 1023. Barter or Exchange: Arms and ammunition, Indian country, 475. Supplies from quartermaster, 1247. Battalion Commanders: Company fund, 328. Corps of Engineers, 248. General duties and responsibilities, 203, 245. Noncommissioned officers, 256, 271. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. INDEX. Unlawful introduction into Indian country, 471. See Conduct. Beneficiaries: Allottees of pay, 1347. Designated by officers and enlisted men, 1385. Permission to visit, 61, 109. Bidders: Ability to carry proposals into effect, 547. Corporations and firms, 532. Erasures or interlineations in proposals, 534. Guaranties, 524, 535, 536. Information to be furnished, 527. Names of, not to be furnished to others, 530. Post-office address and residence, 531. Bids: Considered by items, 523. Companies, 327. Printing, 514. Quartermaster Corps, 1253. Reconnaissance, 448. Requisitions for, and general instructions, 1571. Adjutant General's Department, as follows: Age, nativity, etc., of enlisted men, report of Artillery engineer, report of personnel em- Artillery inspection, engineer department Artillery inspection, ordnance supplies, report Artillery inspection, quartermaster supplies, Artillery inspection, signal office supplies, re- Books, annual report of (No. 144), 333. Casualties in action, return of (No. 149), 818. 1 |