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Commutation of Rations-Continued.

Guards in charge of prisoners, 938.

Insane soldiers, 468.

Meal tickets, 1227.

Orders, 1230-1232.

Payments, 1212, 1231-1238.

Rates, 1212, 1223, 1224, 1226, 1228, 1443.

Retired enlisted men, 137.

Travel on duty, 1111, 1232.

Commutation of Subsistence:

Computation of time, 651.


Absence from, or quitting, without leave, A. W.
32, 40.

Accounts, 266.

Application of company designation in Army
Regulations, 15.

Arms, etc., in quarters, 285, 288, 292.
Artificers, wagoners, etc., 173, 275, 278.
Baking bread, 1201.

Books and records, 280-282, 1361, 1471, 1472.
Brooms, brushes, and mops, 301, 1181.

Captains, 265, 266, 269.

Care of arms, etc., 285, 287, 288, 292, 293.
Chiefs of squads, 287, 288.

Cleanliness of men, 286, 288.

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Textbooks, etc., 291.

Transfers, officers and men, 48, 114.
Uniform and fatigue dress, 279, 289,
Withdrawing from general mess, 330.

Company Commanders:

Absentees at muster, A. W. 12, 13.

Acting, in absence of company officers, 267, 268.
Admissions Soldiers' Home, D. C., 179.
Allotments of pay, enlisted men, 1348-1351.
Appointees, second lieutenants, 29.

Artificers, 275, 278.

Authority as to discipline, 953.

Cartridges, hunting purposes, 354.
Chief mechanics, 275, 278.
Clothing accounts, 1157-1160.

Clothing and equipage, 1153, 1156, 1157.
Commutation of rations, 1233, 1236, 1237.
Company fund, 316, 324, 327, 328, 1208.
Confinement of enlisted men, 931.
Cooks, 275, 278.

Councils of administration, 317, 320.
Custody of discharge certificates, 150.
Daily and weekly inspections, 283.
Deceased soldiers' effects, 162-164.

Deposits by enlisted men, 1335, 1361, 1362, 1369.

Deserters, 117, 120, 121, 124.

Detached enlisted men, 104.

Discharge of enlisted men, 140, 142, 146, 148, 149,
154, 155.

Disposition of old records, reports, etc., 281.

Efficiency reports, 829.

Emergency rations, 1205.

Enlisted men in hospital, 1472.

Enlistment of discharged soldiers, 860.

Escaped prisoners' money, 940.

Farriers and horseshoers, 275, 278.
Final statements, 1362–1364, 1369.
First sergeants, 273, 275.

Furloughs, 109, 110, 1111; A. W. 11.

General duties and responsibilities, 266, 269, 284,

286, 290, 291.

Incorrect payments, 1336.

Inspection after taps, 370.

Instructions in signaling, 1562.

Lance corporals, 272.

Marking of graves, 492.

Mechanics, 275, 278.

Messing and cooking, 296, 298.

Musicians, 275, 278.

Muster rolls, 810.

Noncommissioned officers, 94, 95, 270-278.

Patients in hospital, 1451.

Payment of deserters, 1373, 1374.

Payments to enlisted men, 1320, 1321, 1330-1334.

Pay rolls, 110, 810, 1318, 1520, 1321, 1330.

Privates, first class, 275, 278.

Property responsibility, 266, 290, 291, 661-663,

1089-1092; A. W. 10.

Public animals, 1072.

Punishments awarded by, 280.

Quartermaster sergeants, 273, 275.

Ration returns, 1209.

Reports, incapacitated officers, 890.

Returns of troops, 811, 812.

Saddlers, 275, 278.

Serving with detached companies, 813.

[blocks in formation]

Company Quartermaster Sergeants:

See Quartermaster Sergeants, Company.

Company Rendezvous:

Defined, Organized Militia, 452.

Competitions, Small Arms:

Departmental, 193.

Computation of Distances:

Payment of mileage, 1279, 1282.

Computation of Service:

Longevity pay, 1271.

Retirement of enlisted men, 132, 134.

Computation of Time:

Extra-duty pay, 176.

Leaves of absence, 1276.

One-half of court-martial sentence, 943.

Personal services, 651.

Concentration Camps:

Defined, Organized Militia, 452.
Subsistence of militia, 455.
Condemnation of Property :

Articles in charge of guards, 443.
Coast Artillery Corps supplies, 913.
Duties of inspectors, 903, 906-908.
Inventories, 904-906,909.

Medical supplies, 1488.

Ordnance and ordnance stores, 913, 1543.
Property once condemned, 909.
Signal Corps supplies, 1566.
Surveying officer's duty, 715.
Unserviceable, 678, 679.

Worn or shabby in appearance, 908.

Condemned Property :

Destruction, 906, 907, 910, 912-914, 1073.
Marking or branding, 907.
Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1543.
Sale, 680, 681, 906, 907, 912-914, 1073.
Small arms, 907, 910.

[blocks in formation]

Suppression by the Army, 485, р. 101.

Constitution of the United States:

Employment of militia, 450.


Alterations of plans or estimates, 1468.

Hospitals, 1464-1469.

Post cemetery walls or fences, 494.

Quarters for sergeants, first class, Hospital Corps,

1467, 1.468.

Consuls General:

Funeral honors, 421.

Salutes and honors, 400, 403.

Contagious Diseases:

Gratuitous issue of clothing, 1172, 1455.

Infected clothing, 717.

Medical and hospital property, 1454.
Patients and hospital attendants, 1455.

Contempt of Court:

Courts-martial, A. W. 86.

Contempt or Contemptuous Words:
Commanding officer, A. W.20.

President of the United States, A. W. 19.

Contingent Expenses:

Department headquarters, 200.
Special accounts current, 623.

Continuous-Service Pay:
Immediate reenlistment, 143.
Rates and payment, 1340.

Aid to fulfill contracts, 516.
Bonds, 569-581.


Construction and repair work, 572.

Entitled to copy of contract, 561.

Hours of labor, mechanics and laborers, 731.

Marking supplies, 566.

Payments for labor and material, 572.


Aid to contractors, 516.

Awards, 523, 544-548.

Blanks, 555.

Commanding officers, 751.

Competition to be invited, 520.

Conditions necessary before making, 515.

Construction and repair work, 572.

Definition of contract, 550.

Delay in forwarding to Returns Office, Interior

Department, 563.

Disposition of copies, 561, 563, 565.

Examination and approval, 562.

Execution, 556-561.

Forms, 555.

Fresh meats for troops, 1200.

Hawaiian Department, 557.

Involving future payment of money, 582.

Nonpersonal services, 557.

Oath, Returns Office, Interior Department, 563.

Officers making, responsibility, 520.

Papers relating to, 565.

Persons in military service, 521.

Philippine Department, 557, 559.

Printing, 510, 513.

Purchase of public animals, 1066.
Purchases, Quartermaster Corps, 564.
Quartermaster Corps, 557.

Repairs, means of transportation, 557.
Subsistence supplies, territorial departments, 557.
Unauthorized, prohibited, 515.

Undertakers, 87, 167.

Contract Surgeons:

Baggage, 1136, 1138.

Contracts, 1390, 1392, 1393.

Details, 1394.

Duties, 1394.

Employment, 1390.

Examination of recruits, etc., 870.
Fuel, 1037.

Illuminating supplies, 1054, 1057.

Insane, 464.

Leaves of absence, 1393.

Medical attendance, etc., 1473, 1474, 1476, 1478,

1480, 1483.

Mileage, 1296.

Ordnance supplies, 1520, 1521.

Pay and allowances, 1390.

Payments to, 1266.

Privileges, 1391.

Quartermaster supplies, 1174.

Returns by department surgeons, 1489.
Subsistence supplies, 1239.


Definition, p. 301, sec. 1342, R. S.

Previous, 954, 956, 962.


Enlistment or acceptance prohibited, 849; A. W. 3.

See also Prisoners, General.


See Messing and Cooking.

Cooking Stoves and Utensils:

Allowance, 1044.

Company, 296.


Appointment, etc., 275, 278.

Excused from ordinary post duties, 329.

Extra pay, 329.

Hours of labor, 731.

Inspection and muster, 329.

Management and cooking in the field, 296.

Manual for Army, 296, 299.

Quartermaster Corps, 1009.

Reduction, 1009.

Schools for, 449.

Target practice, 329.


Forage ration, 1077.


Ration, 1205.


Appointments, 260, 271, 275, 480, 1405.

Band, 260.

Funeral honors and escort, 428.

Hospital Corps, 1405, 1407, 1410.

Indian scouts, 480.

Lance, 272, 1405, 1407, 1408, 1410.
Ordnance Corps, 103.

Quarters, fuel, stoves, 1044.

Rank and precedence, 9.
Recruiting parties, 843-845.
Reduction, 276, 277, 1009, 1407.
Reproving, 270.

Roster duties, 358.

Selection and instruction, 270.
Signal Corps, 103.

Temporary appointments, 275.
Travel accommodations, 1128.

Warrants, 274, 1405, 1410.

Whistles, 1180.


Acceptance of, as sureties, 575-577, 581.

Bonds, 574, 580.

Contracts, supplies and services, 560.

Money vouchers, 641-644.

Proposals, supplies and services, 532.

Stockholders as sureties, 573.

Surety companies, 573, 575-577, 580, 581.

Corps of Engineers:

Band. See Engineer Band.

Battalion staff officers, 248.

Chief of Engineers, 1493, 1494, 1496, 1501, 1502,

1505, 1506.

Colors, 226, 227, 232.

Department commander's staff, 197, 199.
Electric plants and equipments, 1493, 1505.
Eligibility of officers of, to command, 18.
Extra-duty details, enlisted men, 172.
General duties, 1493.

Guidons, 237.

Officers, 742, 1493-1504, 1507-1509.

Organized Militia, 1510.

Precedence on occasions of ceremony, 6.
Quartermaster sergeants, 9, 256, 1044, 1136.
Special regulations, note, p. 287.

Supervision of, by Chief of Staff, 762.
Troops detached, 1495, 1496.

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Enjoined on military men, 4, 391, 790.

See also Honors, Courtesies, and Ceremonies.

Acquittal of charge of desertion, 128.
Annual reports of trials, etc., 916.
Appointment, pp. 314, 315, act March 2, 1913.
Available officers for duty, 192.
Candidates for promotion, 32.

Charges against enlisted men, 954, 955; A. W. 67.
Classification, p. 314, act March 2, 1913.
Closed sessions, 949; p. 313, act July 27, 1892.
Compensation for clerical duties, 987.
Definition of conviction, p. 301, sec. 1342 R. S.
Error in record or conclusions, 983.

Fuel and stoves, 1044.

Garrison, A. W. 62, 84, 112.

General. See Courts-Martial, General.

Interpreters, 988.

Judge advocates. See Judge Advocates of Courts-

Jurisdiction, 32; A. W. 58, 60, 62-64, 79, 102, 103.
Manual, 963.

Members, 946, 948; A. W. 76-78, 84, 87, 88, 95.

Mixed corps, A. W. 77, 78.

Noncommissioned officers, 958.

Offenses against civil communities, 955.

Places where held, 946.

Powers, 948.

Power to punish contempt, A. W. 86.


President, 947, 979; A. W. 85.

Previous convictions, 954.

Proceedings, 979; A. W. 86-93, 95, 113, 114, 121.

Records, 920.

Regimental, A. W. 30, 62, 84, 112.

Reporters, 738, 986, 987.

Sentences. See Courts-Martial Sentences.

Sessions, 946.

Special. See Courts-Martial, Special.

Summary. See Courts-Martial, Summary.

Witnesses, 127, 951, 952; p. 313, sec. 1202 R. S.;

p. 314, act March 2, 1901; A. W. 91, 92.

Courts-Martial, General:

Announcement of findings, etc., 984.

Appointment, pp. 314, 315, act March 2, 1913;
A. W. 76.

Contumacious witnesses, 991; p. 314, act March
2, 1901.

Copy of proceedings to be furnished, 919, 980;
A. W. 114.

Counsel for prisoners, 961.

Custodian of records, 915.

Evidence of previous convictions, 954, 962.
Jurisdiction, p. 313, sec. 1343 R. S.; p. 315, act

March 2, 1913; A. W. 79.

Matter in charges unfit for publication, 984.
Members, 945; pp. 314, 315, act March 2, 1913.

Orders, 791, 917, 984.

Proceedings, 917, 921.

Records, 915, 980.

Refusal of civilian witnesses to appear, etc., 991.
Stenographic reporter, 985-987.

Trial of enlisted men, 954.

Typewriter, use of, 980.

Courts-Martial, Special:

Appointment, p. 315, act March 2, 1913.
Counsel for prisoners, 961.

Evidence of previous convictions, 954, 962.
Jurisdiction, p. 315, act March 2, 1913.

Members, 945; pp. 314, 315, act March 2, 1913.
Orders convening, proceedings, etc., 945, 960.
Records, 960, 982.

Trial of candidates for promotion, 32.

Courts-Martial, Summary:

Appointment, p. 315, act March 2, 1913.
Charges against enlisted men, 956, 957.
Consist of one officer, p. 314, act March 2, 1913.
Delays in trials, 959.

Evidence of previous convictions, 956, 962.
Jurisdiction, p. 315, act March 2, 1913.
Only officer present sitting as court, 957.
Proceedings, findings, etc., 957.

Records, 957.

Reports, 982; pp. 313, 314, act June 18, 1898.
Sessions, 959.

Trial of candidates for promotion, 32.
Trial officers, administration of oaths, p. 313, act

July 27, 1892.

Trial of noncommissioned officers, 958; p. 315, act
March 2, 1913.

Courts-Martial Sentences:

Absence without leave, 127, 128.

Beginning and expiration, 969, 970.

Branding, marking, or tattooing, A. W. 38, 98.

Candidates for promotion, 32.

Certificates of eligibility, enlisted men, 32.

Courts-Martial Sentences-Continued.

Computation of one-half, 943.

Conduct unbecoming an officer, A. W. 61.
Confirmation, 981; A. W. 105-109.
Cowardice or fraud, A. W. 42, 60, 100.
Death penalty, A. W. 96.

Deposits of enlisted men, 1368.
Designation of persons convicted, 928.
Discharge of enlisted men, 139; A. W. 4.
Discharge or dismissal of officers, A. W. 99.
Dishonorable discharge, 974, 975.

Execution, A. W. 104-109.

Flogging, A. W. 98.

Forfeiture of pay, 970, 976-978.

Form, 965.

General officers, A. W. 108.

Imprisonment in penitentiaries, A. W. 97.
Increase of sentence of confinement, 967.

Legal limit, 968.

Limitation of punishment, 963, 964; p. 313, act
September 27, 1890; p. 315, act March 2, 1913;
A. W. 38, 98.

Marking, A. W. 38, 98.

Noncommissioned officers, 256, 276, 277, 310.
Operative when confirmed, 972.

Order of serving, 973.

Order publishing, 970.

Pardon or mitigation, p. 313, act June 18, 1898;
A. W. 112.

Payments to officers dismissed, 1262, 1265.

Places of confinement, 965, 966, 971.

Soldiers serving or awaiting, when term expires,

Special courts-martial, p. 315, act March 2, 1913.
Summary courts-martial, 957; p. 315, act March 2,


Suspension, A. W. 111.

Suspension from command, A. W. 101.

Tattooing, A. W. 38, 98.

Tours of guard duty, 964.

Courts of Inquiry:

Appointment, etc., A. W. 115.
Composition, A. W. 116.

Fuel and stoves, 1044.
Members, A. W. 116, 117.

Oaths of members, A. W. 117, 118.
Opinion of court, A. W. 119.

President, A. W. 117, 120.

Proceedings, 719; A. W. 116, 118, 120, 121.

Recorders, A. W. 116-118, 120.

Records, 915.

Witnesses, A. W. 118.


Punishment, A. W. 42, 100.

Sentences of courts-martial, A. W. 100.


See Packing and Crating.

Credit Sales:

Subsistence supplies, 1242, 1243, 1249.

Crimes or Offenses:

Against laws of the land, A. W. 55, 59.
Convictions, enlisted men, civil courts, 146.
Enlisted men charged with, A. W. 66.
Fraud or embezzlement, A. W. 60.
Fraudulent enlistment, p. 313, act July 27, 1892.
Officers charged with, A. W. 65.

Trial, second time for same, A. W. 102.

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Report of chaplains, 45.

Report of commanding officers, 83, 162.
See also-

Deceased Officers.

Deceased Soldiers.

Deceased Officers:

Accounts, medical attendance, etc., 1478.

Accounts for advertisements, 508.

Baggage, professional books, etc., 1137.

Burial in post cemeteries, 493.

Cause of death, 83.

Checks outstanding, 603.

Disposition of remains, 87.

Effects, 84, 85; A. W. 125, 127.

Expenses of burial, 87.

Funeral honors and escort, 396, 418-420, 422, 426,


Half year's pay to beneficiary, 1385.

Information from records, 824.

Notification of nearest relative, 87.
Outside continental limits U. S., 87.

Public property or funds, 86.

Reports of death and burial, 45, 83, 87.
Settlement of accounts, 85.

Transportation of horses, 1098.

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