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Major Generals:

Aids, 41.

Appointment to grade, 22.
Appropriate command, 14.

Baggage, 1136.

Changing station, 71.

Forage, 1080.

Funeral honors and escort, 418, 426.

Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044.

Rank and precedence, 9.

Relative rank with naval officers, 12.
Salutes and honors, 375, 400, 401, 403.
Staff officers, change of station, etc., 71.
Travel beyond limits of command, 71.
Visits and courtesies, 240.


Appropriate command, 14.
Baggage, 1136.

Forage, 1080.

Funeral honors and escort, 422, 426.

Promotion to grade, 25.

Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044.

Rank and precedence, 9.

Relative rank with naval officers, 12.

Roster duty, 358.


Punishable by military courts, A. W. 58.

Army cooks, 296, 299.

Coast artillery, 1552.
Courts-martial, 963.
Firing regulations, 349.

Guard duty, 441.

Staff departments, 1570.

Maps and Reconnaissances:

Duties, Engineer Corps, 1493, 1500, 1502.

Journals of march, 445, 446.

Purchase of maps, 521.

Route maps, 444, 445.

Surveying instruments, 447, 448.

System of scales, 444.


Journals, 446.

War diaries, 446.

Marine Corps:

Deserters from, enlisted in the Army, 133.
Precedence of, on occasions of ceremony, 6.
Rations, 1204.

Relative rank with other corps, 10; A. W. 122.

Marine Corps Officers:

See Officers, Marines.


Boxes for transportation, 1547.

Company property, 295.

Condemned property, 907.

Donations, 1144, 1145.

Forbidden, as court-martial sentence, A. W. 38,

Graves, 491, 492, 495.

Packages for shipment, 1140.

Public property, 676.

Regimental property and equipments, 257.


Additional pay, 1345.


Report of chaplains, 45.

Married Men:

Enlistment or reenlistment, 852, 1009, 1412.
Transfer to Hospital Corps, 1412.


Apprehension of deserters, 118, 121.

Martial Law:

Hawaii Territory, 485, pp. 102, 103.

Master Electricians:

Coast Artillery Corps, 9, 310, 1044, 1136.
Quartermaster Corps, 9, 1009, 1044, 1136.
Signal Corps, 9, 1044, 1136.

Master Gunners, Coast Artillery Corps:
Appointments, 310.

Baggage, 1136.

Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044.
Rank and precedence, 9.

Warrants, 310.

Matrons, Hospital:

Allowance to post hospitals and arsenals, 1449.

Appointment, 1448.

Fuel, 1044.

Hospital stores, 1473.

Rations, 1203, 1210.

Subsistence supplies, 1239.


Punishable by military courts, A. W. 58.

Meals and Lodgings:

Civilian employees, 733.

Enlisted men, 371, 1227.

Meat, Canned:

Ration, 1205.


Appointment, etc., 275, 278.

Extra-duty details, 173.

Mechanics, Civilian:

Armament districts, 1539.

Employment, payment, etc., 727, 730.

Hours of labor, 731.

Transportation and expenses, 732, 734.

Medals of Honor:

Announcement of award, 183.

Applications, 182.

Conditions of award, 182, 188.

Officers and enlisted men, 182, 188.

Unauthorized possession, report, 189.

Medical Attendance:

Accounts, 1476-1485.

Civilian physicians, 1476-1479, 1484, 1485.
Indians, 477.

Medical officers, 1473, 1474.

Military prisoners, 1473, 1476, 1478, 1480.

Prisoners of war, 1473.

Recruiting service, 1475.

Medical Certificates:

Disability, 159–161.

Insane soldiers, 466.

Sick leave, officers, 57.

Medical Department:

Acting dental surgeons, 1390-1392, 1395, 1396.

Ambulances and litters, 225, 1105, 1404, 1427-1432,


Artificial limbs, 1490-1492.

Blank forms, 1477.

Civil hospital accounts, 1481.
Contract surgeons, 1390-1394.

Dental Corps, 1395-1403.

Department commander's staff, 197, 199.
Eligibility of officers of, to command, 19.
General duties and responsibilities, 1386.
Hospital Corps. See Hospital Corps.

Medical Department-Continued.
Hospitals. See Hospitals.
Hospital transports, etc., 1440.

Medical attendance, etc., 477, 1473-1485.
Medical officers. See Medical Officers.

Medical Reserve Corps, 1138, 1296, 1389.
Medical supplies, 515, 1486-1488.
Medicines. See Medicines.

Nurse Corps, 1421-1426.
Publications for hospital libraries, 1463.
Returns, 1489.

Service of hospitals, 1447-1463.
Sick call, 1471, 1472.

Special nurses, 1482.

Special regulations, note, p. 269.
Supervision of, by Chief of Staff, 762.

Surgeon General. See Surgeon General.
Medical Inspections and Examinations:

Accounts, 1484, 1485.

Applicants for enlistment, 871.

Enlisted men, 1485.

Hospital Corps, 1410.

Posts and reservations, 1387.

Recruits, 865-871, 1484.

Medical Museum:

Transportation of donations, 1145.

Medical Officers:

Ambulances, 1105, 1427, 1429.
Appointments, qualifications, etc., 1388.

Arrests, etc., 925.

Assignment of quarters, 1025.
Barracks and quarters, 1025.
Boards of examination, 30.

Certificates of disability, 160, 161.

Clothing accounts, Hospital Corps, 1415.
Department surgeons, 161, 197, 199, 1396, 1407,

1408, 1431, 1488, 1489.

Deserters, 126.

Detail, duties, etc., 204, 206, 1387, 1447, 1448.
Diagnosis furnished, etc., 1472.

Division surgeons, 161, 1396, 1405, 1408, 1477, 1488,


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Ration returns, 1210.

Recruits, 867, 868, 870, 871.

Reports, incapacitated or deceased officers, 83,


Reports to, of discharges for disability, 160.
Responsibility for remains of officers and soldiers,
87, 167.

Retirement, 1388.

Returns of, by department surgeons, 1489.

Service schools, 449.

Sick call, 1471, 1472.

Sick leave, officers, 57.

Surgeons, 24, 491, 492, 1489.

Transfers to Hospital Corps, 1411.

Medical Reserve Corps:

Appointments in Medical Corps, 1389.
Assignment of officers 1389.

Baggage transportation for officers, 1138.

Mileage, 1296.

Medical Supplies:

Books and publications, 1463, 1488.

Chests, 1139.

Contracts for, or purchase, 515.

Disinfectants, 1487.

Hospital property and supplies, 617, 1452, 1453,

1456, 1457, 1459.

Medicines. See Medicines.

Proceeds of sales, 617.

Purchases, 1486.

See also Surgical Appliances.


Accounts, 1477, 1480, 1483.

Charges, Organized Militia, 1460.

Dispensed, to whom, 1473.

Families and servants, 1476.

Indians, 477.

Officers and men not on duty, 1476.

Purchased from druggists, 1478, 1480, 1483.

Retired officers and enlisted men, 1474.

Veterinary, 1074-1076, 1096.

Members of a Royal Family:

Salutes and honors, 400, 403.
Members of Courts-Martial:

Appointment, 945.

Behavior, A. W. 87.

Challenge by accused, A. W. 88.

Disorderly conduct, 948.

Duty with command, 946.

Oath, A. W. 84.

Officers, Marine Corps, A. W. 78.

Officers, Regular Army, A. W. 77.

Requisite number not at posts, etc., A. W. 76.

Sit according to rank, 945.

Voting, A. W. 95.

Members of Courts of Inquiry:
Appointment, etc., A. W. 116.
Oaths, A. W. 117.

Members of the Cabinet:

Funeral honors, 421.

Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403.

Memorandum Receipts:
Company records, 281.

Cooking apparatus, 1252.

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Kitchen tableware and furniture, 301.

Management of kitchens, 297, 301.

Manual for Army cooks, 296, 299.
Meals for enlisted men, 371.
Mess furniture in the field, 302.
Mess sergeants, 1346.

Mess stewards, 329.

Prisoners' food, 300.

Rations, care, savings, etc., 298.

Removal of outfits from barracks, 1023.

Rooms for officers, 1034.

Supervision, company and general mess, 296.
Use of hospitals, 1470.

Yearly field practice, 296, 1205.

Mess Rooms:

Hospitals, 1044.

Mess Sergeants:

Authorized, 1346.

Meteorological Instruments:

Supervision, control, etc., 1556.

Barracks and quarters, 1058-1060.

Approval of journey, 1285.
Arsenals, 1295.

Authority, 1284, 1285.
Baggage transportation, 1122.
Civilian employees, 737.
Coast defense commands, 1286.
Delays en route, 1283.
Discharged soldiers, 1378.
Engineer officers, 1507.
Explorations, military, 1295.
Inspectors, 1284.

Joining first station, 1296, 1297.
Leaves of absence, 1289-1294.
Lines of travel, 1287.
Orders, 71, 1284-1288.

Payments, 1279, 1283, 1507.
Philippine Department, 1284.

Public works, 1295.

Rates and computation, 1279, 1282.

Return journeys, 1285.

Route of travel, 1282, 1287.

Quartermaster, 1313.

Supervision and regulations, 191, 449.

Treasurer, 1312.

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Military Reservations:

See Posts and Reservations.

Military Roads, Railroads, and Bridges:
Construction and repair, 1493, 1508.
Military Secretary:

Lieutenant general, 41.

Military Service Institution:

Transportation of donations, 1145.

Military Signaling and Signal Duties:

Code cards and instructions, 1564.
Communication between the Army and Navy,
409, 1561.

General service code, 1561.
Instruction, enlisted men, 1562.

In the field, 1558, 1561.

Precedence of messages, 1561.

Supervision, control, etc., 1556, 1558.

Visual signaling, use between Army and Navy,
409, 1561.

Military Telegraph and Telephone Lines:
Commanding officers, 1559.

Confidential communications, 1560.

Construction, maintenance, etc., 1556, 1559.

Destruction or obstruction, 1563.

In the field, 1561.

Personal and press messages, 1561.

Signal officers, 1559.

Use of cipher, 1561.

Military Works:

Laborers and armed working parties, 357.

Militia, Organized:

Adjutant General of the Army, The, 105, 774.
Admission to hospitals, 1459, 1460.

Annual returns of, for Congress, 774.

Arming and equipping, 455, 463, 1143.

Arms, etc., shipment by supply departments, 455.
Authority of the President, 450.

Called into service, transportation and subsistence,

Chief of Staff, supervisory powers, 764.

Coast Artillery Reserves, 457.

Company rendezvous defined, 452.

Concentration camps defined, 452.

Correspondence, 105, 774.

Custody of records after muster out, 774.
Disbursing officers, 452.

Encampments, reports of, 774.

Engineer supplies, 1510.

Enlisted men, Army, detailed with, 105.
En route to concentration camps, 455.

En route to mobilization camps, 455, 456.
Equipment, etc., 741.

Equipping, forwarding, etc., in time of war, 193,

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Militia, Organized-Continued.

Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1511, 1514.
Pay and allowances while in United States serv-

ice, 451.

Pensions, 458.

Physical examinations, 455, 457, 461.

Property and equipments, inventories, 460.

Public property in use by, 460.

Purchases, fuel and forage at mobilization camps,


Relative rank with regulars, Marine Corps, and

volunteers, 6, 10; A. W. 122, 124.
Reports and returns, 105, 193, 774.

Secretary of War, 450.

Signal supplies, 1565.

Strength of organizations, 453.

Subject to Articles of War, A. W. 64.

Subsistence charges, field hospitals, 1460.

Transportation for, 456.

Militia Affairs, Division of:

Blank forms, 455.

Reports, quarterly, 105.


Ration, 1205.

Mine Planters:

Commanding officers, 49, 106.

Mineral Oil:

Allowance, 1053, 1061.

Extra issues, 1006.

Purchased by soldiers' families, 1038.

Requisitions for, and issue, 1052.

Sales, 1054.

Storage in or near storehouses, 1199.
Unconsumed, 1056.

Ministers, American or Foreign:
Funeral honors, 421.

Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403.


Consent of parent or guardian to enlistment, 850,
853; A. W. 3.

Discharged for fraud, 1380.

Enlistment of, under 18 years of age, prohibited,

Penalty for officers enlisting, A. W. 3.

Minute Guns:

Funerals, 419-421.


Public moneys or property, A. W. 60.

Misbehavior Before the Enemy:

Punishment, A. W. 42.

Miscellaneous Receipts:

Proceeds of sale, 611, 618.


Cause of death, 83, 162.

Officers or agents, 884, 900.
Misconduct in Time of War:

Abandoning post, A. W. 42.

Casting away arms, A. W. 42.

Changing parole or watchword, A. W. 44.

Correspondence with or intelligence to the enemy,
A. W. 46.

Cowardice, A. W. 42, 100.

Disclosing parole or watchword, A. W. 44.

False alarms, A. W. 41.

Forcing safeguard, A. W. 57.

Misbehavior before the enemy, A. W. 42.

Plunder or pillage, A. W. 42.

Quitting colors, A. W. 42.

Misconduct in Time of War-Continued.

Relieving, harboring, or protecting the enemy,
A. W. 45.


Punishment, 944, 972; A. W. 112.

Mixed Corps:

Commanders, 10, 817; A. W. 122.

Mobilization Camps:

Arms, etc., shipment to militia, 455.

At a garrison post of the Regular Army, 455.
Defined, Organized Militia, 452.
Location of, 457, 462.

Militia en route to, 455.


Employment of troops against, 489.
Money Accountability:

Appropriations, 620-625.
Certificates of deposit, 611-616.
Checks, 587, 599-607..

Disbursing officers, 583-596.
Division staff officers, 197.
Funds by express, 1142.

Liquid coffee purchases, 1208.

Money accounts. See Money Accounts.

Money vouchers. See Money Vouchers.

Official check books, 608, 610.

Pecuniary responsibility of officers, 141, 155, 653,

Post noncommissioned staff, 254.

Proceeds of sale, 611, 617-619.

Transfer on succession, 17, 630.

Transfers, 589, 597, 598.

See also Public Moneys.

Money Accounts:

Abstracts, 626, 1250.

Accounts current, 615, 623, 626-629, 635, 1492.
Administrative examination, 655, 656.

Amounts to be in dollars and cents, 635.

Certificates of deposit, 615.

Closing statements, disposition, 902.

Contingent expenses, 623.

Deceased officers, 86.

Disbursing officers, 589.

Disposition, 626.

Foreign currency, 635.

Fractions of cents, 635.

Insane officers, 86.

Inspection, 895, 897, 899-901.

Military attachés, 1100.

Orders and papers supporting, 627-629.
Ordnance Department, 1511.

Original vouchers required, 628.

Preparation and rendition, 626, 627.
Rates of exchange, 1100.

Subsistence sales, 1250.

Vouchers to accompany, 627, 628.
See also-

Public Moneys.

Receipts for Money and Property.

Money Vouchers:

Artificial limbs, 1492.

Certificate of correctness, 632-634, 642-644.

Coin or currency, 635.

Commanding officers, 751.

Completion before certified by creditor, 638.
Corporations, 641-644.

Currency payments to be noted, 640.

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