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False, A. W. 5, 14.
Hospital Corps, 1413.

Inspection and review, 439.
Monthly, for pay, 438, 439.

Muster and pay rolls, 807-810.
Sunday, 439.

Mutiny and Sedition:

Beginning, exciting, joining, etc., A. W. 22.
Compelling surrender of troops, A. W. 43.
Disobedience of orders, A. W. 21, 24.

Failure to give information, A. W. 23.

Quelling quarrels, frays, disorders, etc., A. W. 24.
Striking superior officer, A. W. 21, 24.
Suppression, A. W. 23.

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Forage ration, 1077.

Obstructing or Hindering:

Execution of the laws, 485, p. 101.

See Crimes or Offenses.

Definition, p. 301, sec. 1342 R. S.
Officer of the Day:

Exemptions from duty, 363.

Old, exemptions from duty, 363.

Property used for police, etc., 442, 443.

Officer of the Guard:

Duties of, as to prisoners, A. W. 67-69.
Officers, Army:

Absence without leave, A. W. 31, 33, 40.
Absent at muster, A. W. 12, 13.

Abuses and disorders, A. W. 54.
Acceptance, etc., of civil office, 82.
Accepting presents, A. W. 6.

Accompanying troops changing station, 193.
Accountability, 1549; A. W. 10.

Additional pay, 1267–1274.

Administration of oaths, 23, 684, 714.

Appeals, A. W. 29.

Appointment and promotion, 21-37.

Arrest, etc., 922-927, 1371; A. W. 65, 70, 71.
Articles for sale to, 885.

Articles of War to be subscribed, A. W. 1.
Artificial limbs and appliances, 1490, 1491.
Attendance at funerals, 430.

Baggage transportation, 1135-1139.
Barrack furniture and rooms, 1011.

Boards. See Boards of Officers.

Boat flags and pennants, 240.
Change of station, 1098.
Charges against, A. W. 71.

Civil institutions of learning, 42, 449, 1306.

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77, 78, 124.

Deceased. See Deceased Officers.

Definition of officer, p. 301, sec. 1342 R. S.

Dental work, 1398-1401.

Desertion, A. W. 47, 49-51.

Designation of beneficiary in event of death, 1385.

Detached service, temporary duty, 192.

Detailed with militia, 454.

Details. See Details, Officers.

Discharge, A. W. 99.

Dismissal. See Dismissal of Officers.

Dispatches in the field, 798.

Disrespect or contempt, A. W. 19.

Divine service, A. W. 52.

Drunkenness on duty, A. W. 38.
Dueling, A. W. 26-28.

Duties of Chief of Staff in matters affecting,

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Illuminating supplies, 1054, 1056, 1057, 1059.
Incapacitated, 193, 194, 890.

Insane, 86, 464-466, 1297.

Inspection reports concerning, 831, 883, 889, 890.
Investigation of accusations against, 883, 884.
Issue of clothing, 1157, 1158.

Leaves of absence. See Leaves of Absence.
Longevity pay, 1271.

Medals of honor, 182, 183, 188.

Medical attendance, etc., 1473, 1474, 1476, 1478,
1480, 1483.

Messing and cooking, 296–302.

Military attachés, 1100.

Military history, 774.

Militia encampments, 774.

Misconduct or irregularity, 83, 884, 900; A. W. 42.

Mounted, 1272–1274.

Mounted, addressing superior, 381.

Mourning, 431, 432.

Mutiny and sedition, A. W. 21-24, 43.

Oath of office, 23.

Oaths of enlistment, A. W. 2.

Offenders against civil authority, A. W. 55, 59.
On duty without troops defined, 1300.
Orders, regulations, etc., affecting, 766, 774.
Orders eulogizing living, 797.

Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1520–1522, 1542.
Outside continental limits U. S., 60, 71, 1098.
Parlor and sleeping cars, 1128–1134.
Payments. See Payments to Officers.

Pecuniary interest in victuals, etc., A. W. 18.

Pecuniary responsibility, 653, 654.

Personal reports, 59, 62, 64, 826-828.

Presence at parades, 436.

Private property lost in service, 726.
Profanity, A. W. 53.

Promotion, 21-26.

Property damaged, lost, or destroyed, 683–685;
A. W. 15.

Public animals, 1081.

Purchase of clothing, etc., 1174.

Quarrels, frays, and disorders, A. W. 24, 25.
Quartermaster supplies, 1174.
Quarters, 1024-1035, 1044.
Rank and precedence, 9, 11.

Registry on arrival at Washington, D. C., or at
headquarters of a territorial department, 406,825.
Relative rank with Marine Corps, militia, and
volunteers, 10; A. W. 122, 124.

Relative rank with naval officers, 12.
Reproving noncommissioned officers, 270.

Resignation. See Resignation of Officers.

Officers, Army-Continued.

Respect to national airs when played, 378.

Retired. See Retired Officers.

Retirement, causes for, 76-78.

Returns of public property, A W. 8.

Returns of troops, A. W. 7, 8.

Roll calls, 370.

Roster details and duty, 355-364.
Salutes by enlisted men, 383-392.
Salutes with cannon, 393-397.

Saluting, 380-382, 392.

Scandalous conduct, A. W. 42, 60, 100.
Sea travel expenses, 1280.

Special duty under Secretary of War, 191, 192.
Special or distinguished services, 765.

Staff corps and departments, 197-199, 742, 743,
746, 750, 806.

Staff duty details, 38.

Status, returning to United States on leave, 60.
Stoppages against pay, 1308-1311.

Subsistence supplies, 1239, 1240, 1242-1244, 1246.
Suspended from duty or command, 1033; A. W.

Telegraphic service, 1186.

Transfer or exchange, 47, 48, 303, 1297.

Travel on duty, 68-75, 800, 1122, 1123, 1125–1134.
Trials, A. W. 79.

Uniform and equipments, 1569.
Unlawful enlistments, A. W. 3.

Use of post libraries and reading rooms, 331.
Use of transportation facilities, 1108.

Violence to traders in foreign parts, A. W. 56.
Visiting foreign countries, 62, 63.

Visits and courtesies, 240, 403, 406–414.
Volunteer or militia service, 1261.

Waste of private property, A. W. 55, 59.
Witnesses, military or civil courts, 75, 951.
Wrongfully selling arms, etc., A. W. 60,
Wrongs, redress of, A. W. 54.
Officers, Foreign Service:

Official salutes and honors, 376, 402, 403.
Visits and courtesies, 407.
Officers, General Staff Corps:
Aids, 41.

Assignments to duty, 752, 761, 765, 767, 773.
Chief of Coast Artillery, 303.

Chief of Staff of the Army, 752, 756, 759-769; note,

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Eulogizing living officers, 797.
Executed by whom, 796.

Expenditures and issues, 653, 696, 697.
Field orders defined, 791.

Furlough, 1233.

General, defined, 792.

General court-martial, 791, 984.

Inspections, 893, 899, 1284.

Inspectors, 880-882.

Library books, abandoned posts, 338.

Liquid coffee, 1208.

Mounted service, 1272.'

Obedience to, and prompt execution, 1.

Personal journeys, brigade commanders, 194.
Preparation, etc., 795.

Publication in field, camp, or garrison, 804.
Pursuit of deserters, 122.

Qualifications of enlisted men, 1343–1345.

Rations to destitute persons, 1219.

Regimental files, 259.

Retirement of enlisted men, 134, 135.

Return journeys, 71, 1285.

Salutes and saluting stations, 399, 404.

Secretary of War, defined, 761.

Sentences of general prisoners, 774.

Settlement of accounts, 74.

Signaling and telegraphy instruction, 1556.

Signal parties in the field, 1558.

Source and authority, 795.
Special, defined, 793.
Staff officers, travel, 72.
Summary court trials, 957.
Target practice, 349, 352, 353.
Title, officer designated, 780.
Transfer of enlisted men, 115.
Transmission in the field, 798, 799.
Transportation of the Army, 1110, 1111.
Travel allowances, 1284-1288.

Travel on duty, 68-74, 800, 803.

Witnesses, military or civil courts, 951.
Ordnance and Ordnance Stores:
Accountability, etc., 1511.

Arm chests for storage, 1542.

Care and preservation, 1552.

Cartridges for hunting purposes, 354.
Condemned, 913, 1543.

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Ordnance and Ordnance Stores-Continued.

Transfer, 671, 701, 1524, 1535, 1536.
Transportation, 1547, 1548.

Unserviceable, 1517, 1534, 1537-1540.

See also Arms and Accouterments.
Ordnance Corps:

Eligibility of officers of, to command, 18.
Extra-duty details, enlisted men, 172.
Officers, 18, 24, 206, 1044, 1516.

Ordnance Department:

Blanks and blank books, 1551.

Civilian employees, traveling expenses, 738.
Cooking devices, 302.

Department commander's staff, 197, 199.
Field service, Hospital Corps, 1434.
General provisions, 1511, 1512.
Leather dressing, etc., 293.

Materials, ordnance establishments, 1548.
Packing, crating, etc., of baggage, 1135.
Returns and reports, 1549–1551.
Special regulations, note, p. 290.
Stamps, official, for sealing boxes, 1546.
Supervision of, by Chief of Staff, 762.
Target practice, 315, 351.

Tests and experimental trials, 1553–1555.
See also-

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