Patients in Hospitals-Continued. Return to duty, 1451. Savings of rations, 327. Services of Army nurses, 1423. Pay Accounts, Officers: Hypothecation or transfer, 1258. Pay and Clothing Accounts: Deserters, 124, 1164-1166, 1373, 1374. Detached enlisted men, 104. Enlisted men of Quartermaster Corps, 1009. Post noncommissioned staff, 99. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Subject to rules and Articles of War, p. 314, act Transportation and expenses, 737. Payments: Accounts and under contract, 585. Cadets, 1312, 1313. Checks on presentation, 603, 604. Civilian witnesses, military courts, 989, 991, 993; p. 314, act March 2, 1901. Commutation of rations, 1212, 1231. Ferry and bridge transportation, 1126. Medical attendance and medicines, 1476, 1477. Outstanding checks, 607. Prisoners on release, 978. Reporters, courts-martial, 738, 986. Savings of rations, 1222. Seeds for post gardens, 343. Signing receipts or checks in blank, 637. Soldiers furloughed to the reserve, 1375-1379. Telegraph and telephone service, 1186, 1187, 1189, Transportation to Soldiers' Home, D. C., 180. Payments to Discharged Soldiers: By whom made, 155, 1337. Dates included, 1376. Deduction for absence without leave, 141. Identification before payment, 1375. Loss or nonreceipt of final statements, 1377. Recruits, 1382. Transferred claims, 1383. Payments to Enlisted Men-Continued. Certificates of merit, 186, 1341. Check or currency, 1316, 1319-1335, 1337. Deserters, 1372-1374. Expert riflemen, 1345. Extra-duty pay, 174, 329. Final. See Payments to Discharged Soldiers. 1249, 1370. Furloughed soldiers, 113. Furloughed to the reserve, 1375-1379. Gunners, 1343, 1344. Incorrect, 1336. Mode of forwarding, 1322, 1323. Monthly, 1315. Outside continental limits U. S., 1317, 1342. Personal, by quartermasters, 1316. Posts and places exempted from control of terri- torial commander, 191. Quartermaster designated, 1337. Reenlistment, 1338, 1339. Retired, 137, 138, 1337, 1341. Witnessed by officers, 810, 1318, 1319, 1326, 1332, 1394. Witnesses before civil courts, 1298. Payments to Officers: Absent from station, 1257. Additional, 1267-1270, 1272, 1273. Dismissed by sentence, 1262, 1265. Entering or leaving service, 1260, 1262, 1263. Longevity pay, 1271. Mileage. See Mileage. Monthly, 1256. Mounted service, 1272-1274. Outside continental limits U. S., 1317. Pay accounts, 1256, 1258, 1262. Promotions, 1260. Resigning, 1262, 1263. Retired, 1257. Retiring from active service, 1264. Serving beyond sea, 1259. Serving with volunteers or militia, 1261. Stoppages against pay, 1308-1311. Travel allowances. See Travel Allowances. Pay of the Army: Additional to enlisted men, 186, 1338-1346. Allotments, enlisted men, 1347-1360. Certificates of merit, 186, 1341. Continuous service, 1339, 1340. Pay of the Army-Continued. Longevity, 1271. Militia while in service, 451. Miscellaneous, 1384. Nurses, 1426. Rates, 1338-1345. Reenlisted, 1338, 1339. Retired enlisted men, 137, 138. Secretary of War, 740. Stoppages against officers, 1308-1311. Suspension from command. A. W. 101. Volunteers or militia, 1261. Pay Rolls: Additional pay notations, 1343-1346. Cadets, Military Academy, 1312. Calculations, 810, 1318. Charges, 110, 116, 127, 341, 345, 686, 687, 699, 724, Check or currency payments, 1320, 1321, 1326, Clothing balances, 1160, 1164. Corrections or changes, 810. Credit sales to enlisted men, 1249. Damages to property, 686, 699, 724, 1178. Deserters' pay, 127, 687, 1164, 1166, 1373, 1374. Detached enlisted men, 808. Forfeitures and deductions, 1370. Laundry charges, 341. Payments to enlisted men, 1337. Post exchange dues, 345. Preparation, disposition, etc., 807, 1329. Property lost or destroyed, 686, 687, 699, 1178. Retained, 810, 1318, 1332. Sick in hospital, 808. Signatures of enlisted men, 1319. Stoppages, 1370. Witness to payment, 1318, 1319, 1326, 1332, 1333. Peaches: Ration, 1205. Penalties: Contractors' bonds, 569, 578. Destroying or obstructing military telegraph Disbursing officer's bond, 568. Penalty Envelopes: Use for official business, 834-839. Abatement term of confinement, 942. Exercise of clemency, 944. Imprisonment, 966, 967; A. W.97. Inspection, 895. Pennants: Boat flags and pennants, 240. Pensions: Evidence, etc., from records, 824. Notation of degree of disability, 161. Peonage Laws: Enforcement of, by the Army, 485, p. 99. Pepper: Ration, 1205. Periodicals: Post libraries, 331. Perjury: Frauds upon the Government, A. W.60. Permanent Buildings: Construction and repairs, 706, 707. Erection of, on new sites, 704. Permanent Posts: Establishment, 201. Styled forts, 202. Permanent Works of Defense: Court-martial duty of officers, 192. Supervision or control, 191, 214. Personal Reports: See Reports, Personal. Personal Services: Bills to contain no charge for material, 519. Definition, 519. Rules for computation of time, 651. Vouchers for payment, 633. Wages discharged employees, 650. Persuading to Desert: Punishment, A. W.51. Philippine Department: Allotments of pay, enlisted men, 1350. Commanding officer. See Philippine Depart- ment, Commanding Officer. Disbursing officers, 625, 652. District commanders, relation toward higher authority, 194. Fuel, 1044. Furloughs to enlisted men, 111. Horses of mounted officers, 1073, 1095. Inspections, 1284. Leaves of absence, officers, 60. Ordnance property, detached soldiers, 1536. Public buildings, repairs, 1014. Retired enlisted men, 138. Shipments to, via commercial lines, 721. Philippine Department, Commanding Officer: Condemned property, 907. Contracts, 557. Damages by fire, storm, etc., 709. Efficiency reports, 829. Insane soldiers, 469. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Printing, 511. Supervisory powers and duties, 193. Transfer of supplies, 671. Transfer of troops, 193. Travel on duty, officers, emergency cases, 71. Travel orders, 1284. Philippine Islands: Civil governor, 400, 403, 408. Contracts with firms, 559. Enlisted men returning to United States, 111. Payments to troops in, 1317. Return of animals to United States not allowed, Vice governor, 400, 403, 408. Philippine Scouts: Colors, 234. Commutation of rations, 1223. Deposits of pay, 1361. Applicants for enlistment, 841, 847, 848, 862, 864- 867, 871, 1484. Enlisted men, 1485. Hospital Corps, 1410. Members recruiting parties reenlisting, 847. Militia called into U. S. service, 455, 457. Physicians: See- Civilian Physicians. Medical Officers. Pickles: Ration, 1205. Pillaging: Punishment, A. W. 42. Plans and Specifications: Alterations, 1468. Hospitals, 1464-1466, 1468. Quarters for sergeants, first class, Hospital Corps, 1466, 1468. Platoon: Quitting without leave, A. W. 40. Plats: Military lands, 708. Plundering: Punishment, A. W. 42. Police: Barracks, 286, 287. Daily duties of parties, 374. Guards and property, 441-443. Kitchens of enlisted men, 297. Police Officers: Apprehension of deserters, 118, 121. Civilian witnesses, 990. Deposits of pay, enlisted men, 1361. Insane soldiers, 469. Pay of enlisted men, 1342. Posse Comitatus: Employment of national forces, 484-489. Post Cemeteries: Care and maintenance, 494, 496. Headboards for graves, 494, 495. Inclosed with wall or fence, 494. Inspection, 889. Interments, 167, 497, 498. Suitable ground to be set apart, 493. Walks, 496. Post Commanders: Aid to chaplains, 44. Allotments of pay, enlisted men, 1360. Barracks and quarters, 1010-1012, 1024-1028. Post Commanders-Continuea. Buildings for amusement, etc., 339. Care, etc., of posts and reservations, 213. Chaplains' reports, 45. Clothing and equipage, 1147, 1148, 1157, 1158, 1168. Clothing for general prisoners, 1171. Company commanders, 268. Company fund, 328. Councils of administration, 317, 318, 320. Counsel for prisoners, 961. Courts-martial proceedings, 919. Damages by fire, storm, etc., 709. Delegation of duties, 203. Dental surgeon, operating room, 1397. Deposits by enlisted men, 1369. Deserters, 118-120, 125. Deserters' effects, 117. Discharge of enlisted men, 148, 160. Efficiency reports, 829. Escaped prisoners, 121. Escorts of honor, 416. Estimates, 749, 1014. Extra and special duty details, 171. Final statements, 1369. Fuel, 301, 1038. Funeral escorts, etc., 426. Furloughs, enlisted men, 106, 111. General duties and responsibilities, 203, 204. General mess, 330. General officers, 106, 114, 198, 203. Horses of mounted officers, 1095, 1096. Hospital buildings, 1464. Hospital charges, 1460. Hospital matrons, 1448. Hospital service, 1448, 1452. Hospital transports, etc., 1440. Illuminating supplies, 301, 1038, 1051, 1052. Insane soldiers, 466, 468. Mess furniture, 301, 1023. Messing and cooking, 296. Military personnel and employees, 203. Monthly inspections, 203. Neutrality laws, 889. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Payments to enlisted men, 1321, 1324-1330, 1334. Pecuniary interest forbidden, A. W. 18. Permission to hunt granted by, 66. Personal leave of absence, 50. Policing stables, etc., 1106. Post cemeteries, 493. Post exchanges, 346. Post gardens, 342, 1206. Post libraries, 331, 322, 334. Records of post, 211. Surgeons of posts, 1387. Surveying officers, 711, 1023. Tableware and kitchen utensils, 1178. Telegraphic code, 1185. Transfer, etc., enlisted men, 114. Transfer of prisoners, 938. Verification of original packages, 669. Visits and courtesies, 240, 407, 408. Post Engineer Officer: See Engineer Officers. Post Exchange: See Exchange, Post. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Post Noncommissioned Staff: Accountability, etc., for property, 98, 695. Baggage, 1136. Brooms, brushes, and mops, 1181. Discharge and reenlistment, 99, 101, 102, 958. Funeral honors and escort, 428. Military control, 99. Muster and pay rolls, 807. Personal reports, 100. Qualifications, 93, 95. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Reduction to the ranks, 102, 958. Trial by courts-martial, 958. Warrants, 101. Post-Office Department: Property loaned to mail contractors, 209. Post Ordnance Officers: See Ordnance Officers. Post Quartermasters: See Quartermasters. Post Quartermaster Sergeants: See Quartermaster Sergeants. Posts and Reservations: Address, official, of staff officers, 206. Ambulances and harness, 1428. Beer, wine, or intoxicating liquors, 346, 471. Boarding visits, 411. Bowling alleys, 339. Brooms and mops, 1181. Buildings, construction or repair, 706, 707, 1015- Buildings for amusements, etc., 339. Posts and Reservations-Continued. Care and preservation, 213. Cemeteries, 167, 493-498. Chapels, 331, 1044, 1144. Civilians residing on reservation, 212. Coast defense commands, 203. Commanders. See Post Commanders. Council, 117, 163, 164. Deeds, title, and other papers, 705, 915. Designation, 202. Discontinued, 821. Duty and labor on Sunday, 205. Engineer officer on duty, 1503. Establishment, 201. Exchanges. See Exchange, Post. Extra-duty pay, 177. Flags, 223, 397, 398. Foreign vessels, national festivities, 413. Funeral honors, 420-434. Gardens, 342-344, 1206. Garrison schools, 193, 194, 449. General officers commanding, 106, 114, 198, 203. General prisoners, 932, 936, 937, 943. Guards, 441-443. Gymnasiums, 339, 340, 1144. Hospital Corps, 1416, 1418. Letter and note heads, 512. Libraries, 331, 334-338, 340, 1044, 1144. Lye and sapolio, 1182. Morning and evening guns, 210. Navy or Marine Corps deserters, 133. Official correspondence, 783, 785. Orderly observance of the Sabbath, 205. Plats of land, 708. Policing stables, 1106. Post schools, 331, 340, 449, 1044. Removal of trespassers, 212. Repairs to ordnance stores, 1537. Returns, 477,811, 815, 1185. Salutes and honors, 375-377,380-405. Sanitary condition, 1387. Spring wagons, 1103. Staff of commanding officer, 198, 206. Supervision, 212, 214. Unauthorized use of volatile oils, 1053. Ungarrisoned, 214, 889, 1065, 1158. Veterinary hospitals, 92. Visits and courtesies, 403, 406-414. Water supply, 1387. Wharves and piers, 707. Contempt or disrespect, A. W. 19. Corps of Engineers, 1493. Courts-martial, appointment, proceedings, etc., Courts-martial sentences, A. W. 105, 106, 108, 111. Departments and commanders, 190. Detail of line to staff, 38. Directions and orders to Chief of Staff, 761, 762. Flag, 217. General officers, General Staff Corps, 773. Limitation of punishments, 963; p. 313, act Sept. Officers of staff departments, 18. Organized Militia in service, 450, 453, 741. Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Service school, bakers and cooks, 449. Previous Convictions: Consideration and evidence, 954, 956, 962. Price Lists: Clothing and equipage, 1146. Ordnance and ordnancce stores lost or damaged, Subsistence supplies, 1251. Irons, 935. Keepsakes, 940. Medical attendance, etc., 1473, 1476, 1478, 1480. Place of confinement, 971. Punishment for allowing escape, A. W. 69. Rations, 1203, 1212. Reward for escaped, 121. Right of challenge, A. W. 88. Standing mute, etc., A. W. 89. Transfer to place of confinement, 938, 939. Trials, 961, 962. Undergoing more than one sentence, 973. Writ of habeas corpus, 998, 999. Prisoners, Garrison: Abatement of term of confinement, 942, 943. Kept apart from general prisoners, 932. Prisoners, General: Abatement of term of confinement, 942, 943. Application for clemency, 944. Clothing, 939, 1170, 1171. Confined at posts, 932, 936, 942. Defined, 928. Discharge papers, 908. Insane, 464. |