PREFACE This treatise is an expansion of a dissertation submitted in 1923 to the Johns Hopkins University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph. D. degree. It was originally undertaken at the suggestion of Professor Lindsay Rogers, now of Columbia University, and pursued first at the University of Virginia, under his guidance, and later in Baltimore under the supervision of Professor W. W. Willoughby. To them and to President Goodnow, his three teachers who have most influenced his conception of law and politics, and most contributed to his stock of knowledge, the present writer is indebted in ways that are not indicated in the footnotes. Acknowledgments are also due to Professor Frankfurter, of the Harvard Law School, some meetings of whose graduate seminar in administrative law the writer attended, in 1921-1922, with great profit. Professor Frankfurter discussed at considerable length the problem dealt with in chapter VI. The author desires to take this opportunity to thank Professor Jesse S. Reeves for several very fruitful ideas. It is only fair to state, however, that for errors of fact and of judgment entire responsibility rests with the author. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, May 25, 1924. J. H. |