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suitable to keep the bowels regular as a Seidlitz powder in the morning before breakfast. The diet should be liquid while the fever lasts-as milk, cocoa, soups, eggnog, one of these each two hours. A tablespoonful of whisky, rum, or brandy may be added to the milk three times daily if there is much weakness.

The germ causing grippe lives only two days, but successive crops of spores are raised in a proper medium. Neglected mucus in nose or throat affords an inviting field for the germ. Therefore it is essential to keep the nostrils free and open by means of spraying with the Seiler's tablet solution (p. 63), and then always breathing through the nostrils.



Treatment of Sick Headache-Effects of Indigestion-NeuralgiaHeadaches Occasioned by Disease-Other Causes-Poisoning -Heat Stroke.

HEADACHE varies according to its nature and causes. The first variety to be considered is "sick headache" or migraine.

SICK HEADACHE.-This is a peculiar, one-sided headache which takes the form of severe, periodic attacks or paroxysms, and is often inherited. It recurs at more or less regular intervals, as on a certain day of each week, fortnight or month, and the attacks appear and disappear at regular hours. The disorder generally persists for years and then goes away. If it begins in childhood, as it frequently does between the years of five and ten, it may stop with the coming of adult life, but if not outgrown at this time it commonly vanishes during late middle life, about the age of fifty-one in a man, or with the "change of life" in a woman. While in many instances arising without apparent cause, yet in others sick headache may be precipitated by indigestion, by eye-strain, by enlarged tor.sils and adenoids in children, or by fatigue.

There may be some warning of the approach of a sick headache, as mental depression, weariness, disturbances of sight, buzzing in the ears, or dizziness. The pain begins at one spot on one side of the head (more commonly the left), as in the eye, temple, or forehead, and later spreads over the whole side of the head and, in some cases, the neck and arm. The face may be pale, or pale on one side and red on the other. The headache is of a violent, boring nature, aggravated by light and noise, so that the patient is incapacitated for any exertion and is most comfortable when lying down in a quiet, dark room. Vomiting usually comes on after a while, and often gives relief. The headache lasts several hours or all day, rarely longer. The duration is usually about the same in the case of any particular individual who is suddenly relieved at a certain hour generally after vomiting, a feeling of well-being and an enormous appetite following often. Patients may feel perfectly well between the attacks, but if they occur frequently the general health suffers.

In the majority of cases there is no apparent cause discoverable save heredity, and for these the following treatment is applicable. Each case should, however, be carefully studied by a physician, if possible, as only in this way can any existing cause be found and removed.

Treatment. Any article of diet which experience has shown to provoke an attack should naturally be

avoided. A Seidlitz powder, or tablespoonful of Epsom salts in a glassful of water, is advisable at the onset of an attack. Rubbing the forehead with a menthol pencil will afford some relief. Hot strong tea with lemon juice is sometimes of service. To actually lessen the pain one of the following may be tried: phe nacetin (eight grains) and repeat once in an hour if necessary until three doses are taken by an adult; or, migraine tablets, two in number, and do not repeat; or fluid extract of cannabis indica, two drops every half hour until relieved, or until six doses are taken.

HEADACHE FROM VARIOUS CAUSES.-It is impossible to decide from the location or nature of the pain alone to what variety of headache it belongs, that is, as to its cause. It is only by considering the general condition of the body that such a decision can be attained.

Headache from Indigestion. The pain is more often in the forehead, but may be in the top or back of the head. The headache may last for hours, or "off and on" for days. Dull headache is seen in "bilious

"when the whites of the eyes are slightly tinged with yellow and the tongue coated and yellowish, and perhaps dizziness, disturbances of sight and a feeling of depression are present. Among other signs of headache due to indigestion are: discomfort in the stomach and bowels, constipation, nausea and vomiting, belching of wind, hiccough, and tender or painful eyeballs.

In a general way, treatment for this sort of headache consists in the use of a cathartic, such as calomel (three-fifths of a grain) at night, followed by a Seidlitz powder or a tablespoonful of Epsom salts in a glass of cold water in the morning. A simple diet, as very small meals of milk, bread, toast, crackers with cereals, soups, and perhaps a little steak, chop, or fresh fish for a few days, may be sufficient to complete the


Sympathetic Headaches.-These are caused by irritation in various parts of the body, which is conveyed through the nervous system to the brain producing headache. Headache from eye-strain is one of this class, and probably the most common, and, therefore, most important of all headaches. There is unfortunately no sure sign by which we can tell eye-headaches from others, except examination of the eyes (see p. 43). Redness, twitching, and soreness of the eyelids, and watering of the eyes, together with headache, after their excessive use may suggest the cause in some cases. The pain may be occasioned or almost constant, and either about the eyes, forehead, top or back of the head, and often takes the form of "sick headache." The headache may at times appear to have no connection with use of the eyes. When headache is frequent the eyes should always be examined by a competent oculist (a physician) not by any sort of an optician.

Decayed Teeth.-These not uncommonly give rise to headache.

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