A directory of the joint-stock and private banks in England and Wales1852 |
Common terms and phrases
agent Ashton-under-Lyne Bank of England Banker Banking Company Benjamin Birm Birmingham Bolton Bradford Bristol Burton-on-Trent Business is carried butcher Carlisle cent Charles Cheltenham clerk Cockermouth copartnership cotton spinner Coventry dealer deceased Derby Devon Dewsbury draper druggist Edgbaston Edward Eliza Elizabeth Established executors Exeter exors farmer Fixed Issue Francis Gateshead gent gentleman gentlewoman George Gloucester grazier grocer Halifax Hall Hannah Henry hill Huddersfield Hull innkeeper ironmonger James Jane John Jones Joseph Kendal Kent Lancaster lane Leamington Leeds Leicester LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS Liverpool London maker maltster Manchester manufacturer Margaret Mary Ann miller Miss Names of Places Newcastle North Shields Northampton Nottingham Paid-up capital park Penrith Plymouth Preston Reserved fund Richard Robert Robinson Samuel Sarah share Sheffield shipowner Smith solicitor spinster Stockport street surgeon Taylor Thomas Thos Wakefield Walker Warwickshire Whitehaven widow William Wilson wine merchant Wolverhampton woolstapler Workington yeoman York Yorkshire
Popular passages
Page 22 - An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled " An Act for the more effectual Abolition of Oaths and Affirmations taken and made in various Departments of the State, and to substitute Declarations in lieu thereof, and for the more entire suppression of voluntary and extra-judicial Oaths, and affidavits;' and to make other Provisions for the abolition of unnecessary Oaths.
Page 32 - Hands or be entitled to at the Time of such Notice to be given as last aforesaid, then and in such Case, and not till then, the said exclusive Privileges of Banking granted by this Act shall cease and determine at the Expiration of such Notice of Twelve Months ; and any Vote or Resolution of the House of Commons, signified under the Hand of the Speaker of the said House in Writing, and delivered at the public Office of the said Governor and Company, shall be deemed and adjudged to be a sufficient...
Page 19 - Patent. Deed of Settlement. IV. And be it enacted, That the Deed of Partnership of every such Banking Company shall be prepared according to a Form to be approved by the Lords of the said Committee, and shall, in addition to any other Provisions which may be contained therein, contain specific Provisions for the following Purposes ; (that is to say,) First, For holding Ordinary General Meetings of...
Page 24 - ... per cent, per annum from the day appointed for the payment thereof to the time of the actual payment.
Page 18 - All drafts or orders for the payment of any sum of money to the bearer on demand...
Page x - Brothers. William Waring Saxton, Market Drayton, Banker and Surgeon, and Edward Saxton, of 53, Cornhill, London, and Beltwood House Sydenham, Kent, Banker and Solicitor.
Page 19 - Majesty, and hy and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assemhled, and hy the anthority of the same, That from and after the passing of this...
Page 11 - ... or any part thereof, or for the deposit or pledge thereof, or any part thereof, as a security for any money or negotiable instrument or instruments...
Page 13 - Stamps for the Time being, upon Proof made that such Certificate has been signed with the Handwriting of the Person or Persons making the same, and whom it shall not be necessary to prove to be a Commissioner or Commissioners...
Page 12 - IT ENACTED hy the King's most excellent majesty, hy and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons in this present parliament assemhled, and hy the anthority of the same, That from and...