91 7.7. Resurrection of Christ. 1 CHRIST, the Lord is ris'n to-day. Sons of men and angels say; Raise your joys and triumphs high; 3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal, 4 Lives again our glorious King! 1 2 66 Where, O death, is now thy sting ?" Once he died our souls to save; "Where's thy victory, O grave?" THE happy morn is come; Captivity is captive led, For Jesus liveth that was dead. Who now accuseth them For Jesus liveth that was dead. 3 4 Christ hath the ransom paid- For Jesus liveth that was dead, Hail! thou triumphant Lord! For Jesus liveth that was dead. ASCENSION DAY, OCCURS FORTY DAYS AFTER EASTER, AND IS OBSERVED IN MEMORY OF CHRIST'S AS CENSION TO HEAVEN. (Appropriate Psalms.) [2 Part ii. 24 Part ii, and Version ii. 47. 68 Part ii. 110.] Christ returning to Heaven. 1 HAIL the day that sees him rise 2 There the glorious triumph waits; Christ hath vanquish'd death and sin; 3 See, the heav'n its Lord receives ! 4 Still for us he intercedes, 5 O! though parted from our sight, Jesus ascending to glory. 1 JESUS ascends! seraphs raise 2 Lift, ye saints, lift up your eyes; 3 Heaven unfolds its portals wide; 4 Praise him, all ye heavenly choirs, Praise, and sweep your golden lyres ; Praise him in the noblest songs, From ten thousand thousand tongues. 95 C. M. Coronation of Christ. 1 WHENCE those unusual bursts of joy, Whose sound through heaven rings? They welcome Jesus to the sky, And crown him-King of kings. 2 At sight of him, yon seraphs bright, They hail their Lord with new delight, 3 Look up, ye saints, and while ye gaze, Forget all earthly things; Unite to sing the Saviour's praise, 4 While here, he bore our sin and shame, 5 We hope ere long, beyond those clouds, To tune celestial strings, And join with heaven's exulting crowds, Ascension and intercession of Christ. 2 Tho' rais'd to a superior throne, 3 The names of all his saints he bears Nor shall the meanest christian say, 4 Those characters shall fair abide, When gems, and monuments, and crowns, 5 So, gracious Saviour, on my breast Christ exalted and adored. 1 By all the hosts of heav'n ador'd, 2 Jesus the Lord, our souls adore, 3 His race for ever is complete; 4 Raise, raise, my soul, thy raptur'd sight, |