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91 7.7.

Resurrection of Christ.

1 CHRIST, the Lord is ris'n to-day. Sons of men and angels say;

Raise your joys and triumphs high;
Sing, ye heavens; and earth, reply.
2 Love's redeeming work is done;
Fought the fight, the battle won :
Lo! the sun's eclipse is o'er,
Lo he sets in blood no more.

3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal,
Christ has burst the gates of hell;
Death in vain forbids him rise;
Christ has opened Paradise.

4 Lives again our glorious King!




Where, O death, is now thy sting ?" Once he died our souls to save; "Where's thy victory, O grave?"

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THE happy morn is come;
Triumphant o'er the grave,
The Saviour leaves the tomb,
Almighty now to save.

Captivity is captive led,

For Jesus liveth that was dead.

Who now accuseth them
For whom their surety died!
Or who can those condemn
Whom God hath justified?
Captivity is captive led,

For Jesus liveth that was dead.



Christ hath the ransom paid-
The glorious work is done;
On him our help is laid-
By him our victory won.
Captivity is captive led,

For Jesus liveth that was dead,

Hail! thou triumphant Lord!
The resurrection thou!
Hail, thou incarnate Word!
Before thy throne we bow.
Captivity is captive led,

For Jesus liveth that was dead.




(Appropriate Psalms.)

[2 Part ii. 24 Part ii, and Version ii. 47. 68 Part ii. 110.]

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Christ returning to Heaven.

1 HAIL the day that sees him rise
Glorious to his native skies!
Christ, awhile to mortals giv’n,
Enters now the highest heav'n.

2 There the glorious triumph waits;
Lift your heads, eternal gates!

Christ hath vanquish'd death and sin;
Take the king of glory in.

3 See, the heav'n its Lord receives !
Yet he loves the earth he leaves;
Though returning to his throne,
Still he calls mankind his own.

4 Still for us he intercedes,
His prevailing death he pleads;
Near himself prepares our place;
Harbinger of chosen race.

5 O! though parted from our sight,
Far above yon azure height,
Grant our hearts may thither rise,
Seeking thee above the skies.

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Jesus ascending to glory.

1 JESUS ascends! seraphs raise
Your eternal songs of praise;
Let the earth's remotest bound,
Hear the joy-inspiring sound.

2 Lift, ye saints, lift up your eyes;
Now to glory see him rise:
Hosts of angels on the road,
Hail and sing th' incarnate God.

3 Heaven unfolds its portals wide;
Gracious conqu'ror thro' them ride;
King of glory, mount thy throne,
Boundless empire is thine own.

4 Praise him, all ye heavenly choirs, Praise, and sweep your golden lyres ; Praise him in the noblest songs,

From ten thousand thousand tongues.

95 C. M.

Coronation of Christ.

1 WHENCE those unusual bursts of joy, Whose sound through heaven rings? They welcome Jesus to the sky,

And crown him-King of kings.

2 At sight of him, yon seraphs bright,
Exulting clap their wings;

They hail their Lord with new delight,
And crown him-King of kings.

3 Look up, ye saints, and while ye gaze, Forget all earthly things;

Unite to sing the Saviour's praise,
And crown him-King of kings.

4 While here, he bore our sin and shame,
From this our comfort springs;
'Tis meet we should exalt his name,
And crown him-King of kings.

5 We hope ere long, beyond those clouds, To tune celestial strings,

And join with heaven's exulting crowds,
To crown him-King of kings.

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Ascension and intercession of Christ.
1 Now let our cheerful eyes survey
Our great high Priest above,
And celebrate his constant care,
And sympathetic love.

2 Tho' rais'd to a superior throne,
Where angels bow around;
And over all the shining train,
With matchless honour crown'd.

3 The names of all his saints he bears
Deep graven on his heart;

Nor shall the meanest christian say,
That he hath lost his part.

4 Those characters shall fair abide,
Our everlasting trust,

When gems, and monuments, and crowns,
Are moulder'd into dust.

5 So, gracious Saviour, on my breast
May thy dear name be worn,
A sacred ornament and guard,
To endless ages borne.

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Christ exalted and adored.

1 By all the hosts of heav'n ador'd,
See David's Son, and David's Lord,
Exalted high at God's right hand,
While angels bow at his command.

2 Jesus the Lord, our souls adore,
A painful suff'rer now no more;
High on his father's throne he reigns,
O'er earth and heav'n's extensive plains.

3 His race for ever is complete;
For ever undisturb'd his seat:
Millions of angels round him fly,
And sing his well-gain'd victory.

4 Raise, raise, my soul, thy raptur'd sight,
With sacred wonder and delight;
Jesus, the great Forerunner, see
Enter'd beyond the veil for thee.

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