THE POLITICAL MAGAZINE AND PARLIAMENTARY, NAVAL, MILITARY, AND LITERARY JOURNAL, For the YEAR M,DCC, LXXXV. VOLUMEX LONDON: Printed for J. MURRAY, No. 32, Fleet-forest, and fold by THE Parliamentary, Naval, Military and Literary Illustrated with a very large MAP of NOVA SCOTIA and CAPE BRETON, &c. 50 Ignorance of the Turks in Fortification 56 51 Defenceless state of the Dardanelles 56 52 Fortifications improved by B. Tott 53 Attack on them by the Rufhaus 54 Navigation of the Dardanelles 55 Influence of Phyfical and moral Causes 58 26 Gibraltar Head money 29 75 Confumption of Negroes in French 78 A Converted Jew preaches at Glasgow 71 79 Suicide in France. A Murder 72 |