To F. Charles Hume, Esq., for permission to use his after-dinner speech, The Young Lawyer, (No. 59). To Vice President Calvin Coolidge, for permission to use his speech introducing Senator Henry Cabot Lodge and President A. Lawrence Lowell, (No. 61). To Yale University, for three speeches published by the University in a report of special celebrations: The speech of President Hadley, The Brotherhood of Yale, (No. 66); the speech of Harry Johnson Fisher, Presenting the Cheney-Ives Gateway, (No. 80), and the speech of President Hadley, Accepting the Cheney-Ives Gateway, (No. 82). To President Charles W. Eliot for permission to use his Welcome to Prince Henry of Prussia, (No. 68). To President Edwin A. Alderman, of the University of Virginia, for permission to use his Farewell to the Class of 1920, (No. 72). To the Sisters of St. Joseph, St. Paul, Minn., for permission to use Archbishop Ireland's The Church and the Age, from "The Church and Modern Society," (No. 85). To President F. A. Driscoll, of Villa Nova College, for permission to use the sermon, The Things that are Cæsar's, by the Rev. James J. Dean, (No. 89). I wish to express most sincere thanks for the kindness shown in allowing the use of all of this material. J. M. O'NEILL. PREFACE This book has been prepared in order to make available within the covers of a single volume, complete copies of a number of good examples of each of the principal kinds of public speeches common to American life to-day. It is not offered as a text-book but rather as a case-book. All discussion of the qualities of the speeches, and of the principles and theories of speech composition, has been purposely omitted.1 Annotation has been reduced to a minimum. I have cut out of copy used many notes and references, first in order to save space and second in order to refrain from telling the student in advance just what each speech illustrates. I prefer that users of this book shall study the speeches critically and decide for themselves, or, where possible, in consultation with classmates and instructor, what qualities, types, and methods the different speeches represent. The possible harm to be done by the failure of some users to note the weaker phases of some of these speeches, seems trifling (considering the authorship and high quality of all of the speeches) in comparison with the harm that would be done by predigesting each of the speeches in advance. There seems to be ample warrant for offering such a volume to the public in the fact that at the present time neither students of public speaking in the schools and colleges, nor busy men of affairs, who are called upon to make speeches on all sorts of occasions, can anywhere find a number of good examples of each of the more common types of speeches without considerable research in rather better libraries than are available to most of them. So far as I have been able to discover such a collection as is here presented has never before been attempted. All former single volume collections, and at least the six most widely known sets in many volumes, have had a narrower aim, and have exhibited at least one (in most cases all three) of the following limitations: (1) Omitting altogether a number of the common types; (2) Offering only a single example of certain types, and (3) offering only fragments of many of the speeches listed. 1 To the best of my knowledge and belief every one of the ninety-five The compiler will treat speech composition in a volume to be entitled "The Principles of Speech Composition." This is in preparation and will be published in 1922. speeches included in this volume is given without the omission of a single word. The classification used is the ancient classical grouping with such alterations as seemed to me to be demanded by modern conditions. It is the most helpful one I can make, and is used for this reason alone with no claim to perfection or finality. Of course certain of these speeches could be listed under a number of the headings used. I have put each one where I thought it fitted best, and hold the reasons for my choice either obvious or unimportant. Also it is obviously true that most of these speeches will serve as "models" outside of the classification under which they are listed. A sermon may be modeled on a forensic argument or an eulogy; a lecture may be modeled on a legislative argument or an anniversary address. And so on through the whole list; good models are, within limits, negotiable in speech making as in architecture. The word "models" is deliberately chosen for the title in preference to such words as "specimens" or "examples" because it suggests precisely the purpose for which this collection was compiled-to make available a group of good models for the use of those who may wish to know some good models for their edification and guidance either in estimating the speeches of others or in preparing speeches of their own. These speeches are offered for use as models, in the conviction that they are all good models. Most of them have been praised as masterpieces by many critics and compilers. They have long been separately acclaimed, but never before brought together and made available in one collection. Of course when I say that each of these speeches is a good model I do not mean to imply that I consider each one perfect. There are a few speeches here which, in my opinion, have minor faults. But all speeches have been chosen because they were thought to be the best available examples of their different types, notwithstanding the fact that I would like some of them better if they were altered somewhat. I have not, however, chosen in any division the best four (for instance) speeches I could find in that division. If the best four were too much alike, I dropped some of them in order to present the best four models-for good speeches that represented different styles or plans. Many excellent speeches were omitted because they represented nothing new in plan or style or method or device. My aim has been to prepare not only the most complete but also the most diversified list of good models that I could get into a single volume of usable size. Some very famous speeches, and many speeches by very famous orators, were excluded in the beginning because on careful examination they were held to be inferior. Many of the best known passages of eloquence quoted in the books of declamations will not be found in this book because they are merely cuttings from speeches which taken as a whole are poor. Some are mere fragments of long rambling discussions in court or legislature which took hours and even days to deliver, and which are, as models, not worth including. Since this volume is prepared for students and public speakers who use the English language, all translations into English of speeches originally delivered in some other language were held inadmissable. I have tried to get in each case exactly what the speaker said, in the exact words in which he said it. I have chosen, wherever possible, copies from stenographic reports in preference to edited manuscripts. I am greatly indebted to many professional colleagues (literally too numerous to catalogue) for help given in frequent consultations, suggestions, and copies of speeches, which have been generously afforded me during the four years in which I have been at work on this collection. The University of Wisconsin. |