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China and glassware will be disposed of only as provided for by that paragraph, which does not contemplate the action of an inspector.

Estimates for ware will be rendered quarterly for articles needed, within value and quantity allowed by regulations. If estimates are not submitted at the end of each quarter, it will be inferred that the supply on hand is complete to that date. The account for each organization is closed at the end of the fiscal year.

If the ware of a departing organization is left in such a condition that the supply on hand, together with allowance remaining due, and articles replaced as provided for by A. R., 1200, will not complete the outfit for its successor, the shortage will be charged against the officer in charge of the mess of the departing company.

The quartermaster who receives the ware from departing organizations will keep the supply of each company separately, to be thus turned over to its successor. (G. O. 51, A. G. O., 1896.) NOTE.-A. R., 1200, of 1895 continued as A. R., 1187, of 1908. 994. China and glassware belonging to mess outfits






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will not be removed from soldiers' barracks without the order of the post commander, nor will they be removed from a post or station except by order of the War Department. viously to the execution of an order for change of station of an organization the commanding officer of the post or station will appoint a surveying officer, if possible an officer belonging to an organization other than that changing station, who will survey all china and glassware of the outgoing organization. He will render a report as to the serviceability or unserviceability of the articles surveyed, and that report, when approved by the commanding officer, will be final. All china and glassware found to be serviceable will be turned in to the quartermaster for reissue. All china and glassware found to be unserviceable after the authorized allowance of 5 per cent a quarter on account of breakage shall have been deducted will be destroyed and the money value thereof charged against the officer who is responsible for the property. (A. R., 1032.)


995. Telegraphic cipher code, care of, etc. (G. O. 84, W. D., 1904; G. O. 93, W. D., 1907.)



996. For posts, number and location of. Central to be usually at adjutant's office; to be maintained and operated by members of the garrison as a rule; to be inspected annually by a Signal Corps or other available expert. (W. D. G. O. 97, 1906; 219, 1907; 116, 1908.)

997. Telephone systems of coast artillery posts. (W. D. G. O. 97, 1906; 219, 1907; 116, 1908.)

998. Telephone equipment for target ranges for small-arms practice. (S. C. M. No. 7, par. 464-468.)


999. Allowance of, for permanent or maneuver camps. (G. O. 108, W. D., 1908, p. 12.).

1000. The "allowance of tentage for permanent or maneuver camps," page 11, G. O. 140, W. D., 1907, should always be on hand so that troops may "be in instant readiness for the field." The organization allowances thereof should be habitually in the hands of organizations.

If the call for field duty is to a permanent or maneuver camp, then the allowance on page 11 is taken.

If the call is for field duty, when command is marching, then the allowance on page 12 is taken in the wagons. This allowance is a part of the allowance on page 11.

If marching to a permanent camp, the balance of allowance, page 11, would be shipped to the permanent camp. (Q. M. General, concurred in by the Sey. War, Jan. 3, 1908; Cir. 2, Dept. Missouri, 1908.)

NOTE. Page 11, G. O. 140, W. D., 1907, is same as page 12, G. O. 108, W. D., 1908.

1001. Field allowance of, for officers, organizations, hospitals, etc. (G. O. 108, W. D., 1908, p. 13.) Also see G. O. 95, W. D., 1908, as to reserve supply, etc.

1002. The use of serviceable tents or other canvas for any purpose other than that for which such articles are furnished is prohibited, except in cases of emergency when necessary to protect public property. (A. R., 1192.)

1003. The prescribed allowance of tentage and equipage will habitually be kept in the hands of the organizations to which it is issued. After use and before being put away, tentage and equipage will be thoroughly aired, dried, and put in serviceable condition, so as to be ready for immediate use when again required. (A. R., 1192.) See par. 1000, ante.


1004. Allowance of, for field service. (F. S. R. 25, 396.) Medical Department. (M. M. ID. 544.) Also see G. O. 95, W. D., 1908.

1005. Allowance of spring wagons for posts. (A. R., 1111.) 1006. Field Service Regulations do not provide for any field service transportation for coast artillery companies. This (Q. M. G.) office has, however, fixed an allowance of one escort wagon for each company of coast artillery. (Q. M. General, Apr. 17, 1907; 11333, I. G. O.)

1007. Organization of wagon and pack trains. (F. S. R., 25.) 1008. Spring wagons will be used only by direction of commanding officers and for the purpose for which they are supplied, viz., for the transportation of officers and enlisted men traveling on duty when other means are not available. (A. R., 1112.)

1009. Commanding officers will cause mounted organizations to be provided daily with the proper facilities for policing stables and hauling forage. (A. R., 1114.)

1010. Care of means of, in the field; personal attention of quartermaster necessary; he can not delegate his responsibility to anyone else, and he alone will be held responsible for their condition. (Q. M. M., 716-720.)

1011. Ambulances.Allowance for field service (F. S. R., 25, 396; M. M. D., 544; G. O. 95, W. D., 1908); for posts (A. R., 1447); furnished and repaired by Quartermaster's Department; housed when practicable near hospital; subject to call of surgeon (A. R., 1446); driver designated (A. R., 1448); care and inspection (A. R., 1448, 1451). See paragraph 84, ante.

1012. Ambulances will be used only for transportation of the sick and wounded, the recreation of convalescent patients, or to give instruction in the duties of the ambulance service. (А. R., 1446.) Use in the field. (A. R., 1454.)

1013. Army and escort wagons will be painted an olive drab color. (G. O. 191, W. D., 1906.) Formula for mixing olive drab paint. (Cir. 66, W. D., 1906.)

1014. Control and supervision of, and responsibility for, means of water transportation assigned for the exclusive use of the artillery districts. (G. O. 62, W. D., 1908, par. IV, secs. 5 and 25.)

1015. As the use of these boats (wooden working boats for submarine mining) will tend to keep them in good condition and serve to train the members of the various crews in their handling and care, their use for ordinary work in the waters about a coast artillery post, when not needed for submarine mine purposes, is authorized under proper supervision of local commanding officers. (Cir. 37, W. D., 1905.)

1016. Each company will be furnished with one hand litter, which will be kept ready for use at all times. It will be supplied and repaired by the Quartermaster's Department. (A. R., 1449.)


1017. Regulations for the uniform of the Army, G. O. 169, W. D., 1907, amended, etc., as follows:

Par. 6, by G. O. 33, W. D., 1908.

Par. 10, by Cir. 22, W. D., 1908.

Par. 41, by G. O. 42, W. D., 1908.

Par. 61, by G. O. 123, W. D., 1908. (For officers of the Medical Reserve Corps.)

Par. 71, by W. D. Cir. 68, 1907; 50, 1908.

Par. 72, by G. O. 93, W. D., 1908.

Par. 724, by G. O. 93, W. D., 1908. (White, for recruiting parties, cooks, and bakers.)

Par. 77, by G. O. 93, W. D., 1908.

Par. 821, by G. O. 93, W. D., 1908. (White, for recruiting parties.)

Par. 89, by G. O. 15, W. D., 1908.

Par. 90, by Cir. 83, W. D., 1907.

Par. 98, by Cir. 6, W. D., 1908.

Pages 64 and 65, by Cir. 76, W. D., 1907.

1018. Uniform clothing prescribed for issue to coast artillery troops serving in the United States. (W. D., G. O. 91, 1907; 73, 1903.) For other troops serving in the United States. (G. O. 91, W. D., 1907, the provisions of which are not affected by G. O. 169, W. D., 1907.)

1019. The interpretation of paragraph 83, G. O. 169, W. D., 1907, that letters and numbers are not to be worn on the campaign hat, is correct. (Scy. War, Feb. 12, 1908; 12326, I. G. O.) 1020. At inspection of dismounted troops equipped for field service, neither officers nor enlisted men should wear white gloves or white collars. (Scy. War, July 28, 1908; Cir. 13, Dept. Dakota, 1908; 12380, I. G. O.)

1021. Post commanders are authorized to permit enlisted

men to wear white collars with old style blue blouse.

W. D., 1904.)

(Cir. 28,

1022. The proper dress will be determined by the commanding officer, with due regard to prescribed regulations (see Table of Occasions), the season of the year, and the state of the weather. (Par. 2, G. O. 169, W. D., 1907.) Also see T. R. 229.

1023. Officers serving with troops will wear the prescribed uniform and will, by their appearance, set an example of neatness and strict conformity to regulations in uniform and equipment. (Par. 2, G. O. 169, W. D., 1907.)

1024. A standard sample for color of olive-drab woolen cloth will be furnished by the Quartermaster's Department to the quartermaster of every garrisoned post for the future guidance of officers of the Army when providing themselves with olivedrab uniforms. To prevent unnecessary hardship officers will be permitted to wear out such olive-drab uniforms as they now possess. (Cir. 48, W. D., 1907.)

Standard sample of braid to be similarly furnished. (Indorsement of Q. M. General, May 16, 1908; 12422, I. G. O.)

1025. All officers not serving with troops shall, during the hours of duty, wear the prescribed uniform, unless authorized by the War Department to wear civilian clothing. (Par. 2, G. O. 169, W. D., 1907.)

1026. Officers on duty in the War Department are authorized to wear civilian dress. (War. Dept. Cir. Aug. 3, 1904.)

1027. When officers or enlisted men wear civilian dress, it will not be accompanied by any mark or part of the uniform. Enlisted men, on or off duty, will not wear civilian dress without permission of their commanding officer. (Par. 3, G. Ο. 169, W. D., 1907.)

1028. Enlisted men will not be permitted to wear articles of the uniform other than those furnished to the organization to which they belong. (Page 3, G. O. 169, W. D., 1907.)

1029. Enlisted men will not be permitted to wear any articles of uniform which are not funished by the Quartermaster's Department. (Par. 15, G. O. 169, W. D., 1907.)

1030. Suspenders, when worn, must not be visible. (Par. 102, G. O. 169, W. D., 1907.)

1031. For wear at emplacements and at certain mountain battery drills. (Par. 106, G. O. 169, W. D., 1907.)

1032. Canvas fatigue clothing for enlisted men of machinegun detachments. (Cir. 15, W. D., 1907.)

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