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18. Galleries of Battery

19. Magazine of Battery

excessive dampness.

leak badly.

unserviceable on account of

20. No lights on loading platforms of Batteries --

21. All wires forming the system of communications are aërial and exposed to hostile fire-one shell from an enemy's ships might paralize the whole system. Provision should be made for

underground lines.


22. It was reported that a number of cocking pieces of the new rifle had been broken at target practice.

23. There is no ordnance sergeant at this post. One is badly needed.

24. The following surplus ordnance stores are on hand, viz: (State kind, quantity, and condition.)


25. All wires forming the system of communications are aërial and exposed to hostile fire-one shell from an enemy's ships might paralyze the whole system. Provision should be made for underground lines.

26. There is no telephonic connection with the tide station.

Your attention is invited to the requirements of A. R. 908, and Circular 14, War Department, 1906. Very respectfully,

Major, Inspector-General,


A. D.-Atlantic Division.

A. G. O.-Adjutant-General's Office.

А. О. С. Р.-Army of Cuban Pacification.

A. R.-Army Regulations, 1908, when not otherwise indicated.

Art. Mem. Artillery Memorandum.

C. D. R.-Cavalry Drill Regulations, 1902.

[blocks in formation]

D. J. A. G.–Digest of Opinions of the Judge-Advocate-General, 1901.

D. R. C. A.-Drill Regulations for Coast Artillery (Prov.),


D. R. H. C.-Drill Regulations, Hospital Corps, 1908.

D. R. L. A.-Drill Regulations for Light Artillery, 1896.

E. R.-Engineer Regulations, 1906.

F. S. R.-Field Service Regulations, 1905 (Amended, 1908).

G. O.-General Orders.

I. D. R.--Infantry Drill Regulations, 1904.

I. G. D.-Inspector-General's Department.

I. G. O.-Inspector-General's Office.

J. A. G.-Judge-Advocate-General.

M. G. D.-Manual of Guard Duty, 1902.

M. L.-Military Laws of the United States, 1901, with Supple

ment to March 4, 1907.

M. M. D.-Manual for the Medical Department, 1906.

M. P. D.-Manual for the Pay Department, 1907.

M. S. D.-Manual for the Subsistence Department, 1908.

M. S. O.-The Military Secretary's Office.

N. H. D. V. S. --- National Home for Disabled Volunteer Sol


O. R.-Regulations for the government of the Ordnance Department, 1907.

O. S. M. Ordnance Supply Manual, 1904. 58078-09-12




Q. M.-Quartermaster.

Q. M. G.-Quartermaster-General.

Q. M. G. O.-Quartermaster-General's Office.

Q. M. M.-Quartermaster's Manual, 1904.

Regs. Regulations.

R. S. Revised Statutes of the United States.

S. A. F. R.-Small Arms Firing Regulations, 1906. S. C. M. No. 7-Signal Corps Manual, No. 7, 1907.

Scy. Secretary.

Sec. Section.

Stat. L.-United States Statutes at Large.

T. R.-Army Transport Service Regulations, 1908. W. D.-War Department.


(Numbers refer to paragraphs when not otherwise indicated.)


A. R., to be used for Army Regulations, 922.

Fire-control stations, 923.

List of, used in this book, p. 177.

R. S., to be used for Revised Statutes of the United States, 922.

ACCOUNTABILITY. (See Public moneys, p. 257, and Public property, p. 259.)

ACCOUNTS: Clothing, inspection, 93.


Balances, analyses, 185, 187-189.

Depositary accounts, to be designated on, 184.

Preparation, etc., 184-189.

Regulations governing, 157, 184-189.

Rendition of, delay, 188.

Subsidiary cash account, 189.

ACCUMULATIONS: Waste products, how disposed of, 803, 804.

Allowances of, 4.

Detail of, 4.

Duties, etc. (See Inspectors-General, p. 231.)


Detail of line officers to, 392.

Reorganization, 391.

ADMISSIONS: Soldiers' homes, 965, 966, 968.

ADVANCE AND REAR GUARD: Field training, 617.

ADVERTISEMENTS: Regulations and instructions, 475, 476.

AEROSCOPES: Fortifications, supplied by Signal Corps, 516 (b).

AGATE WARE: Inspection for condemnation, 258.

AIMING DEVICES: For companies and troops, 389.

ALASKA: Disbursing officers, funds in personal possession, 195.

Checks, 128.

Guns and carriages, methods for making, 588.

Manes, tails, and forelocks of animals, 785.

Uniform clothing, 1035.



Field service, 1011.

Posts, 1011.

Care, etc., 1011.

Driver, designation and duties, 1011

Housed near hospital, 1011.

Inspection, 84, 722, 1011.

Surgeon's call, 1011.

Use, authorized, 1012.

(Numbers refer to paragraphs when not otherwise indicated.)


Audit of receipts and expenditures-

Assigned to Inspector-General's Department, 297.
Law, 297.

AMMETERS: Fortifications, supplied by Signal Corps, 516 (b).

Allowance for coast and field artillery, 305, 306.
Allowance for small arms-

Field kit, 299.

Gallery practice, 302.

Guard cartridges, 301.

Machine guns, 303.

Reserve supply, 300, 301.

Shotguns for hunting, 304.

Troops and schools, 298.


Cartridges, opening of original packages, 320.

Gun-firing with, guns to be used, care, etc., 567, 568.

Metallic, assembling and marking, 309, 318.

Morning and evening gun, 309.

Saluting purposes, 309.

Smokeless powder not to be used for blank charges, 312.

Cannon, inspection for condemnation, 239 (с), 275.

Expenditure of, 308.

Guard cartridges, not to be expended in target practice, 301.
Inspection by company commanders to prevent loss, etc., 319.
Inventory and inspection reports on cannon, approval, 239 (c).

Markings on, 315, 318.

Medical officers' personal equipment, 328.

Original packages of blank, 320.


Information relative to, 311.

Smokeless, care and use, 312-314.

Primers, drill, 310.

Projectiles, 307, 315-318.

Projectiles, steel, use in target practice, etc., 307.
Shrapnel, 315.

AMMUNITION HOISTS: Emplacement book entries relative to, 91.


Domestic, keeping of-

At national cemeteries, 670.

Cows and hogs by troops, 538.

Cows by hospita's, 541.

Shipment on troop transports, 412.

See Public animals, p. 257.


Chief of bureau, 324.

Department commander, 322.

Division commander, 323.

Inspector-general of a division or department, 17, 321.

Secretary of War, reports of inspections of money accounts, 115.


For bakeries, 707, 708.

See Electrical apparatus, p. 208.

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