Page images
[blocks in formation]

i. 286; climate of, ibid; popula-
tion of, i. 288

Cariaco, gulf of, i. 160,161, 289,364
Caribbean Sea, i. 396, 413, 464, iii.
131; basins of the iii. 356
Caribbees, see Caribs
Caribs, language of the, i. 320, 323,
iii. 75, 78; tribes of, i. 335, ii.
178, iii. 22, 73, 74, iii. 80;
native white race of, i. 337, 338;
migrations of, ii. 332, iii. 88;
ferocity, ii. 415; missions of, iii.
17, 73; customs of, iii. 84, 85;
characteristics of, iii. 74, 83, 85;
extermination of the, iii. 77;
origin of the term, iii. 78, 80;
government of, iii. 88: laws of,
iii. 89

Carib chief, ii. 178, iii. 89

slave-dealers, ii. 388

ture of, ii. 420; navigation of, i

Castaños, el Monte de, i. 63
Castile, climate of, i. 8
Castle of San Antonio, i. 152;
hospital of the, i. 158
Cataracts, latitude of the, ii. 95
of Atures, ii. 235, 490
of Cariven, ii. 226
of Cunuri, ii. 419
of Guaharibos, ii. 467
of Maypures, ii. 223, 235,

298, 480

of the Orinoco, ii. 234,
235, 250, 259, 314, 329; na-
vigation of the, ii. 260, 294;
scenery of the, ii. 290

of Rio Caroni, ii. 226
of Quittuna, ii. 235, 480

Catia, i. 384, 385

women, ii. 178, iii. 75; lan- Cattle of the plains, ii. 109, 111,

guage of the, iii. 79

Carichana, mission of, ii. 220-226,
491; port of, ii. 220
Caripe, convent of, i. 238, 252;
valley of, i. 250, 273, 274;
climate of, i. 253; cavern of,
i. 256, 269; oil harvest of, i. 258;
river of, i. 259, ii. 200; geology
of, iii. 392

Carizales, island of, ii. 164
Carlos del Pino, i. 145, 148
Pozo, ii. 112

Carolinas, ii. 27

Carony, river, iii. 2; course of the,

iii. 7; falls of, iii. 20, 21; tribu-
tary streams of, iii. 32; 33
Carthagena, port of, iii. 215, 219,
222, 224

Cascabel, or rattlesnake, i. 152
Cascades, i. 420, ii. 262
Cascarilla-bark, see Cinchona.
Cassime, or Zodaical Light, i. 492
Cassipagotos, tribe of, iii. 32 n.
Cassiquiare, river banks of the, ii.
371; encampment on the, ii. 407,
422; branch of the, ii. 387;
fertility of the, 417; general
aspect of, ii. 404, 431; tempera-

iii. 138; exportation of hides,
ii. 110

-, European, ii. 11
Cavern of Ataripe, ii. 289, 481
of Caripe, i. 256, 269
of Dantoe, i. 265

of the Guacharo, i. 254-

Caverns, origin of, i. 262; geologi-
cal formations of, i. 267

of Derbyshire, i. 254, 265
of Franconia, i. 255 n

Cayman, see Crocodile

islands, iii, 152, geology
of, iii. 186; situation of iii. 199
Caymanbrack, iii. 199
Cayo Bonito, iii. 187, 188

de Cristoval, iii. 183

Flamenco, iii. 185, 186, 191
Piedras, iii. 183, 186, 192
de Perez, iii. 183

Cecropia, the, i. 215
Cedeno, river, i. 215
Centurion, Don M., expedition of,
iii. 57, 58

Ceremonies, religious, of the In-
dians, ii. 363, 385, 386
Cerro de Flores, ii. 80

Cerros de Sipapo, ii. 316
Ceylon, pearl fisheries of, i. 193
Chacaito, river of, i. 417
Chamberg, island of, ii. 19
Charts, inaccuracies of, i. 143

- of Vespucci, iii. 58


Chaymas, missions of the, i. 218,
238; nation of, i. 300; physiog.
nomy of, i. 301-303; habits
of, i. 305, 309; physical con-
formation of, i. 308; mental
inaptitude of, i. 310; language
of, i. 314, 323; colour of i. 336
Chayma women, i. 306
Chemistry, vegetable, ii. 369
Chiquires, or water hogs, ii. 156-

Chile, iii. 129; mountains of, iii.

Chimanas, groups of, i. 365
Chimborazo, chain of, iii, 306
Churches of Cumana, i. 246

- of Caracas, i. 451

Chocolate, preparation of, ii. 58


Cigars, exportation of, from Cuba,
iii. 259, 260
Cinchona, or Cascarilla bark, i.
211, 212

Cinnamon, or Cañela tree, i. 247,
ii. 318, iii. 31
Civilization, causes which tend to
retard the progress of, i. 206,
iii. 95, 126; advance of, between
the tropics, i. 297, iii. 130;
effects of, on the human counte-
nance, i. 303; physical evils at-
tending, i. 384; grades of, i.
393; course of, ii. 309, 310, iii.
131; humanizing influence of, ii.


promoted by river-

intercourse, ii. 430

and slavery, iii. 283
Claystone (Thonschiefer), iii. 385
muriatiferous, iii. 395

Climate of America, i. 378, 388;
causes of the variableness of, in
corresponding latitudes, i. 223



Cloquet, M., on physiognomy, ii.


Cocoa, see cacao

Cocollar, i. 215; ascent of the, i,
239; climate of, i. 243; eleva-
tion of the, i. 274
Cocuy, harem of, ii. 392
Cocuyza, peak of, ii. 218
Coffee trees, propagation of i. 478;
cultivation of, at Caripe, i. 253;
at Caracas, i. 409, 410; planta-
tions of, ii.478, iii. 257; abundant
produce of, ii. 479, iii. 257
berries, ii. 479 n

of the Havana, iii. 257, 258
Colonies, American society in the,
i. 413-415

Castilian, iii. 122
Dutch, iii. 121

- English, iii. 16, 121, 122
- French, iii. 121
Spanish, iii. 121

Colonists of America, iii. 122
Colorado river, i. 245, ii. 113
Colonization, progress of, iii. 129
Color, causes of the different shades
of, in the human family, i. 341

of the native Indians, i.
336, 338; aristocracy of, i. 414
Columbia, republic of, iii. 130, 131;
mines of, iii. 405
Columbus, Christopher, early dis-

coveries of, i. 21, 200, 306n, iii.
189, 194, 215, 216; his estima-
tion of gold, i. 440; tomb of, iii.
158; journal of, iii. 214 n

Ferdinand, description of
the Indians by, i. 336, 337
Combustion, volcanic, i. 114.
Commerce, future advantages to, ii.
431, 437

Concepcion de Urban, ii. 196
Concervo, island of, ii. 458
Congo river, iii. 13
Conorichite, river, ii. 387, 388
Conquistadores, i. 414
Consejo, see Mammon
Constellations of the torrid zone, i.
134, 135, ii. 305, 345.

[blocks in formation]

Contagion of fevers, facts relating
to, i, 382.

of the plague, i. 382n;
Dr. Bailey's opinion on the, i.

Convent of Caripe, i. 238, 252, 272,

Conuco, or Farm of Bermudez, i.

Coral, formation of, ii. 41

30, 168, 169, 179, 180, 201, 233,
iii. 3, 4, 106, 178, 18; groups
of, ii. 154; ferocity of, ii. 155,
iii. 3, 106; summer sleep of, ii.
197; instinct of, ii. 198; oil of,
used medicinally, ii. 497; effect of
heat and cold upon, ii. 133; food
of, ii. 503; flesh of, sold for food,
ii. 504; habits of, i. 377, iii. 4;
modes of destroying, ib.

rocks, iii. 166, 186, 187, 192 Crocodiles of Algodonol, ii. 168,

[blocks in formation]


iii. 106


Real de Neve, ii. 254

Corn, European, cultivation of, in
the equinoctial regions, i. 494,
495; limits of the growth of, i.

Cortez, Hernan, iii, 189, 199
Cortex Angosturæ, i, 212, 213
Corunna, port of, i. 11; mountains
of, i. 9, 10; light house of, i. 14;
departure from, i. 13
Cosmogony, theory of, i. 342
Cotopaxi, mountain of, i. 47
Cotton, native manufactures of, ii.

trees of America, i. 230;
cultivation of, i. 246, 288, 503,
ii. 56, 477; plantations of, i. 504,
iii. 177

Courbrail, the, i 256

Cow tree, (Palo. de Vaca) ii. 47-49,

Cows in the torrid zone, i. 156, ii.

Creole sugar cane, introduction of

the, into West Indies. i. 486
Creoles, i. 392, nobility of the, i.

Crocodiles, i. 159, 160, 367, ii. 19,

of Rio Cabulare, ii. 179,

of Rio Neveri, i. 367,

of the Orinoco, ii. 201,

of Uritucu, ii. 132,

iii. 3
Crystals, formation of, i. 78
Cuba, coffee plantations of, i. 419;
agriculture of, ii. 33; extent of,
iii. 129, 154, 162; population of,
iii. 129, 199, 233, 239, 244,
political importance of, iii. 153;
inhabitants of, iii. 156, 233;
position of, iii. 161, 268; geology
of, iii. 163, 165-169, 202; min-
erals of iii. 164, climate of, iii.
174; turtles of, iii. 184, 189;
voyage of Cortez to, iii. 189;
ports of, iii. 193, 194, 197, 228;
shores of, iii. 194, 229; temper-
ature of, iii. 228; dioceses of, iii.
230; government of, iii. 231,
239; colonization of, iii. 241;
public institutions of, iii. 246;
commerce of, iii. 253, 259, 260,
261, 263; tobacco plantations of,
iii. 258; productions of, iii. 248,

[blocks in formation]

260, 261; revenue of, iii. 268- Cuspa, or Cinchona tree, medicinal
properties of, i. 211, 212
Cuzco, city of, iii. 300

Cuba and the slave trade, iii. 242
Cubagua, island of i. 191, iii. 216;
pearls of, i. 145; native deer of,
i. 196
Cuchivano, Risco or crevice of, i.
230, tigers of the, ib.; forests
of, i. 233; gold mines of, i. 235;
caverns of i. 236

Culebra, island of, ii. 7
Culimacari, rock of, ii. 410
Cumana, city of, i. 147, 160, 396;
geology of, i. 151; forests of,
i. 152; iii. 109; frequency
of earthquakes in, i. 153, 163,
347; population of, i. 154,
294; plains of, i. 156, 284, iii.
71; port of, i. 160, 396; climate
of, i. 157, 161, 178; ancient
name of, i. 161n, iii. 216; slave
market of, i. 175; government
of, i. 181n; mountains of, i. 209;
cacao of, i. 288; languages of i.
317, trading boats of, i. 362;
departure from, i. 363; return
to, iii. 109; geology of, iii. 372

governor of, i. 149, 150
Cumanacoa, town of, i. 222; tobac-
co plantations of, i. 225-229;
indigo plantations of, ib.; geo-
logy of, iii. 391

Cumanagoto, iii. 103; subdued
tribes of, i. 334

Cunavami, mountains of, ii. 313

Cuneva, ii. 458

Cunucunumo river, ii. 471

Cunuri, cataract of, ii. 419

Cura, the, iii. 33


Dagysa notata, a mollusc, dis-
covered by Sir J. Banks, i. 27
Darien, coast of, iii. 205; gold of
the, iii. 215

gulf of, iii. 131
Dairies of Andalusia, i. 156
Dances of the Indians, ii. 386, 448
Dapa, island of, ii. 389
Dapicho, or fossil India-rubber, ii.
344; preparation of, ii. 345;
growth of, ii. 358

Daripe, San Miguel de, ii. 386
Decrement of heat, laws of the, i. 51
Deer, American, i. 196, 197
Deformities, natural, total absence
of, among the Indians, i. 307
Deity, ideas of the, held by native
Indians, ii. 362

Delpeche, printing office established
by, i. 416

Delta, the plains of the, i. 153
Deluge, traditions of the, ii. 182,
183, 473

Demerara, iii. 6 n, settlement of,
iii. 16

Depons, M., opinions of, on Lake
of Valencia, ii. 9, n

Deserts of the New World, ii. 86,
87, dangers of travelling in, ii. 132
Devil's Nook, (Rincon del Diablo),
ii. 22, 26

Curare, or vegetable poison, ii. 438; Dialects, Indian, analogy of, i. 313;

see "Poisons."

Curacicanas, cotton manufactures of
the, ii. 478

Currents, equinoctial, in the Atlan-

tic, i. 15-20; causes of, i. 22-24;
variations of the, i. 25, iii. 205;
seeds and fruits, deposited by, i.


Currency, ii. 112

affinity of, i. 323; diversity of,
i. 318, ii. 223

Diamante, island of, ii. 152; sugar
plantations of, ib.

Diamonds, i. 193, n; cutting of,
first invented, ib. legends of, iii.
Diego de Losada, town founded by,
i. 403

[blocks in formation]

Diego de Ordaz, iii. 40
Dirt-eating, a custom of the Otto-
macs, ii. 495-499

Diseases most prevalent in America,
i. 379-384, 410

Divinity, native ideas of, ii. 474
Dolphins of the river Manzanares,
i. 160, ii. 350

of the Temi, ii. 350
Dornajito, spring of, i. 64
Don Alexandro Mexia, i. 282
Don Jose de Manterola, i. 485
Don Nicolas Soto, travels with, ii.

Don Vincent Emparan, Governor
of Cumana, i. 149, intelligence
and hospitality of, i. 150
Dorado, district of, iii. 30, 35, 48;
expeditions to, iii. 48

de la Parima, iii. 30

Doubts, geographical, respecting the
junction of great rivers, ii. 339,

Dragon-tree, height and antiquity

of, i, 62, 232, 277; juice of the,
i. 63 n

Dresses of the native Indians, i.

Duida, volcano of, ii. 432; peak of

the, ii. 316, 457

Durasno, hill of, levelled by the
Marquis de Nava, i. 59
Dutch settlements, iii. 121
Guiana, iii. 23


Earth, oscillation of the, i. 450;
undulations of, i. 451-456;
effects of, on men and animals,
i. 469

Earth-eating, practice of, ii. 196,
496-499, effects of, ii. 196 n,

in Asia, ii. 498
among animals, ii. 502
Earths, odoriferous, ii. 503

Earthquakes, i. 162-172; causes
of, i. 173, 168; connection of,
with the atmosphere, preceding
the shock, i. 165; connection of,
with volcanic eruptions, i. 171,
frequent shocks of, in towns dis-
tant from volcanoes, i. 154, 447,
449, 454, effects of, on the sea,
i. 170, 171, n; on the shoals, i.
164; annual indications of,
i. 163; atmospheric indications
of, i. 163, 347; phenomena of,
i. 163-172, 450; theories of, i.

[blocks in formation]

Eclipse of the moon, iii. 221

of the sun, effects of, i.
345, 346

Eels, electric, varied species of, ii.
113; modes of fishing for, ii.
115, 116, n; habits of the, ii.
121; dangers attending the shock
from, ii. 118; medicinal pro-
perties of the, ii. 119

Eggs of the turtle, fisheries of, on
the river Orinoco, ii, 178, 179;
harvest of, i. 185, 190; season
for laying, ii. 187; method of
depositing, ii. 188; immense
numbers of, ii. 191
Egypt, crocodiles of, ii. 133; tra-
ditions of, ii. 227
El Castillo, ii. 218

El Castillito, rock of, ii. 325, 480
El Cucurucho de Coco, mountain
of, i. 504

El Dorado, ii. 400, iii. 25; legends
of, iii. 26-31; etymology of, iii.
39; traditions of, iii. 44, 46, 62;
legendary city of, ii. 137, 181

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