any difference. It is simple truth to say that such over-estimates seem to have been quite common on both sides. I shall be personally obliged to any one, no matter on what side he served, who will furnish me with trustworthy data for the correction of any misstatement embodied in this work. If such correction shall dictate a revision of any harsh judgment on friend or foe, it will be received and conformed to with profound gratitude. My convictions touching the origin, incitements, and character, of the War from which we have so happily emerged, are very positive, being the fruits of many years' almost exclusive devotion to National affairs; but my judgments as to occurrences and persons are held subject to modification upon further and clearer presentments of facts. It is my purpose to revise and correct the following pages from day to day as new light shall be afforded; and I ask those who may feel aggrieved by any statement I shall herein have given to the public, to favor me with the proofs of its inaccuracy. Unwilling to be drawn into controversy, I am most anxious to render exact justice to each and all. The subject of Reconstruction (or Restoration) is not within the purview of this work, and I have taken pains to avoid it so far as possible. The time is not yet for treating it exhaustively, or even historically; its importance, as well as its immaturity, demand for its treatment thoughtful hesitation as well as fullness of knowledge. Should I be living when the work is at length complete, I may submit a survey of its nature, progress, and results: meantime, I will only avow my undoubting faith that the same Divine Benignity which has guided our country through perils more palpable if not more formidable, will pilot her safely, even though slowly, through those which now yawn before her, and bring her at last into the haven of perfect Peace, genuine Fraternity, and everlasting Union-a Peace grounded on reciprocal esteem; a Fraternity based on sincere, fervent love of our common country; and a Union cemented by hearty and general recognition of the truth, that the only abiding security for the cherished rights of any is to be found in a full and hearty recognition of Human Brotherhood as well as State sisterhood-in the establishment and assured maintenance of All Rights for All. New York, July 21, 1866. H. G. IL Missouri and Arkansas in 1862...... 26 Price returns to Missouri-Guerrilla OperationsRains and Stein routed--Capture of Milford-Price retreats to Arkansas-Sigel's Retreat from Bentonville-Battle of Pea Ridge-Rebels defeated-The War among the Indians-Fight at the CacheGuerrilla operations-Fight at Newtonia-Hindman driven into Arkansas-Cooper routed at Maysville-Batile of Prairie Grove. III Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama in 1862-Forts Henry and Donelson -Pittsburg Landing. 41 Battle of Mill Spring-Capture of Fort HenryNaval Bombardment of Fort Donelson-Gen. Pillow's Sortie-Countercharge of Lew Wallace and C. F. Smith-Escape of Floyd and Pillow--Surrender by Buckner-Retreat of Sidney Johnston from the Cumberland across the Tennessee-Nashville recovered-Columbus, Ky.-New Madrid-Island No. 10-Fort Pillow-Memphis-First Siege of Vicksburg-Grant moves up the Tennessee to Pittsburg Landing-Sidney Johnston advances from Corinth, Miss-Assails Grant's front near Shiloh Church-Sherman and McClernand driven-Grant borne back-Buell and Lew Wallace arrive-The Rebels driven-Losses-Halleck takes CorinthMitchel repossesses Huntsville and most of North IV. Burnside's Expedition to N. Carolina. 73 Alabama. Roanoke Island carried-Elizabeth city submits--- V. Butler's Expedition to the Gulf-Cap ture of New Orleans.. Gen. B. F. Butler concentrates 15,000 men on Ship Island-Capt. Farragut at the mouths of the Mississippi-Assails and passes Forts Jackson and St. Philip-Destroys the Rebel Flotilla-Pushes on to New Orleans-The Forts surrender to Capt. Porter Gasconade of Mayor Monroe-New Orleans succumbs-Butier convinces the Rebels that he is wanted there-General Order No. 28-Execution of Mumford-Farragut and Gen. Williams ascend the River to Vicksburg-Baffled there--Breckinridge attacks Baton Rouge-Williams killedRebels repulsed-Ram Arkansas destroyed--Weitze reduces the Lafourche country---Flanders and Hahn chosen to Congress-Butler superseded by Banks-Butler's parting Address-Jeff. Davis disBatisfied with his policy. 81 VI. Virginia in '62-McClellan's Advance. 107 Obstinate Delays The Routes to Richmond-Bat- Lewisburg. VII. McClellan before Richmond.. ...140 Fitz John Porter worsts Branch at Mechanicsville McClellan partially across the ChickahominyBaltie of Fair Oaks or Seven Pines-McClellan reenforced, but still grumbles and hesitates-Stonewall Jackson joins Lee-A. P. Hill attacks our right at Mechanicsville-Battle of Gaines's Mil) — Fitz John Porter worsted-McClellan retreats to the Janies--Fight at Glendale, or White Oak VIII. Gen. Pope's Virginia Campaign......172 Pope appointed to command the forces of Fremont, IX. Lee's Invasion of Maryland in 1862..193 McClellan crosses the Potomac, and advances to X. Tennessee-Kentucky-Mississippi- .212 Bragg crosses the Tennessee and Cumberland — XI. Slavery in the War-Emancipation... 232 XII. Slavery and Emancipation in Congress. 256 E. R. Potter on Emancipation by War-Lincoln for colonizing the Blacks-Congress forbids Military Officers returning Fugitives from SlaveryAbolishes Slavery in the District of ColumbiaLincoln proposes, and Congress enacts, Compensated Emancipation-Prohibits Slavery in the Territories-Confiscates the Slaves of Rebels-Opens Diplomatic Intercourse with Liberia and HaytiRequires Equality in Education and Punishment between Whites and Blacks-Right of Search on the African Coast conceded-Fugitive Slave Act repealed-Confinement of suspected Slaves in Federal Jails forbidden-Coastwise Slave-Trade forbidden-Color no Impediment to giving Testimony. XIII. Rosecrans's Winter Campaign, 1862-3.270 The Army of the Ohio at Bowling Green-Reorgan- 12 Sullivan at Parker's Cross-Roads-Morgan captures Elizabethtown-Gen. H. Carter's Raid into East Tennessee-Wheeler raids down the Tennessee to Fort Donelson-Beaten off by Col. Harding -Van Dorn captures 1,500 Unionists at Spring Hill -Col. A. S. Hall defents Morgan at Vaught's Hill -Gordon Granger repulses Van Dorn at Franklin -Col. A. D. Streight raids into Northern Georgia -Is overpowered and captured near Rome. PAGE XIV. Siege and Capture of Vicksburg....286 Position and Importance of Vicksburg-Grant moves against it from Lagrange-Advances to Oxford, Miss.-Van Dorn captures Holly SpringsMurphy's Cowardice-Grant compelled to fall back-Hovey and Washburn on the ColdwaterGen. Wm. T. Sherman embarks 30,000 men at Memphis-Debarks on the Yazoo, north of Memphis-Com. Porter's Gunboats-Sherman storms the Yazoo Bluffs-Repulsed at all points with heavy loss-Attempts to flank by Drumgould's Blut-Is baffled-Superseded by Gen.McClernand -Who invets and captures the Post of ArkansasGen. Grant assumes command-Debarks-Digging the Canal-Proves an Abortion-Yazoo Pass Expedition--Stopped at Greenwood-Compelled to return-Grant tries the Sunflower route-Baffled again-The Queen of the West raids np Red River -Disabled and abandoned-The Indianola captured by the Webb and Queen of the West-The Indianola blown up in a panic-The Webb flees up Red River-Grant moves down the MississippiCom. Porter runs the Vicksburg Batteries-Grierson's Raid to Baton Rouge-Porter attacks the Batteries at Grand Gulf-Grant crosses at Bruinsburg -Sherman feints on Haines's Bluff-Crosses the Mississippi at Hankinson's Ferry-Fight at Port Gibson-Fight at Raymond-Fight at and capture of Jackson-Battle of Champion Hills-Fight at the Big Black-Haines's Bluff abandoned-Vicksburg invested-General Assault repulsed-The Siege vigorously preased-Pemberton calls a parley-Surrenders-Grant drives Jo. Johnston from Jackson-Fight at Milliken's Bend-Holmes asBails Helena, and is routed. XV. Texas and Louisiana in 1863-Cap ture of Port Hudson.......... .322 XVI. Army of the Potomac under Burn- -Chancellorsville...... .342 Gen. Burnside in command in Virginia-Crosses the Rappahannock-Attacks Lee's Army, strongly posted on the Southern Heights-Is repulsed with heavy loss-Recrosses the River-A fresh Advance arrested by the Presiden:-The Mud March -Rebel Raids in Virginis-Burnside gives place to Hooker-Stoneman's Raid on Lee's rearHooker crosses the Rappahannock, and advances to Chancellorsville-His right wing turned and shattered by Jackson-Pleasanton cheeks the Enemy-Jackson mortally woundel-Desperate fighting around Chancellorsville-Hooker stunned Our Army recoils-Sedgwick storms Marye's Heights--Strikes Lee's Rear-Is driven across the River-Hooker récrosses also-Stoneman's Raid a Failure-Longstreet assails Peck at Suffolk-Is beaten off with loss. XVII. Lee's Army on Free Soil-Gettysburg .367 Lee silently flanks Hooker's right, and mores northward-Cavalry Fight near Fairfax-Miloy, at Winchester, surprised and driven over the Potomac, with heavy loss-Cavalry encounters along the Blue Ridge-Jenkins raids to Chambersburg-Lee crosses the Potomac-Hooker and Halleck at odds-Hooker relieved Mende in command-Ewell at York-Collision of vanguards at Gettysburg-Reynolds killed-UnionIsts outnumbered and driven-Howard halts on Cemetery Hill-Sickles comes up-Hancock takes command-Meade arrives-Both Armies concen trated-Sickles driven back with loss-Rebel Advance checked-Night falls-Rebel Grand Charge led by Pickett-Terribly repulsed-Lee retreatsHeavy losses-Feeble pursuit by Sedgwick-Lee halts at Williamsport-Meade hesitates-Lee gets across the Potomac-Kilpatrick routs the Rebel rear-guard-Meade crosses at Berlin, and moves down to the Rappahannock-Fight at Mannssa Gap-Dix's Advance on Richmond-Pleasanton erosses the Rapidan-Lee flanks Meade, who retreats to Centerville-Warren worsts A. P. Hill -Lee retires across the Rappahannock-Imboden surprises Charlestown-Gen. D. A. Russell storms Rappahannock Station, capturing 1,500 prisoners -Meade crosses the Rapidan-Affair of Mine Run-Toland's raid to Wytheville-Averill's to Lewisburg-Fight at Droop Mountain. XVIII. The Chattanooga Campaign....... Morgan's Raid through Kentucky into Indians and Ohio-He is surrounded, routed, and captured -His Imprisonment and Escape-Rosecrans advances from Murfreesboro' by Shelbyville and Tullahoma, to the Tennessee at BridgeportBragg flanked out of Chattanooga-Rosecrans eagerly pursues-Bragg concentrates at Lafayette, and turns upon his purauers-Rosecrans concentrates on the Chickamauga-Desperate battle there -Rosecrans, worsted, retreats to ChattanoogaLosses-Rosecrans superseded-Pegram's raid into Kentucky-Saunders's into East Tennessee-Burnside crosses the Cumberland MountainsKnoxville liberatel-Burnside_rêtakes Cumberland Gap, with 2,000 prisoners-Longstreet impelled by Bragg against him--Wolford struck at Philadelphia, Tenn.-Fight at Campbell's StationBurnside withdraws into Knoxville-Longstreet besieges and assaults-Is repulsed with lossRaises the Siege and retreats-Grant relieves Rosecrans-Hooker and Slocum hurried to the Tennessee-Wheeler's and Roddy's raids-Grant reaches Chattanooga-Hooker crosses the Tennessee— Fight at Wauhatchie-Sherman arrives from Vicksburg-Grant impels attacks on Bragg by Granger, Hooker, and Sherman-Hooker carries Look ut Mountain-Bragg, on Mission Ridge, attacked from all sides and routed-His BulletinHooker pursues to Ringgold-Cleburne checks him in a gap in White Oak Ridge-Sherman and Granger dispatched to Knoxville-Losses at Mission Ridge. XIX. The War in Missouri and Arkansas, in 1863. Marmaduke attacks Springfield, Mo.-Is repulsed -Again at Hartsville-Waring routs him at Batesville, Ark.-The Sam Gaty captured-Fayetteville attacked by Cabell-Marmaduke assails Cape Girardeau McNeil repels him-Coffey assails Fort Blunt-Standwatie repulsed at Cabin Creek -Coffey repulsed by Catherwood, at Pineville, Mo. Quantrell's Arson and Butchery at Lawrence, Kansas-Gen. Steele moves on Little Rock -Fight at Bayou Metea-Davidson defeats Marmaduke at Bayou Fonrche-Price abandons Little Rock to Steele-Blunt's Escort destroyed by Quantrell-Col. Clayton defeats Marmaduke at Pine Bluff-Gen. E. B. Brown defeats Cabell and Coffey at Arrow Rock-McNeil chases them to Clarksville-Standwatie and Quantrell repulsed by Col. Phillips at Fort Gibson-Sioux Butcheries in Minnesota-Gen. Sibley routs Little Crow at Wood Lake-500 Indians captured and tried for murder -Gen. Pope in comniand-Sibley and Sully pursue and drive the Savages-Gen. Conner in Utah -Defeats Shoshonees on Bear River- Enemies vanish. PAGE 404 .446 XX. The Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida in 1862-3-Siege of Charleston..455 Siege and Capture of Fort Pulaski by GillmoreSinking of Stone Fleet in Charleston HarborCom. Dupont sweeps down the Coast to St. Augustine-Union Movement at Jacksonville-Pensacola and Jacksonville abandoned-Edisto Island relinquished-Gen. Hunter attacks Secessionville, and is repulsed-Gen. Brannan threatens the Sa vannah Railroad-Fight at Coosawhatchie-Destruction of the Nashville-Dupont repulsed at Fort McAllister-The Isaac Smith lost near Legaréville-Iron-clad Raid from Charleston-The Mercedita and Keystone State disabled - Beauregard and Ingraham proclaim the Blockade of Charleston raised-Dupont with his Iron-clade attacks Fort Sumter, and is repulsed-Col. Montgomery's Raid up the Combahee-The Atlanta comes out from Savannah-Capt. Rogers, in the Weehawken, disables and captures her-Gen. Gillmore seizes half of Morris Island-Gen, Strong assaults Fort Wagner, and is bloodily repulsed-Gillmore opens Trenches-The 'Swamp Angel' talks to Charleston-The Rebels driven out of Fort Wagner -Com. Stephens assaults Fort Sumter-Charleston bombarded from Wagner-Foundering of the Weehawken-D. H. Hill repelled at NewbernAttacks Washington, N. C.- Is driven off by Foster-Fight at Gum Swamp. XXI. The Political History of 1863.... Lord Lyons on Democratic 'Peace'-Spring Elections of 1863 Conscription ordered, first by Rebel, next by Union Congress - Judge Woodward pronounces the latter unconstitutional-Suspension of Habeas Corpus-Military Arrest and Conviction of Vallandigham-Democrats of Albany thereon-President Lincoln's Response - Ohio Democratic Convention's Resolves-Vallandigham nominated for Governor-Convention demand his Release-President Lincoln's ReplyThe New York Journalists on the Freedom of the Press-Ex-President Pierce's Fourth of July Oration-Gov. Seymour's ditto-The Draft Riots in New York-Arson, Devastation, and MurderGov. Seymour's Speech-He demands a stoppage of the Draft-President Lincoln's Reply-The Autumn Elections-The Draft adjudged validThe Government sustained by the People. XXII. Negro Soldiery. PAGE 484 ..511 Negroes in the Revolutionary Armies-Royal At- XXIII. The War along the Coast in 1864..528 Organization of the XXXVIIIth Congress—— XXIV. The War beyond the Mississippi in Banks in New Orleans-Porter's Fleet in the Ark. XXV. Gen. Grant's Advance on Richmond. 562 Grant made Lieutenant-General-His Concep- pushes on to Spottsylvania C. H.-Heavy, indecisive fighting-Hancock storins the Enemy's Lines, capturing Maj.-Gen. Ed. Johnson and 2,000 Men-Sheridan's Raid to Richmond--Death of J. E. B. Stuart-Butler moves against Richmond by the James-W. F. Smith fights D. H. Hil at Port Walthall Junction-Beauregard arrives from Charleston-Attacks Butler on the James-More Fighting there-Kautz's first Raid -Three Union Gunboats blown up-Grant moves by his Left to the North Anna-Hancock and Wright across-Burnside repulsed-Fighting on both Wings-Lee's Position impregnable -Grant moves by his Left to the Chickahominy --Reenforced by W. F. Smith from Butler's Position-Bloody Repulse at Cold Harbor-Sheri. dan's Raid to Louisa C. H.-Grant moves by his Left across the James, below Richmond-Recrosses for his Overland Advance--Butler impels Gillem and Kautz against Petersburg-W. F. Smith's Corps follows-Failures to carry itGeneral Assault repulsed-Meade's costly Ad vance to the Weldon Railroad-Wilson's and Kautz's expensive Raid to Burkesville-Butler pontoons the James--Sheridan tights on the Peninsula-Miles carries an Outpost at Deep Bottom-Burnside's Mine Hancock on our Left, Gregg on our Right, advance, and are both worsted-Warren seizes and holds the Weldon Railroad-Hill defeats Hancock at Reams's Station-Warren advances to and over the Squirrel Level Road-Butler assaults and carries Fort Harrison-Field fails to retake it-Meade advances to Hatcher's Run-Egan routs HethHancock repels Wade Hampton-Hancock retires-Losses of the Campaign-Criticisma. XXVI West Virginia and North of the Rapidan in 1864.. PAGD ...598 Sam Jones captures Beers at Jonesville-Rosser takes Petersburg--Averill hits him at Springfield-Sigel's defeat at Newmarket-Averill worsted at Wytheville-Crook's Fight near Dublin Station--Hunter's victory at PiedmontHe takes Staunton, and advances to Lynchburg -Retreats across the Alleghanies-Early chases Sigel out of Virginia--Wallace beaten on the Monocacy-Early threatens WashingtonWright repulsed by Eary-Avery worsted near Winchester-Early defeats Crook-Chambersburg burned by McCausland-Col. Stough routed at Oldtown-Sheridan appointed to command-Beats Early at Opequan- Routs him at Fisher's Hill--Devastates the ValleyThe Richmond Whig on Retaliation Early surprises Crook at Cedar Creek - Sheridan transforms defeat into victory-Losses XXVII. Between Virginia and the Mississippi, 1863-4... .615 Phillips's Raid to Grenada-McPherson ad- XXVIII. Sherman's Atlanta Campaign........625 Strength of Sherman's and Ja Johnston's Ar- The Confederate Navy-Their Torpedoes-- XXX. Political Mutations and Results- XXXI. Hood's Tennessee Campaign.....677 Forrest's last Raid-Captures Athens, Ala- XXXII. Sherman's Great March.........689 His Army in Northern Georgia-Concentrated barded by the Fleet-The Sailors' assault-Repulsed-Gen. Ames assaults from the land sidde -Desperate Fighting-The Fort carried-LBES -Explosion o Magaz ne-Gen. Schofield a rives Advances on Wilmington - Fight at Town Creek-Fort Andersou evacuated-Hoke retreats-Burns Vesses and Stores-Wilmington given up Advance to Kinston-Upham surprised at Southwest Creek - H ke strikes out-ls repulsed, and retreats-Schofield enters Goldsboro'. PAGE XXXIII. The Repossession of Alabama...716 XXXIV. Fall of Richmond - End of the .724 Grant passive-Rebel attempt to arm Negroes -Warren's advance to the Meherrin-Raid of the Rebel gunboats-Fight at Dabney's MillOur left on Hatcher's Run-Rosser's Raid to Beverly-Capture of Kelly and Crook-Sheridan up the Valley Annihilates Early at Waynesboro-Captures Charlottesville-Fa is to cross the James above Richmond-Crosses below, and reaches Grant-Gordon surprises Fort Steedman-Is repulsed at Fort HaskellSurrender of 2,000 Rebels--Meade counter-assauits-Grant directs a General Advance by our left-Griffin's Fight at the White Oak RoadSheridan advances to Five Forks-Falls back to Dinwiddie C. H.-Lee strikes Warren heavily-Is successful, but finally stopped--Sheridan again pushed back to Dinwiddie C. H.-Repels his assailants-Warien hurried to his support -Rebels recoil-She idan again advances to Five Forks, and attacks-Warren's corps ordered to srike Enemy's lett flank-Combined Attack completely successful- Pickett routed and driven westward-Warren superseded by Sheridan-Our guns reopen on PetersburgGeneral assault al ng our front-Foris Gregg and Alexander carried-Miles dislodges the enemy at Sutherland's Depot-Longs reet joins Lee-Heth repulsed-A. P. Hill killed-Lee notifies Davis that Richmond must be ova usted -The Confederacy tires and quits that CityWeitzel enters it unopposed-Captures of pris oners and arms- The news flashed over the loyal States-Universal rejoicings-Connecticut Election-Petersburg abandoned-Lee concentrates at Chesterfield C. H.-Retreats westward by Amelia C. H.-Sheridan heads him off from Danvile, at Jetersville-Davies strikes his tran at Paine's Cross Ronda-Lee hastening westward-Crook strikes him in flank--Is repulsed-Custer strikes his train at Sailor's Creek, and destroys 400 wagons- Ewell cut off, and, after a fight, compelled to surrender -Ord strikes Lee's van near Farmville-Is repulsed, and Gen. Read killed-Lee crosses the Appomattox at Farmville-His Desperate Condition Grant proposes a surrender Humphreys attacks Lee, and is bloodily repulsed Lee resumes his flight-Sheridan heads him at Appomattox C. H.-Last Charge of the Army of Virginia-Correspondence between Lee and Grant--Lee Surrenders-Parting with his Soldiers-His Army dissolved. XXXV. Death of President Lincoln-Peace.746 The President at City Point-He enters Richmond-Letter to Welzel-Recruit ng stopped -Celebration at Fort Sumter-The President assassinated by J. Wilkes Booth-Gov, Seward murderously assaulted by Payne Powell-Accession of Andrew Johnson to the PresidencyOffers rewards for arrest of Jefferson Davis and othera-Stoneman's Raid into North Carolina-Sherman's Arrangement with Jo. Johnston-Repudiated by the Governinent-Reasons therefor Johnston surrenders- Dick 1syler ditto-Dissolution of the Confederacy-Flight and Capture of Davis-Kirby Smith's voice still for War-Sheridan's Expedition-The Rebellion's final collapse-Career of the Shenandoah-Grant's Parting Address to his Soldiers -Dissolution of our Arinies. |