A New Display of the Beauties of England: Or A Description of the Most Elegant Or Magnificent Public Edifices, Royal Palaces, Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Seats, and Other Curiosities, Natural Or Artificial ...R. Goadby, and sold, 1776 |
Common terms and phrases
aldermen almoſt alſo ancient antiquity bailiff beautiful becauſe beſides beſt biſhop borough bridge built burgeſſes called caſtle chapel charity ſchool confiderable confifts conſiſts Cornwall courſe croſs diftinguiſhed diſtance diſtant from London Earl eaſt elegant England faid feat feet fide finiſhed firſt fiſh fome formerly fouth free ſchool ftone furrounded ground handſome hill hoſpital houſe inhabitants iſland itſelf King Henry landſcape leſs Lincolnshire Lord marble maſter mayor miles from London moſt noble pariſh pariſh churches paſſes perſons pleaſing preſent proſpect reign of King remarkable rifing riſes river river Avon rock Roman ſaid ſame Saxon ſcene ſea ſeen ſeven ſeveral Severn ſhips ſhire ſide ſituated ſmall ſome ſouth ſpacious ſpring ſquare Staffordshire ſtands ſtately ſtatue ſteeple ſtill ſtockings stone ſtream ſtreets ſtructure ſuch ſupplied ſupported ſuppoſed theſe thoſe town trade trees uſed vaſt village wall weſt whoſe William the Norman wood
Popular passages
Page 237 - These are thy glorious works, Parent of good, Almighty, thine this universal frame, Thus wondrous fair; thyself how wondrous then ! Unspeakable, who sitt'st above these heavens, To us invisible, or dimly seen In these thy lowest works; yet these declare Thy goodness beyond thought, and power divine.
Page 237 - As may with sweetness, through mine ear, Dissolve me into ecstasies, And bring all Heaven before mine eyes. And may at last my weary age Find out the peaceful hermitage, The hairy gown and mossy cell, Where I may sit and rightly spell Of every star that heaven doth shew, And every herb that sips the dew, Till old experience do attain To something like prophetic strain.
Page 93 - Scots pillar, becaufe it is faid (he went in fo far, and beyond it there is a ftecp afcent, for near a quarter of a mile, which terminates in a hollow in the roof, called the Needle's Eye, in which, when the guide places his candle, it looks like a ftar in the firmament. If a piftol is fired near the Queen's Pillar, the report will be as loud as a cannon.
Page 221 - Good friend, for Jefus' fake forbear To dig the duft inclofed here : Bleft be the man that fpares thefe ftones, And curft be he that moves my bones.
Page 237 - Find out the peaceful hermitage ; " The hairy gown and mofly cell, " Where I may fit and rightly fpell, «« Of ev'ry ftar that heav'n doth thcw, " And ev'ry herb that fips the dew, " 'Till old experience doth attain «* To fomething like prophetic ftrain, •* Thefe pleafures melancholy give, «* And I with thee will choofe to live.
Page 209 - THE (N* 33) next and the fubfequent feat afford pretty much the fame fcenes a little enlarged ; with the addition of that remarkable clump of trees, called Frankly Beeches, adjoining to the old family feat of the...
Page 212 - Venus, Venus here retir'd, My fober vows I pay : Not her on Paphian plains admir'd The bold, the pert, the gay. Not her, whofe amorous leer prevail'd To bribe the Phrygian boy ; Not he.r who, clad in armour fail'd, To fave difaft'rous Troy.
Page 58 - He probably did not remain long in slavery ; for at the beginning of the civil war he was made a captain in the royal army, and in 1644 attended the queen to France, where he remained till the Restoration. At last, upon suspicion of his being privy to the popish plot, he was taken up in 1682, and confined in the Gatehouse, Westminster ; where he ended his life, in the sixty-third year of his age.
Page 209 - Hence mounting once more to the right through this dark umbrageous walk, we enter at once upon a lightsome high natural terrace, whence the eye is thrown over all the scenes we have seen before, together with many fine additional ones, and all beheld from a declivity that approaches as near a precipice as is agreeable. In the middle is a seat with this inscription: Divini gloria ruris ! 0 glory of the silvan scene divine!
Page 263 - Richard, as presenting him to our Saviour, who inclines himfelf in a very kind manner towards them. There are eleven angels reprefented, each of them having a wreath of white rofes round their heads. The difpofition of their countenances, and actions of their hands, is defigned to (hew that their attention is employed about king Richard.