4 ON INFIDELITY. THE SECOND EDITION. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED A LETTER то The doctrine of Epicurus is ever ruinous to Society: GRAY-MEMOIRS, P. 202. BOD : OXFORD: AT THE CLARENDON PRESS, MDCCLXXX VI G. ROBINSON, J. F. AND C. RIVINGTON, 141. n. 133. PREFACE. L ET no reader take offence, though the subjects debated in the following pages be of a ferious nature, if the ideas and images employed should sometimes border upon the ludicrous. The contest between Elijah and the votaries of Baal was a very serious one, and heaven itself interposed in it's decision. Yet, strong and pointed is the irony of the Prophet -" Cry aloud, "for he is a God; either he is "talking, or he is pursuing, or " he is in a journey, or perad |