But Virginia. Laws, xlatulls ite. Codes THE AMENDED CODE OF WEST VIRGINIA, CONTAINING ALL THE CHAPTERS OF THE CODE OF 1863, WITH AN ADDENDA CONTAINING ALL THE ACTS OF A GENERAL NATURE NOT AMENDA- THE 1ST DAY OF JANUARY, 1884, AND TO WHICH IS PREFIXED THE AMENDED CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE. Compiled by JOHN A. WARTH, OF THE KANAWHA BAR. 0 CHARLESTON, W. VA., KANAWHA GAZETTE BOOK AND JOB ROOMS, ᏤᏤ . 132 Entered according to the Act of Congress in the year 1854, by WARTH & BRIGGS, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. Reo. May 4, 1900. PREFACE. In the year 1868 the Legislature of West Virginia enacted a code of laws for the State, and every succeeding session made more or less amendments to it. In the year 1872 a new constitution for the State was adopted, which made many changes necessary in the statute laws which were speedily enacted. In the year 1879 the Legislature proposed amendments to the new constitution which were, in the year 1880, ratified by the people. These amendments to the constitution made further changes necessary, in the statute law, that were speedily enacted. These changes, mostly enacted as amendments to the Code, are scattered through the Acts of the different sessions of Legislature and are now so numerous that no person, without much labor and research, can tell what the law is, on any subject. The compiler of this work has, at the expense of much labor and care, taken the amendments to the Code of 1868 and inserted each in its proper place, with a reference showing the Acts and page from which it was taken, so that the reader will see, in this work, the law as the Legislature has made it. There are some Acts that seem to modify the law as contained in the Code, without amending any of its chapters or sections. These Acts have, generally, in this work, been placed in the chapters of the Code containing the same subject, but within a parenthesis, so that the reader will see, at a glance, what is so inserted in a chapter. TO THE AMENDED CODE there is an ADDENDA that contains all the Acts of the Legislature in force in the State, of a general nature, not enacted or inserted in its chapters, and to it is prefixed the CoxSTITUTION (as amended,) OF THE STATE, so that the reader is presented with the constitution and statute laws of the State in one volume, to which is added a copious INDEX. This compilation is a private enterprise, intended to supply a pressing public want. The notes of reference will enable any one to test the accuracy of this work by comparing the law, as stated in it, with the Code of 1868, and the Acts from which the amendments and other laws are taken. JOHN A. WARTH. June, 1884. |