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Now travel, and foreign travel more particularly, restores to us in a great degree3 what we have lost. When the anchor is heaved, we double down the leaf; and for a while at least all effort is over.5 The old cares are left clustering round the old objects; and at every step, as we proceed, the slightest circumstance amuses and interests. All is new and strange. We surrender ourselves, and feel once again as children. Like them,10 we enjoy eagerly; like them, when we fret, we fret only for the moment: and here indeed the resemblance is very remarkable; for if a journey has its pains as well as its pleasures, (and there is nothing unmixed 11 in this world,) the pains are no 12 than they are forgotten, while the pleasures live long in the



sooner over

Nor is it surely without 13 another advantage. If life be 14 short, not so to many of us are its 15 days and its hours. When the blood slumbers 16 in the veins, how often do we wish 17 that the earth would turn 18 faster on its axis, and that the sun would rise and set before it does ;a

1 Now travel, or, les voyages-2 and......more particularly, et surtout.. 3 in a great degree, en grande partie 4 we double down the leaf, nous faisons un pli à la page-5 is over, est fini6 the old cares are left clustering round the old objects, nous laissons derrière nous les vieux soucis fixés aux vieux objets-7 as we proceed, en avançant--8 " amuses us and interests us"-9 feel once again as, nous nous sentons redevenir-10 them, les enfants-11 unmixed, qui soit sans mélange-12 over, passées-13 nor is it... without, il y a bien aussi... 14 be, "is"-15 not so to many of us are its il n'en est pas ainsi de ses.... pour beaucoup d'entre nous -16 slumbers, est engourdi 17 how often do we wish, combien de fois ne nous arrive-t-il pas de souhaiter-18 would turn, tournât.

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Before it does, plus tôt qu'il ne le fait; literally, “sooner than it does it." For the explanation of le, see note ", p. 17.-As to the particle ne, it is always used before the verb which follows plus que, moins que, meilleur que, pire que, mieux que, or pis que, unless the verb that precedes, i.e., the principal verb in the sentence, is accompanied by a negation.


and, to escape from the weight of time, how many follies, how many crimes are committed! 1 Men rush on danger, and even on 3 death. Intrigue, play, foreign and domestic broil, such are their resources; and, when these things fail, they destroy themselves.





Now, in travelling, we multiply events; and innocently. We set out, as it were, on our adventures,7 and many are those that occur to us, morning, noon, and night. The day we come to a place 10 which we have long heard and read of 11-and in Italy we do so 12 continually-it is an era 13 in our lives,14 and from 15 that moment the very name 16 calls up 17 a picture.18 How delightfully,19 too, does the knowledge flow in upon us,20 and how fast! 21 Would he who sat in a corner of his library, poring over books and maps, learn more or so much in the time 22 as he who,23 with his eyes and his heart 24 open, is receiving impressions all day long


1 Are committed, ne se commet-il pas !-2 rush on, courent tête baissée dans-3 on, à-4 when those things fail, quand ces ressources viennent à leur manquer-5 now, mais-6 and, et cela7 we set out, as it were, on our adventures, nous partons, pour ainsi dire, en quête d'aventures-8 morning, etc.......and night, du matin au soir-"the day when (où)" (see note ", p. 16)-10 to a place, dans un lieu-11 which we have long heard and read of, dont nous avons depuis long-temps entendu parler et que nous avons rencontré dans nos lectures-12 we do so, c'est ce que nous faisons-13 it is an era, ce jour-là fait époque-14 singular-15 from, dès-16 the very name, "the name alone of the place"-" calls up, évoque-18 picture, image-19 how delightfully, avec quel charme-20 does the knowledge flow in upon us, le savoir nous inonde-21 how fast, avec quelle rapidité-22 translate: "a man sitting (assis) in a corner of his library, poring over (les yeux collés sur) books and maps, would he learn more (see note ", p. 11) or even so much in the same space of time "-23 he who, celui qui-24 with his, etc.......heart, "the eyes and the heart "25 all day long, "all the day."

a When to, before an infinitive, stands for in order to, it must be rendered by "pour."

"To escape from," "échapper à"-and also "to extort from, or to save from (from some peril)," "arracher à ;"-" to take from," "enlever à, dérober à ;”—and “to borrow from," "emprunter à." -Mark the difference of preposition.



from the things themselves? How accurately do they 2 arrange themselves in our memory-towns, rivers, mountains; and in what living colours do we recall the dresses, manners, and customs of the people! Our sight is the noblest of all our senses. It 5 fills the mind with most ideas, converses with its objects at the greatest distance, and continues longest in action without being tired. Our sight is on the alert when we travel; and its exercise is 10 then so delightful, that we forget the profit in the pleasure.

Like a river, that gathers, that refines 11 as it runs,12 like a spring that takes its course through 13 some rich vein of mineral, we improve,14 and 15 imperceptibly-not in the head only, but in 16 the heart. Our prejudices leave us one by one.17 Seas and mountains are no longer 18 our boundaries. We learn to love, and 19 esteem, and admire beyond them.20 Our benevolence. extends itself with our knowledge. And must we not return better citizens than we went ? 21 For the more we become acquainted with 22 the institutions of other countries, the more 23 highly must we 24 value 25 our




1 Things, "objects"-2 they, "those objects"3 in what living colours, sous quelles vives couleurs-4 people, peuples-5 it, c'est celui qui-6 with most, du plus grand nombre de- and continues action, et qui fonctionne...... 8" without tiring itself"9 on the alert, sur le qui-vive-10 its exercise is, l'exercice en est11 that gathers, that refines, qui grossit et s'épure-12 as it runs, "in its course"-13 takes its course through, parcourt-14 we improve, nous nous améliorons-15 " and that"-16 not in......only, but in, non-seulement de......mais aussi de-17 one by one, un à un-18 are no longer, ne sont plus-19 and, to be left out- 20 beyond them, audelà de cet horizon-21 than we went, que nous l'étions en partantwe become acquainted with, literally, "we make acquaintance with" -23 the more.... ..the more, must we, "we must" (devoir, not falloir)—25 value highly, estimer (or: apprécier)—26 our own, simply "ours."






"No magnificence of surface-colouring will make up, in my eyes, for 3 wilful ugliness of form. I say that nature is beautiful; and therefore nature cannot have been truly 5 copied, or the general effect would have been beautiful also. I never found out the fallacy till the other day when looking at a portrait by one of them (the pre-Raphaelites). The woman for whom it was meant was standing by my side, young and lovely; the portrait hung there, neither young nor lovely, but a wrinkled caricature twenty 10 years older than the model."


"I surely know the portrait you mean,—Lady D's." 1


"Yes. He had simply, under pretence of following nature, caricatured her into a woman twenty years older than she is." 12

"But did you ever see a modern portrait which more perfectly expressed 13 character; which more completely

1 Where, etc., fails, par où pèche le préraphaëlisme..............—2 in, à— 3 will make up......for, ne saurait compenser... -4 and, et que5 truly, fidèlement-6 or, autrement-7 I never, etc.......looking_at, ce n'est que l'autre jour que cette erreur m'a frappé, en regardant one, l'un-9 for whom it was meant, qu'il était censé représenter 10 twenty, de vingt (i. e., by twenty)-11 Lady D- -'s, c'est celui de Lady D-12 than she is, qu'elle n'est- 13 which...... expressed, qui rendît......


a Did you ever see, avez-vous jamais vu ? The preterite definite "vîtes-vous" would sound very formal and old-fashioned here. That tense seldom occurs now in conversation, and may be called the "historical" tense, as it is hardly ever used except in a narrative, when the facts mentioned are distant and completely gone by, and the time precisely stated. Cæsar's well-known laconic mes"Veni, vidi, vici," would be in French: "Je suis venu, j'ai sage: vu, j'ai vaincu."




fulfilled the requirements 1 which you laid down 2 a few evenings since ?" 8

"Never; and that makes me all the more cross with the wilful mistake of it.

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He had painted every 5

Why not, if they were there ?" 7


"Because he had painted a face not one twentieth the size of life. What right had he to cram into that small space all the marks which nature had spread over a far larger one ?" 11

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'Why not, again,12 if he diminished the marks in proportion ?"

"Just 13 what neither he nor any man 14 could do without making them so small as to be 15 invisible, save under a16 microscope; and the result was,17 that he had caricatured every wrinkle, as his friend has 18 in those horrible knuckles of Shem's 19 wife. Besides, I deny utterly 20 your assertion that one 21 is bound to paint what is there. On that very fallacy are they all making shipwreck.'

22 دو

1 Which more, etc.......requirements, qui fût plus parfaitement conforme aux règles-2 you laid down, vous avez posées,-not: vous posâtes (see note a, p. 32)-3 a few evenings since, literally, "in one of the last evenings (soirées)"— and that, etc.......of it, et cela ne fait que m'irriter davantage contre l'erreur qui y était commise de parti pris-5 every, "all the" not, simply, pas-7 there, là (not: y)-8"which was not" the size of life, de la grandeur naturelle-10 spread, dispersées-11 over a far larger one, sur un espace beaucoup plus grand-12 ......again, encore une fois......

13 just, mais c'est précisément 14 nor any man, ni personne 15 without making them so small as to be, sans les rapetisser au point de les rendre-16 save under a, excepté au-17 was, en était— 18 literally, "as has done his friend" (see note 4, p. 13)—19 Shem, Sem-20 I deny utterly, je m'inscris en faux contre-21 that one, que l'on-22 on that very fallacy, etc.......shipwreck, c'est précisément là l'écueil sur lequel ils vont tous se briser.

The verb to be, which occurs

a What is there, ce qui se trouve là. very frequently in English, is not so congenial to the French language, and may elegantly be rendered here and there by se trouver.


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