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and acrimonious an effusion excited was marked by the tone of the queen's reply.

"After the commands you gave me in the church, on the thanksgiving, of not answering you, I should not have troubled you with these lines, but to return the Duke of Marlborough's letter safe into your hands."

The sarcastic and contemptuous brevity of this note, drew forth a reproachful answer from the duchess, in which, among other equally unbecoming expressions, she ob


"I should think myself wanting in my duty to you, if I saw you so much in the wrong, as, without prejudice or passion, I think you are, in several particulars, and did not tell you of it." She then comments on the word commands, and concludes, with affected humility: "Though I have always writ to you as a friend, and lived with you as such, for so many years, with all the truth and honesty and zeal for your service that was possible, yet I shall never forget that I am your subject, nor cease to be a faithful one."

This epistolary wrangle was not long afterwards followed by an interview, in which the duchess set the seal to her indiscretion, by renewing her expostulations on the countenance manifested towards Mr. Harley and Mrs. Masham. The minute of this conversation, of which no trace appears in the Conduct, is preserved in her hand-writing, and was evidently suppressed on mature reflection. We give this characteristic document without abridgment or alteration.

[Heads of the conversation with Mrs. Morley, Sept. 9-20. 1708.] "Nobody trusted or countenanced by her, but who is in some way or other influenced by Mr. Harley.

"Mr. Harley never had a good reputation in the world, but is much worse thought of, since he is out of her service, where people were content to suffer him, because he was thought to depend upon Lord Marlborough and lord treasurer. But since he was tempted by the favour of Abigail to set up for himself, and to betray and ruin those that had brought him into her service, and her service itself also, nobody alive can be more odious than he is, or more contemptible to all parties.


Why will she not consider fairly and coolly the distinction she makes between some of the Whigs, who did her such real and acceptable service, in the union with Scotland and in the matter of the invitation, and my Lord Haversham, who, upon both these actions, and many others, talked so insolently and scandalously of her administration, in her own hearing. And yet that man was admitted to her presence with the air of a friend, though he is plainly in another interest, and can never serve her; and the others are kept at the greatest distance, contrary to the advice and opinion of all her servants, whom she has most reason to trust, though they have

shown themselves, in her presence also, both able and willing to serve her and desirous to make her great and happy.

"Even in this last session of parliament, the Tories joined to a man against the council of Scotland, and Mr. Harley himself, underhand; when after all that was over, upon occasion of the late invasion, these men did expose the Tories to all the world, by showing their zeal for her and her government, by strengthening it every way in their power at that time of danger."

In the course of this interview the altercation became so violent, that the high-toned voice of the duchess was heard in the ante-chamber; and when she came out, her eyes were suffused with tears. The queen was found in a similar state of agitation, by those who first entered the apartment; and we learn from a subsequent letter of the duchess, that she was dismissed with every proof of contempt and indignation.

These fatal contentions could not long be kept a secret from the royal attendants; and the reports, which were industriously circulated on the occasion, produced the usual effect attending the decline of court favour. An instance of this kind occurred in the conduct of the earl of Kent, who being blamed by Mr. Maynwaring, for his assiduities towards Mrs. Masham, faintly excused himself, on the plea that he must behave civilly to all the queen's servants. Some of the Whigs also began to anticipate the disgrace of their zealous patroness, and treated her with such coldness and reserve, as to excite her suspicion, that they were transferring their devotions to the new idol.*

The mortifying result of this altercation, and the no less mortifying consequences which it produced, appear to have cooled the zeal of the duchess. In a fit of spleen and disappointment she testified to the duke her contempt of all party distinctions, and at the same time announced a decided resolution to discontinue her fruitless and unwelcome remonstrances. Her determination was not only applauded by her husband, who had so often lamented her warmth and imprudence, but even by the Whig chiefs, who perceived that her importunities injured, instead of promoting their cause.

* Letter from Mr. Maynwaring to the duchess, without date, but evidently written at this period.

To the Duchess.

"Sept. 27. Having received yours of the 10th this afternoon, I could not omit sending back all the enclosed papers you have desired, and letting you know, &t the same time, what I have formerly writ in other letters, that I am glad you have taken the resolution of being quiet; for you are certainly in the right, that whatever is said or writ by you, the lord treasurer, and me, serves only for information to do hurt. The copy of the letter you have sent, I think, should be delivered; for if it does no good, it can do no hurt. For my own part, I am quite weary of all business; and if amongst all these disagreeable bustles, I could be so happy as to have liberty of remaining quiet with you, I should be at the height of my wishes."

"Oct. 1. By the French having taken all the posts along the Scheldt, makes it almost impossible for our letters to go that way without falling into their hands; and that by Ostend is very near as dangerous, so that we are obliged to be upon our guard of what we write, if we would not have them know it; so that you must not expect particulars as to news. But as for my personal esteem and kindness for you, I should rather the world should know it than otherwise; for if I am to be happy, it must be with you. I have read yours of the 10-21 st three times, and am so entirely of your opinion as to the queen, that I cannot hinder repeating it again in this letter; for the resolution you have taken of neither speaking nor writing, is so certainly right, that I dare assure you, that you will find a good effect of it in one month. For I really am of opinion, that when the queen shall be sensible, which she will be in that time, that you, the lord treasurer, and I, are in such despair, that we offer nothing, but leave every thing to the direction of those that have the present power with her, it will so startle her, that she will take other measures; and this will make her comply with what is necessary for the saving herself, or nothing will do. I can't entirely agree with your opinion of the queen; I must own I have a tenderness for her, and I would willingly believe that all which is amiss, proceeds from the ambition and ill-judgment of Mrs. Masham, and the knavery and artfulness of Mr. Harley."


"Oct. 4. - Since my last, I have had the pleasure of yours of the 14th. Notwithstanding the difficulty in the passage of the letters, I did in my last explain my thoughts so fully, as t the queen, that you must not think my opinion changed, if I should not mention her any more this campaign. I do from my soul pity the lord treasurer; for his good sense must make him sensible how we are both exposed by the folly and opiniatrety of others." *

• Appendix, note 3.


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AFTER long and mature deliberation, the confederate generals finally resolved to undertake the siege of Lille, an enterprise which, though less bold and decisive than an immediate invasion of France, was yet the only operation in which the views, means, and interests of all parties could be brought to coincide. The difficulties with which it was likely to be attended were, however, so great and multifarious, that it was made the subject of general ridicule in France; and Vendome publicly declared his conviction, that an able commander, like Eugene, would never venture to engage in so rash a design.

Lille, the capital of French Flanders, was one of the first conquests of Louis XIV. in 1667, and ceded to him by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. It is situated in a swampy plain, watered by several streams. The fortifications were constructed under the superintendence of the celebrated Vauban, who strengthened it with a regular citadel, in the form of a pentagon, defended with two ditches, and a double series of outworks. It was the key of the country watered by the Lys and the Scheldt, and connected with both rivers by canals. A project for its defence was drawn up by Vauban himself, which, on his death, in the preceding year, was consigned to his pupil and nephew. This able officer, as chief engineer, hastened to the place, as soon as it was threatened. The command was entrusted to Marshal Boufflers, governor of Flanders, who was distinguished for his skill in the defence of fortresses, and assisted by officers of his own choice, the most intelligent and skilful in their several departments.

The troops who had escaped in the route at Oudenard were formed into four battalions, and the garrison was reinforced by two others; the whole, with three regiments of dragoons, and 800 invalids, making a total of nearly 15,000 men; and to use the words of the French biographer, "never were preparations better concerted, nor more proper to frustrate the efforts of the enemy." Nor did the strength of the place create the only difficulty. The season was already advanced, the necessary circumvallation was extensive, and

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the hostile army was not only superior to that which was to cover the siege, but commanded all the water communications with the nearest part of Holland.

On entering Lille the 29th of July, Boufflers prepared the usual means for a vigorous resistance. New works were constructed on the weakest points, the hedges and trees were cut down, to the distance of 800 paces, and fascines, and pallisades in abundance, were furnished by the district. Several mines were also formed under the covert way, in parts which appeared the most threatened; and every arrangement was made for maintaining a constant supply of arms and artillery, for the subsistence of the garrison, and for the regular distribution of the ammunition and stores.

This memorable enterprise excited universal attention, and drew to the spot many distinguished personages. King Augustus arrived on the 19th of July in the confederate camp, together with the landgrave of Hesse. Marlborough reviewed before them the two lines of his army, and afterwards the king repaired to the quarters of Eugene. It is not uninteresting to observe, that he was here joined by his natural son, Maurice, aged twelve years, afterwards so celebrated as Marshal Saxe, who had secretly departed from Dresden on foot, and reached the army, notwithstanding the fatigues of the journey, and the vigilance of his guardians. Here also Munich and Schwerin, who both rose to such a height of military fame, made their first essay in a species of warfare, of all others the most dangerous and critical. Lastly, here the young prince of Hanover added to the laurels which he had gained at Oudenard, and contributed to increase the fame of that nation over whom he was destined to reign.

For want of water conveyance, the train and stores for the siege, amounting to 94 pieces of cannon, 60 mortars, and above 3000 ammunition waggons, had been collected at Brussels. The whole attention of the two contending armies was therefore employed, one to secure, the other to prevent the march of this important convoy, which occupied a line of fifteen miles, and had to traverse a tract of twenty-five leagues, through a hostile force amounting to 100,000 men.

Eager to profit by so favourable an opportunity of striking a decisive blow, the French commanders detached a corps of

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