XIII. Entised on with hope of future gaine, I suffred long what did my soule displease; But when my youth was spent, my hope was vaine, I felt my native strength at last decrease ; I gan my losse of lustie yeeres complaine, And wisht I had enjoy'd the countries peace; XIV. While thus he spake, Erminia husht and still Till fortune should occasion new afford, She said therefore, O shepherd fortunate ! Yet liuest now in this contented state, Let my mishap thy thoughts to pitie moue, To entertaine me as a willing mate In shepherds life, which I admire and loue; Within these pleasant groues perchance my hart Of her discomforts may unload some part. XVI. If gold or wealth of most esteemed deare, XVII. With speeches kinde, he gan the virgin deare Yet welcomde her; and plast her by her side. XVIII. Not those rude garments could obscure, and hide : POMFRET. OF MR JOHN POMFRET nothing is known but from a slight and confused account prefixed to his poems by a nameless friend; who relates, that he was the son of the Rev. Mr Pomfret, rector of Luton, in Bedfordshire; that he was bred at Cambridge*; entered into orders, and was rector of Malden in Bedfordshire, and might have risen in the church; but that, when he applied to Dr Compton bishop of London, for institution to a living of considerable value, to which he had been presented, he found a troublesome obstruction raised by a maliciousinterpretation of some passage in his Choice; from which it was inferred, that he considered happiness as more likely to be found in the company of a mistress than of a wife. This reproach was easily obliterated: for it had happened to Pomfret as to almost all other men who plan schemes of life; he had departed from his purpose, and was then married. * He was of Queen's College there, and, by the Universityregister, appears to have taken his Bachelor's degree in 1684, and and his Master's 1698. H.-His Father was of Trinity. C. The malice of his enemies had however a very fatal consequence : the delay constrained his attendance in London, where he caught the smallpox, and died in 1703, in the thirty-sixth year of his age. He published his poems in 1699; and has been always the favourite of that class of readers, who, without vanity or criticism, seek only their own a musement. His Choice exhibits a system of life adapted to common notions, and equal to common expectations; such a state as affords plenty and tranquillity, without exclusion of intellectual pleasures. Perhaps no composition in our language has been oftener perused than Pomfret's Choice. In his other poems there is an easy volubility; the pleasure of smooth metre is afforded to the ear, and the mind is not oppressed with ponderous, or entangled with intricate, sentiment. He pleases many; and he who pleases many must have some species DORSET. of merit. Or the earl of Dorset the character has been drawn so largely and so elegantly by Prior, to whom he was familiarly known, that nothing can be added by a casual hand; and, as its author is so generally read, it would be useless officiousness to transcribe it. CHARLES SACKVILLE was born January 24, 1637. Having been educated under a private tutor, he travelled into Italy, and returned a little before the restoration. He was chosen into the first parliament that was called, for East Grinstead in Sussex, and soon became a favourite of Charles the Second ; but undertook no public employment, being too eager of the riotous and licentious pleasures which young men of high rank, who aspired to be thought wits, at that time imagined themselves intitled to indulge. One of these frolics has, by the industry of Wood, |