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3. Evil thoughts shall shake the proud, Racking doubt and restless fear; And, amid the thunder cloud,

Shall the Judge of men appear.

4. But though from that awful face, Heaven shall fade, and earth shall fly; Fear not ye, his chosen race,

Your redemption draweth nigh.

HYMN 230. (c. M.)

The reign of Christ.

1. THE Lord is come; let heav'n rejoice;
Let earth receive her King;
Angels exult with tuneful voice,
And ev'ry creature sing.

2. Joy to the earth; the Saviour reigns; Let praise our tongues employ ;

While seas and shores, rocks, hills, and plains,

Repeat the notes of joy.

3. No more let sin and sorrow grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;

He comes to make his blessings flow,
Where'er the curse is found.

4. He rules the world with truth and grace, And bids the nations prove

The glories of his righteousness,
The wonders of his love.

HYMN 231. (L. M.)

The Lord shall descend from heaven.

1. HE comes! he comes! the judge severe !
The seventh trumpet speaks him near:
His lightnings flash, his thunders roll,
How welcome to the faithful soul!

2. From heaven angelic voices sound,
See the Almighty Jesus crown'd!
Girt with omnipotence and grace,
And glory decks the Saviour's face.
3. Descending on his glorious throne,
He claims the kingdoms for his own;
The kingdoms all obey his word,
And kail him their triumphant Lord.
4. Shout, all ye people of the sky,
And all ye saints of God Most High!
Jesus who now his right obtains,
For ever and for ever reigns!

HYMN 232. (8.8.6.)

The coming and reign of Christ.

1. HIS kingdom comes! ye saints rejoice,
Let earth and heav'n unite their voice
To swell the lofty strain:
Proclaim the joyful news abroad;
The mighty King! the glorious God!
He comes on earth to reign.

2. High o'er the pomp of worldly state,
On chosen Sion's lofty seat,
Jehovah sets his throne:

Now shall the lands confess his pow'r,
And all the earth his name adore,
And serve the Lord alone.

3. Before the terrors of his face
Let mortal man his pride abase,
And ev'ry idol fall :

Prostrate be ev'ry haughty foe,
The pomp and pow'r of earth lie low,
And God be all in all.

HYMN 233. (7.7.D.)


1. HARK! the song of jubilee,
Loud-as mighty thunders roar;
Or the fulness of the sea,

When it breaks upon the shore———-
Hallelujah! for the Lord,

God Omnipotent, shall reign:
Hallelujah! let the word

Echo round the earth and main.

2. Hallelujah!-hark! the sound,
From the centre to the skies,
Wakes above, beneath, around,
All creation's harmonies.
See Jehovah's banners furl'd,

Sheath'd his sword: He speaks-'tis done,

And the kingdoms of this world

Are the kingdoms of his Son.

3. He shall reign from pole to pole, With illimitable sway:




He shall reign, when, like a scroll,
Yonder heavens have pass'd away!
Then the end-beneath his rod,
Man's last enemy shall fall :
Hallelujah! Christ in God,
God in Christ, is All in All.

HYMN 234. (P. M.)

The Saviour's Return.

COME ye who love the Lord,
And feel his quick'ning pow'r,
Unite with one accord,

His goodness to adore:

To heaven and earth aloud proclaim
Your great Redeemer's glorious name.

He left his throne above,

His glory laid aside,

Came down on wings of love,

And wept, and bled, and died :

The pangs he bore, what tongue can tell,
To save our souls from death and hell?

He burst the grave: He rose

Victorious from the dead;
And thence his vanquish'd foes
In glorious triumph led:

Up thro' the heavens the conqu'ror rode
Triumphant to the throne of God.


He soon again will come
(His chariot will not stay,)
To take his children home

To realms of endless day :
We there shall see him face to face,
And sing the triumph of his grace.

HYMN 235. (s.M.D.)

Preparation for Judgment.

1. THOU Judge of quick and dead,
Before whose awful bar,
With holy joy or guilty dread,
We all must soon appear,
Our souls by grace prepare


For that tremendous day,

And fill us now with watchful care,

And stir us up to pray.

Το pray and wait the hour,

That awful hour unknown,

When, rob'd in majesty and power,

Thou shalt from heaven come down;
Th' immortal son of man,

To judge the human race,
With all the Father's dazzling train,
With all thy glorious grace.

3. Oh! may we still be found
Obedient to thy word,

And waiting for the trumpet's sound,
Which marks thy coming Lord;
Do thou thro' grace ensure

Our lot among the bless'd,

That, found in thee we may secure
Thine everlasting rest.

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