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WESSELS AND BALLAST DEPARTMENT. Office, 175 Commercial street. [Pub. Stats., Chap. 69, §§ 13–22; Rev. Ord., 1898, Chap. 41.] John J. CADDIGAN, Chief Weigher. JAMES COLLINs, EDWARD HUGHES, Assistant Weighers. Appointed annually. This Department is under the charge of the Weighers of Wessels and Ballast, three in number, one of whom is designated by the Mayor as

chief. They receive the fees, after payment of expenses, as compensation for their services.

Office, City Hall, fourth floor.
[Stat. 1895, Chap. 449, §§ 12–13; Rev. Ord., 1898, Chap. 42.]

AUGUSTUs P. MARTIN, Water Commissioner. Term ends in 1904. Salary, $5,000.

MELVIN P. FREEMAN, Assistant Water Commissioner. Salary, $3,000. WILLIAM. H. OAKEs, Assistant Water Commissioner. Salary, $3,000. WALTER E. Swan, Chief Clerk and Secretary. Salary, $3,000.

JOSEPH. H. CALDWELL, Superintendent of the Income Division. Office, City Hall. Salary, $3,000.

WILLIAM J. WELCH, Superintendent of the Distribution Division. Office, 710 Albany street. Salary $3,000.

The first water document published by the City of Boston appeared in 1825. The public introduction of water from Lake Cochituate took place on October 25, 1848. The history of the Boston Water Works up to January 1, 1868, has been written by Nathaniel J. Bradlee; from 1868 to 1876, by Desmond FitzGerald; of the “Additional Supply from Sudbury River,” by A. Fteley. In addition to the annual reports on the Cochituate supply, from 1850, and of the Mystic supply, from 1866, there are numerous special reports. By Chapter 449, Acts of 1895, the Boston Water Board, the Water Income Department, and the Water Registrar were abolished, and the Water Department created, a single commissioner being intrusted with all the powers previously exercised by the Boston Water Board and the Boston Water Registrar.

Office, basement of Old Court House, Court square.

[Pub. Stat., Chap. 65, § 8; Stat. 1882, Chap. 42 ; Rev. Ord., 1898, Chap. 43.]

CHARLEs B. WooDEEY, Sealer. Appointed annually. Salary, $3,000 per annum.


This Department is under the charge of the Sealer. The Sealer and Deputy Sealers are appointed also to seize illegal charcoal measures. (Pub. Stat., Chap. 60, § 88.)

The standards in use are supplied by the Commonwealth, and are determined by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D.C. The office was authorized by the statute of February 26, 1800. Annual reports have been published since 1868.

Office, Old Court House, Room 12.

[Stat. 1890, Chap. 404; Stat. 1894, Chap. 454; Stat. 1895, Chap. 228; Stat. 1898, Chap. 249; Stat. 1898, Chap. 268; Rev. Ord., 1898, Chap. 44.]

WILLIAM. H. LOTT, Commissioner of Wires. Term ends in 1903. Salary, $5,000.

The office of Commissioner was established August 4, 1894. The Department issues annual reports; the first was issued February 1, 1895.

The duties of the Commissioner of Wires are as follows:

To have all unexempted electric wires, cables, and conductors in the City north of Dover and Berkeley streets, and between the Charles river, the harbor and Fort Point channel, placed, maintained, and operated underground and to remove all unexempted poles and structures in the streets within the above-named district; to supervise and inspect all wires, cables, and conductors, whether underground or overhead; to designate the distances between overhead electric wires, cables, and conductors; to regulate the direction in which such wires, cables, or conductors shall be run, and the keeping and maintenance of all structures, especially those placed upon any roof, for the support of electric wires or cables in a safe and satisfactory condition, and to prevent, abate, or remove any electrical danger; to decide upon requests for exemption of wires and cables from going underground, and of poles, supports, etc., from removal; to see that all wires, cables, and conductors are suitable and sufficiently insulated; to see that all wires are tagged with name of owner; to secure the removal of all dead or abandoned wires, and the protection of all buildings by fuses, or some other safety device, with the exception of the wires of the Fire and Police telegraphs, or those of series arc lights circuits; to inspect all wires carrying electric light, heating, or power currents within buildings; to see that all poles and posts used for the transmission of electricity or the support of electric lamps are insulated in such a manner as to protect employees and other persons from injury; to see that all wires, posts, machinery, and appliances are kept at all times in good order and condition; and to keep, in his office, maps showing the location of all wires and cables laid over, in or under the streets and public grounds. In the month of January, in each of the years 1900–1909 inclusive,

he shall prescribe the limits of a district within which, for not more than two miles of streets, avenues, or highways, certain wires, cables,

and conductors shall be removed or placed under ground during that calendar year. He may at any time grant permits to any person, firm, or corporation duly authorized by law to lay or erect and maintain wires in the streets, for the removal of any wires, cables, conductors, poles, or structures in any of the streets of the City, and the placing of the same under ground. The Commissioner is sole judge of what constitutes proper and safe insulation of electric conductors and appliances within buildings, and is authorized to make such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary to make them as safe as possible.


The following table shows the manner in which public officers, other than executive officers of the City, serving in the City, are appointed or elected as prescribed by statute, ordinance, or regulation, the time of appointment or election, the term of office, and the salary, if any, of

each officer.

confirmation by the Board of Aldermen.

All the appointments marked with a * are subject to

APPOINTED. TERM. HOW OFFICERS. Created. Salary. By Whom. When. Begins. |Length of. Art Commissioners *... Statute ... Mayor..... Annually %. one. . . . [May 1... Five years. None. Board of Appeal”..... & 4 Mayor. . . . . Annually|May 1... Three yr’s. $55 Board of Police. ...... § { . |Governori. |O n e in * 1895,1898, 1900, respec’v’ly “ 1...|Five years. 4,000? Boston Transit Commissioners *......... & 4 . |Mayor and Governor&. July, 1894. “ 1...|Eight yr's. 5,000 County Officers. See p. 96. Court Officers. See p. 97. Loan Association, Workingmen’s, one Director . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 & Mayor..... Annually souri, ay 1n April...|One year...] None. Loan Company,Collat- t eral, one Director... 6 (; “. . . . . . & 4 3d Wed’y in Dec.. & 6 £ 6 Managers of Old South Association . . . . . . . . . § { Co. CounCilo ...... § { When elected. 6 & {{ Medical Examiners... { { . |Governori. June30,98|.......... Seven yr’s. $4,000

1 With the advice and cofisent of the Executive Council. 2 Chairman, $500 additional. 3 Three were appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Board of Aldermen, and two by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Executive


4. By concurrent vote.
* Salary five dollars per hour, but not to exceed $1,000 per year.

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