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Office, 64 Pemberton square.
[Stat. 1898, Chap. 410; Rev. Ord., 1898, Chap. 4.]


JoBIN T. COOLIDGE, JR., Secretary.


JoBN TEMPLEMAN COOLIDGE, JR., named by the Trustees of the Public Library. Term ends in 1906.

ALEXANDER WADsworth LoNGFELLow, named by the Boston Society of Architects. Term ends in 1905.

FRANCIS W. CHANDLER, named by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Term ends in 1904.

SAMUEL D. WARREN, named by Trustees of Museum of Fine Arts. Term ends in 1903.

CHARLEs A. CUMMINGS, named by the Boston Art Club. Term ends in 1902.

The Art Department was established by Chapter 410 of the Acts of the Legislature of 1898. It is in charge of five Commissioners, who are appointed by the Mayor, without confirmation. Each of the following-named bodies, namely, the Trustees of the Museum of Fine Arts, the Trustees of the Boston Public Library, the Trustees of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Boston Art Club, and the Boston Society of Architects, submits a list of three persons to the Mayor; and the Mayor appoints one person as Art Commissioner from each of the lists so submitted. Whenever the term of a member of the Board expires the Mayor appoints his successor from a list selected by the body which made the original selection as aforesaid. The Board may appoint a secretary outside of its own membership, who serves without compensation. No work of art can become the property of the City without the approval of the Art, Department; which may also be requested by the Mayor or the City Council to pass upon the design of any municipal building, bridge, approach, lamp, ornamental gate or fence, or other structure to be erected upon land belonging to the City. Moreover, all contracts or orders for the execution of any painting, monument, statue, bust, bas-relief, or other sculpture, for said City, shall be made by said Board, acting by a majority of its members, subject to the approval of the Mayor.

[Stat. 1892, Chap. 419, §§ 12, 14.]


GEORGE R. Swasey, Chairman. Term ends in 1904.

ARTHUR G. EveRETT, Secretary. Term ends in 1903.

WILLIAM H. SAYWARD. Term ends in 1902.
Office of Secretary, 60 Devonshire street.

One member is appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Board of Aldermen, one by the Boston Society of Architects, and one by the Master Builders' Association; the two latter being subject to approval by the Mayor. The term of office is three years. Their compensation is fixed at five dollars for each hour of actual service, the total not to exceed one thousand dollars each.

Any applicant for a permit from the Building Commissioner whose application has been refused, any person who has been ordered by the Commissioner to incur any expense, and any person the value of whose property may be affected by work to be done under permit granted by the Commissioner, may appeal to the Board of Appeal, by giving notice in writing to the Commissioner within the time fixed by the statute. All cases of appeal are referred to this Board, which may, after a hearing, direct the Commissioner to issue his permit under such conditions, if any, as the Board may require, or to withhold the same. Permits to restore damage by fire can only be issued with the approval of the Board. The Board has authority to enter any building or premises in the City of Boston.

Office, City Hall, third floor.

[Stat. 1870, Chap. 300, 302; Stat. 1898, Chap. 467, § 14.]

BERTRAND T. WHEELER, Commissioner for Boston.
WILLIAM J. MARVIN, Commissioner for Cambridge.

This Commission was established by statute in 1870, to have charge of the maintenance of the West Boston, Canal or Craigie's, and the Prison Point bridges. (Statutes of 1870, Chap. 300, 302.) In 1892 the Harvard Bridge was placed in their charge (Stat. of 1882, Chap. 155). The powers of the Commission have been greatly enlarged by Statutes of 1898, Chap. 467, Sect. 14. This Act places all bridges and draws between the two cities in their charge, to support, manage, and keep in repair, and to authorize exclusively the placing of poles, wires, and other structures upon them. The expense of maintenance is borne equally by the City of Boston and the City of Cambridge.

The Commission consists of a Board of two Commissioners, ene appointed by the Mayor of the City of Boston and one by the Mayor of the City of Cambridge. They serve without compensation.


* Cambridge-street bridge, from Brighton to Cambridge.
Canal, or Craigie's bridge, from Boston to Cambridge.
* Essex-street bridge, from Brighton to Cambridge.
Harvard bridge, from Boston to Cambridge.
*North Harvard-street bridge, from Brighton to Cambridge.
Prison-Point bridge, from Charlestown to Cambridge.
* Western-avenue bridge, from Brighton to Cambridge.
West Boston bridge, from Boston to Cambridge.

Office, 20 Beacon street.
[Stat. 1894, Chap. 548; Stat. 1899, Chap. 375.]


B. LEIGHTON BEAL, Secretary.
H. A. CARSON, Chief Engineer.


GEORGE G. CROCKER, HORACE G. ALLEN. Appointed by the Gov€I’In OT.

CHARLEs H. DALTON, THOMAS J. GARGAN, GEORGE F. Swal N. Ap- pointed by the Mayor.

The Commissioners were originally appointed for the term of five years from July, 1894.

By Stat. 1899, Chap. 375, the term was extended to July, 1902. The Commission has charge of the construction of the subway, of the Charlestown bridge, and of the tunnel to East Boston.

^ CAMBRIDGE BRIDGE COMMISSION. [Stat. 1897, Chap. 500, § 5; Stat. 1898, Chap. 467; Stat. 1899, Chap. 180.]

THOMAS N. HART, Chairman.

THOMAs N. HART, Mayor of Boston (ea officio).
DAVID T. DICKINson, Mayor of Cambridge (ea officio).

* Placed in, charge of the Commission, July, 1898, under Chapter 467 of the Acts of 1898. All of the bridges named in this list are over navigable waters.

The Commission has charge of the construction of a new bridge, not less than 105 feet in width, across the Charles river, to be known as the Cambridge bridge, at or near the site of the present West Boston bridge, from Cambridge street in Boston to Main street in Cambridge. Approaches not less than 100 feet in width are to be laid out by the Commission and constructed by the City Engineers of Boston and Cambridge, at the expense of each city respectively. The cost of the bridge is to be paid by three parties. The Boston Elevated Railway Company pays such portion of the cost as shall be rendered necessary by reason of the bridge being of additional size and strength for the use of the elevated railroad, and shall construct or pay for constructing its railway, both elevated and surface, across the bridge. The balance of the cost is to be paid, one-half by the City of Boston and one-half by the City of Cambridge.

COLLATERAL LOAN COMPANY. [Stat. 1859, Chap. 173, § 6; Stat. 1865, Chap. 14; Stat. 1889, Chap. 428.]

The Collateral Loan Company is managed by seven directors, selected annually, five chosen by the corporators at the annual meeting in December, one appointed by the Governor and one by the Mayor.

ROBERT F. CLARE, Director. Appointed by the Mayor.


County Commissioners for the County of Suffolk. — The MAYOR and ALDERMEN of Boston. ,

County Awditor. — JAMES H. DODGE.

County Treasurer.

[Pub. Stat., Chap. 10, § 2.]

District Attorney. Oliver Stevens. Salary, $5,000. Paid by the Commonwealth. Elected by the people in 1898 for three years from the first Wednesday of January, 1899. Af First Assistant. — Michael J. Sughrue. Salary, $3,300. Second Assistant. John D. McLaughlin. Salary, $3,300. Clerk to District Attorney. — Frederic H. Chase. Salary, $1,800.

REGISTER OF DEEDS. [Pub. Stat., Chap. 10, § 9; Chap. 24, § 9; Stat. 1895, Chap. 493.] Register of Deeds. – Thomas F. Temple. Salary, $5,500. Elected by the people in 1900 for three years. Assistant Register. — Charles W. Kimball. Salary, $3,000. Appointed by the Register.

SHERIFF. [Pub. Stat., Chap. 10, § 5; Chap. 25, §§ 2, 3.] Sheriff and Jailer. — Fred H. Seavey, elected by the people to fill vacancy for remainder of term of three years until first Wednesday of January, 1902. Deputy Sheriffs for Service of Writs. – Jeremiah G. Fennessey, John F. Kelly, Joseph F. Silsby, jr., Francis Martin, Robert E. Maguire, Albert C. Tilden. Deputy Sheriffs for Court Duty. William W. Campbell, Daniel A. Cronin, James F. Goodwin, Robert Hèrter, Frederick P. Knapp, Daniel Noonan, Joseph S. Paine, John R. Rea, William G. Tyler, James A. Hussey, Henry A. Silver, Patrick E. Lynch.

All debts and expenses of the County of Suffolk are borne by the City of Boston, unless otherwise specified.


Offices in Court House, Pemberton square, except as otherwise specified.

SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. Clerk for the Commonwealth. Henry A. Clapp. Salary, $3,000, paid by the Commonwealth. Appointed by the Court.

Clerk for the County of Suffolk. John Noble. Salary, $5,000 from the County and $1,500 from the Commonwealth. Elected by the people in 1896 for five years.

Assistant Clerk. — Clarence H. Cooper. Salary, $2,500.

SUPERIOR COURT FOR CIVIL BUSINESS. Clerk. — Joseph A. Willard. Salary $6,500. Elected by the people in 1896 for five years. Assistant Clerks. – Edward A. Willard, Francis P. Ewing, Charles W. Spencer, Wellington Wells, George E. Kimball, Allen H. Bearse, Arthur P. Hardy, Stephen Thacher. Assistant Clerk in Equity. Henry E. Bellew. Salary, $3,000. Stenographers. — Frank H. Burt, James P. Bacon, Charles E. Barnes, Charles C. Beale, Fred W. Card, Cora E. Burbank. Appointed by the Court.

SUPERIOR COURT FOR CRIMINAL BUSINESs. [Pub. Stat., Chap. 10, § 3; Stat. 1888, Chap. 257.] Clerk. John P. Manning. Salary, $6,000. Elected by the people in 1896 for five years. Assistant Clerks. John R. Campbell, Julian Seriack. Stenographer. John H. Farley.

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