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On account of the City of Boston :
On Mayor’s Drafts, –

General Drafts * to ę o to & . * $476,190 45
Pay-roll Drafts so to g 4. o to to 848,857 65
Special Drafts, –
General Payments te so ... t $1,839,525 51
Interest on City Debt . g o 536,830 38
Interest. On Water Debt o go 35,188 50
Interest on Laying Out and Con-
struction of Highways Debt . 111,153 25
Interest on Rapid Transit Debt . 26,250 00

2,548,947 64 $3,873,995 74 Board of Commissioners of Sinking-Funds, – Revenue Collected e to g $5,116 87 Water Works Fund o Ç . 1,500,000 00

1,505,116 87 Commonwealth of Massachusetts :

Liquor License Revenue se go © g e 2,577 00 Liquor License Revenue Refunded . o e ic 2,200 00 Residue Tax Sales, etc. to g e go 1,016 63 Pay-roll Tailings, payments by Cashier to parties not

paid by paymasters go to e to ( : e 607 58 Duplicate and Overpayments to City Collector . io 230 56 Water Rates Refunded to is e to e 14.2 83 Taxes Refunded o so to * e o * 82 85 Street Watering Assessments Refunded . to & 6 72 Old Claims, City Account e * & e & 4 37

$5,385,981 15 Payments on account of the County of Suffolk : Allowed and certified by Auditor of the County of Suffolk,

General payments . * to f $96,142 38 Carried forward . e & . $96,142 38 $5,385,981 15 * Amount of General Drafts through City Auditor’s office for July ............ $473,407 27 Less not paid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,015 31 $471,391 96 Add paid on outstanding drafts for current year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,798 49 $476,190 45 f Includes City Debt paid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000,000 00 { % Water Debt paid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469,759 70 $1,469,759 70 i. of County Requisitions through County Auditor’s office for July..... $95,646 21 ess not paid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 08

$95,338 13 Add paid on outstanding requisitions for current year........................... 804 25 $96,142 38

Brought forward. so e . $96,142 38 $5,385,981 15 Special payments: e Other than interest . $10,670 00 Interest on County Debt, 8,500 00

— 19, 170 00 Pay-roll Tailings . te o e e 125 69 Fines to Complainant . te o © 23 80 Award to wife, etc. . e to * 20 00 Bounty for Destruction of Seals . e 9 00 — 115,490 87 $5,501,472 02 RECAPITULATION. Balance, July 1, 1901 e Q & © g . $1,920,230 61 Receipts in July, 1901 . o te o * . 5,500,978 87 $7,421,209 48 Payments in July, 1901 . to * > g o . 5,501,472 02 Balance, July 31, 1901 . e o e te . $1,919,737 46

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For six months of the Financial Year 1901–1902, beginning February 1, 1901, ending January 31, 1902.

Balance on hand Feb. 1, 1901, from the financial year

1900–1901 . * to te e to © . $3,245,380 69 RECEIPTS. On account of the City of Boston : City Collector . o o g . $6,542,828 71

Temporary Loan :
A n ticipation of
Taxes e o o * . 4,550,000 00
City Loans:
Sewerage Loan, 3%, $1,000,000 00
Various Municipal
purposes, Jan. 5,
1901, 3% . . 615,800 00
Laying Out and
C on struction
of Highways, 3%, 300,000 00
Laying Out and Con-
struction of High
ways, Charlestown
street, 3% . . 117,000 00

Carried forward, $2,032,800 00 $11,092,828 71 $3,245,380 69 Brought forward $2,032,800 00 $11,092,828 71 $3,245,380 69 Hospit a l Dept.,

Relief St a ti on ;

completing and

equipping, 3% - 40,000 00 W a r d R o O m a n d

Gymnasium, Ward

8, 3% . . 10,000 00 L Street Bath, new building, 3% . 10,000 00

2,092,800 00 Board of Commissioners of Sinking- g

Funds :
Redemption of Debt . e . 1,524,759 70
Interest on Bank Deposits :
General Account . $20,007 71

Franklin T r a de S
School Fund o 3,745 97
Wyman Building

Fund . o te 746 26
John Foster Trust
Fund . o o 3 11 67
24,811 61
Pay-roll Tailings, Settlements with
Cashier, parties unpaid . e o 6,010 97
Public Library Trust Funds:
“Abram E. Cutter Fund’” . * 4,000 00
Tax Titles, etc. o o o 1,628 30
Sidewalk Assessments, Tailing Ac-
COunt . * o to o e 604. 93

—— 14,747,444 22

On account of the County of Suffolk :
City Collector e - . $113,343 40
Pay-roll Tailings . g e g 744 00
--mosommon- 114,087 40

$18,106,912 31


On account of the City of Boston :
On Mayor's drafts, –

General Drafts o e e e - o . *$2,471,566 35 Pay-roll Drafts e e o o e e . 5,876,298 19

Carried forward ğ o e © & . $8,347,864 54 * Amount of General Drafts through City Auditor’s office from February 1 ..... $2,474,587 S4 Less not paid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,021 49

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Brought forward $8,347,864 54 Special Drafts, – Ordinary Payments o o . $3,726,827 40 Interest on City Debt . e . 1,013,481 01 Interest on Water Debt e e 281,519 00 Interest on Laying Out and Construction of Highways Debt e 141,928 14 Interest on Rapid Transit Debt . 85,487 50 -o-o-o- 5,249,243 05 *$13,597,107 59 Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Corporation Tax . e e e $30,152 75 National Bank Tax & & e 5,218 93 Liquor Licenses . e e & 348,591 75 -*- 383,963 43 Board of Commissioners of Sinking-Funds: Revenue Collected o e o $51,492 18 Water Works Fund g o . 1,500,000 00 — 1,551,492 18 Residue Tax Sales 8,125 02 Investment in City of Boston Bonds : Public Library Trust Funds: Abram E. Cutter Fund . o $4,000 00 Mt. Hope Cemetery Trust Fund . 500 00 Gibson School Fund . o o 2,100 00 Evergreen Cemetery Trust Fund . 200 00 --assmos-sa- 6,800 00 Liquor License Revenue refunded . e o y 5,500 00 Pay-roll Tailings, payments by Cashier to parties not paid by Paymasters e 4,833 78 Old Claims, City Account 2,556 09 Taxes Refunded 2,398 42 Water Rates Refunded to o e 1,198 96 Duplicate and Overpayments to City Collector 792 31 Tax Titles, etc. e to c e o 149 54 Sidewalk Assessment Tailings Account 73 50 Sewer Assessments Refunded : Sewer . so & to o o . $35 00 Sewerage Works . o e o o 25 00 60 00 Street Watering Assessments Refunded 55 48 Carried forward . g e & o . $15,565,106 30 *Also includes Debt paid, viz.: City Debt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,055,000 00 Water Debt. . . . . . . . . . . . is a s a o e o 'o a s e o e - e o s s e s o o or ‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469,759 70

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