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JUNE 17, JULY 2, 17, 18, AND OCTOBER 1, 1958

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Bacon, Marvin A., Chief, Procurement Analysis Branch, Office of the

Controller, International Cooperation Administration; accom-

panied by Alva H. Blagg, supervisory business analyst, agricultural

panied by Alva H. Blagg, supervisory business analyst, agriculture

and pharmaceuticals, Procurement Analysis Branch; John Shute,

Chief, Financial and Procurement Methods Division; and Leslie

Grant, Office of the General Counsel..

Bacon, Marvin A., Chief, Procurement Analysis Branch, Office of the

Controller, International Cooperation Administration; accom-

panied by Leslie Grant, Office of the General Counsel; Roger

Stewart, Acting Associate Director, Office of Food and Agriculture;

and Alva H. Blagg, supervisory business analyst, agriculture and

pharmaceuticals, Procurement Analysis Branch.

FitzGerald, Dr. D. A., Deputy Director for Operations, International

Cooperation Administration; accompanied by Marvin A. Bacon,

Chief, Procurement Analysis, Office of the Controller; Alva H.

Blagg, supervisory business analyst, agriculture and pharmaceu-

ticals, Procurement Analysis Branch; and Leslie Grant, Öffice of the

General Counsel..

FitzGerald, William, Deputy Director for Management, International

Cooperation Administration; accompanied by Marvin A. Bacon,

Chief, Procurement Analysis Branch, Office of the Controller;
John Shute, Chief, Financial and Procurement Methods Division;
Alva H. Blagg, supervisory business analyst, agriculture and
pharmaceuticals, Procurement Analysis Branch; Leslie Grant,
Office of the General Counsel; Daniel G. Pfoutz, Assistant Chief,
Procurement Analysis Branch, Financial and Procurement Methods
Division; and Edgar E. Powell, Price Analysis Branch, Financial
and Procurement Methods Division..

Grant, Charles L., Director, Office of Budget and Finance, U.S.
Department of Agriculture; accompanied by C. T. Forster, Chief,
Division of Investigations, Office of Personnel; Howard B. Pickard,
assistant to Deputy General Counsel; D. J. Harrill, Director,
Internal Audit Division, Commodity Stabilization Service; and
William H. Duggan, Director, Compliance and Investigation
Division, Commodity Stabilization Service...

MacLaughlin, Maj. Gen Victor J., Assistant Quartermaster General

for Operations; accompanied by Maurice I. O'Connor, special assist-

ant to the Chief of Operations, Control Office, Office of the Quarter-

master General; William W. McCollum, supply director for operational

rations and general products, Headquarters, Military Subsistence

Supply Agency; Russell Becker, Assistant Chief, Dairy and Poultry

Branch, Purchasing Division, Headquarters, Military Subsistence

Supply Agency; Thomas J. O'Hara, Office of General Counsel,

Office of the Quartermaster General; and Albert Raby, Jr., Office

of the General Counsel, Office of the Quartermaster General..

Merrill, James E., vice president, United Dairy Equipment Co..

O'Connor, M. I., Office of Quartermaster General, Department of the

Army; accompanied by Capt. P. L. Weintraub, Bureau of Supplies

and Accounts; Comdr. G. S. Young, Naval Supply Depot, Norfolk,

Va., Department of the Navy; Col. J. J. Treacy, Chief, Procure-

ment and Policy Division, Office of Deputy Chief of Staff, Material,

Department of the Air Force; and Lt. Col. Robert F. Pike, Director

of Procurement Production, Procurement Policy Division, Head-

quarters, U.S. Air Force...

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Campbell, Hon. Joseph, Comptroller General of the United States:
Letter from Hon. Joseph Campbell, to Hon. L. H. Fountain, July
25, 1958.


Forster, C. T., Chief, Division of Investigations, Office of Personnel,
U.S. Department of Agriculture:

Department of Agriculture Regulations:
Chapter 55. Conduct of employees.
Chapter 56. Investigations.

Paragraph 448 and 503 of title I.
Paragraph 443 and 444 of title I.

Information re bribes...

Information re officials reporting investments in private concerns
doing business with their agencies__.

Fountain, Hon. L. H., a Representative in Congress from the State of

North Carolina, and chairman, Intergovernmental Relations Sub-


Excerpt from an editorial in the Saturday Evening Post of August

30, 1952, entitled "Here Is One Money-Saving U.S. Bureau"..

Excerpt from International Cooperation Administration Regula-
tion 1, section 201.16....

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Letter from Hon. L. H. Fountain, to James H. Smith, Jr., June 27,


Letter from James R. Naughton, counsel, Intergovernmental
Relations Subcommittee, to Charles L. Grant, May 27, 1958.-
Statement from Senator Paul H. Douglas re list of commodity and
freight payments made by the International Cooperation Ad-
ministration from January 1954 to June 1957.


Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by-Continued

Grant, Charles L., Director, Office of Budget and Finance, U.S.

Department of Agriculture:

Information re employment or business activities that might result

in a conflict of interest.

Information re members of public advisory committees.
Information re potential conflicts of interest_

Letter from E. L. Peterson, Acting Secretary of Agriculture, to
Hon. L. H. Fountain, June 17, 1958. - -

Exhibit A-Information on agency internal audit and inves-
tigation activities....

Exhibit B-Number of audit and investigation reports_

Exhibit C-Memorandum to heads of department agencies

from Ralph S. Roberts, April 26, 1954.

Note re investigation of employees...

Regulations re the incidence of equal bids and evidence of fraudu-
lent bidding practices...

U.S. Department of Agriculture Regulations: Chapter 4. Or-
ganizations and functions of committees, councils, and boards.
Committee control record_.

Grant, Leslie, Office of the General Counsel, International Coopera-
tion Administration: Excerpt from the Mutual Security Act, section
413; Encouragement of Free Enterprise and Private Participation..
Harrill, D. J., Director, Internal Audit Division, Commodity Stabili-
zation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Precautions taken
by Commodity Stabilization Service to prevent violations of restric-
tions where commodities are sold for restricted use.

International Cooperation Administration:

International Cooperation Administration report of February 27,

1959, re a demand letter to Leval & Co....

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