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(f) Air pressure, under the conditions of § 72.42B-4 (b) is 10 pounds. [As amended Jan. 13, 1934]*+ [Pars. 1-6]



72.43A-1 General. (a) Containers herein specified shall be of straight-sided type and of nominal capacity of not less than 5 nor more than 13 gallons. Outage shall be provided for expansion of contents due to ordinary changes in temperature.

(b) Container shall consist of body and heads with lining as prescribed, rolling hoops, and filling hole flange, all vulcanized together at one operation. No cements, adhesives, or secondary vulcanization shall be permitted.*+ [Pars. 1, 2, as added July 23, 1935]

72.43A-2 Material and construction. (a) Body and heads shall be made of at least 2 laminations; inside lamination shall be of pale crepe natural or synthetic rubber, capable of withstanding the action of hydrofluoric acid up to 65 percent H.F. maximum, for 30 days without any substantial deterioration. The other laminations shall be a mixture of cotton fiber and rubber. Thickness of heads shall be at least one-half inch. Thickness of sides shall be at least three-eighths inch. [As amended Mar. 15, 1938, effective June 17, 1938, 3 F.R. 654]

(b) Rolling hoops shall be of a tough grade of rubber, free from cotton or other fiber. For 5-gallon drums there shall be two chime hoops quarter-round at least 134 inches wide by 34-inch deep. For drums exceeding 5 gallons there shall be two chime hoops quarterround and one center hoop half-round, at least 2 inches wide by 1 inch deep. [As added July 23, 1935]

(c) Closing plug or stopper must be an efficient closure that will prevent spillage or leakage in transit and must have the approval of the Bureau of Explosives. [As amended Mar. 15, 1938, effective June 17, 1938, 3 F.R. 654]

(d) Plug must be fitted with rubber gasket at least 4-inch thick and with width across the face equal to the width of the plug head. With plug seated in the flange and with washer in place at least three threads must be engaged. [As added July 23, 1985]

(e) Minimum weight: For 5-gallon drum, 18 pounds; for 13-gallon drum, 30 pounds. [As added July 23, 1935.]** [Pars. 3-7]

72.43A-3 Marking. Each container must be plainly and permanently marked on the top head as follows:

(a) ICC-43A: This mark shall be understood to certify that the container complies with all specification requirements.

(b) Rated gallonage and year of manufacture: Abbreviated, these markings must appear, for example, as 5-35, signifying 5 gallons rated capacity and manufacture in the year 1935.

(c) Name, initials, or symbol of manufacturer: This must be recorded with the Bureau of Explosives, 30 Vesey Street, New York City.** [Par. 8, as added July 23, 1935]

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**For statutory and source citations, see note to § 72.1A–1.

72.43A-4 Tests. The type of container, closed as for use, must be capable of withstanding without leakage the tests prescribed. These tests must be made by any company starting production, on samples taken at random of each type and size of container, and must be repeated every 4 months or less during production; samples last tested must be retained until further tests are made. The type tests are as follows:

(a) Test by dropping container filled with water to 98 percent capacity, from a height of 6 feet onto solid concrete so as to strike diagonally on top chime. Also a 4-foot drop to strike directly on closing device. [As amended Mar. 15, 1938, effective June 17, 1938, 3 F.R. 654]

(b) Hydrostatic pressure test of 40 pounds per square inch sustained for 5 minutes, using drums which have passed drop test required under paragraph (a). During this test the sides of drum must not expand beyond the plane of the chime hoops.

(c) Material of which side walls or ends of drums are made must be capable of withstanding a tensile test of not less than 1,200 pounds per square inch.

(d) Tests (a) and (b) must be passed without leakage.*+ [Par. 9 added July 23, 1935]


The following specifications for tanks are minimum requirements and are made general in character with respect to equipment for the loading and unloading of contents of tanks and for the relief of interior pressure. Additional specifications and changes or modifications thereof, or of these specifications, may be made effective by further orders of the commission.



72.103-1 Type. Tanks built under this specification must be cylindrical, with heads dished convex outward, and must have at least one expansion dome with manhole, and such other external projections as are prescribed herein. When the interior of the tank is divided into compartments, each compartment must have two heads dished convex outward, one expansion dome with manhole, and such other external projections as are prescribed herein.*t [Par. 1]

72.103-2 Bursting pressure. The calculated bursting pressure, based on the lowest tensile strength of the plate or of the casting and the efficiency of the seam or attachment, must be at least 300 pounds per square inch.*+ [Par. 2]

72.103-3 Material. All plates for tank and expansion dome must be made of open-hearth boilerplate steel of flange quality. All external projections must be made of materials specified hereinafter. Rivets must be of the same quality as used for steam boilers and other

**For statutory and source citations, see note to § 72.1A-1.

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72.103-4 Thickness and width of plates. The minimum thickness of plates, including thickness of each plate at rivet seams, must be as follows:

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The minimum width of bottom sheet of tank must be 60 inches, measured on the arc, but in all cases the width must be sufficient to bring the entire width of the longitudinal seam, including overlaps, above the cradle.*+ [Par. 4]

72.103-5 Dishing of tank heads. Tank heads must be of approved contour.*t [Par. 5]

72.103-6 Riveting. (a) For computing rivet areas the effective diameter of a driven rivet is the diameter of its reamed hole, which hole must in no case exceed nominal diameter of rivet by more than one-sixteenth inch. All rivets must be driven hot. The use of two "liners" not to exceed 1 inch in width and one-sixteenth inch in thickness, placed at an angle across the longitudinal seams between two rows of rivets near the internal tank heads on compartment cars, to prevent the liquid from passing along the longitudinal seams from one compartment to another while cars are being water tested, will be permissible. [As amended Aug. 27, 1936, 1 F.R. 1368]

(b) All seams formed in the manufacture of the tank and expansion dome proper and the attachment of the expansion dome to the tank must be double riveted. Dome head, manhole ring, safety valve flange, and bottom outlet chamber flange must be single or double riveted. Riveted seams and joints must be made metal to metal without interposition of other material. The efficiency of double riveted seams must be at least 70 percent of the strength of the thinnest plate.

(c) The manner in which tank is supported on and securely attached to the car structure must be approved.*t [Par. 6]

72.103-7 Preparation for calking. The edges of plates at all riveted seams must be beveled so that the angle of the calking edges will be between 60° and 70° with the flat surface of the plate. The extreme calking edge distance, measured from center line of rivet hole, must be at least one and one-half times the diameter of the hole and not more than that distance plus one-fourth inch.*+ [Par. 7] 72.103-8 Calking. All seams, including those formed by attachment of expansion dome and other external projections, must be calked

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**For statutory and source citations, see note to § 72.1A–1.

both inside and outside, except that inside calking of the seam formed by attachment of expansion dome to tank is not required and outside calking of seams formed by attachment of all external projections, except the expansion dome, is not required. Split calking prohibited.*+ [Par. 8]

72.103-9 Expansion dome. (a) The expansion dome must have a capacity, measured from the inside top of shell of tank to the inside top of dome, of at least 2 percent of the total capacity of the tank and dome combined, except that when safety valve is applied to side of dome, the effective capacity of dome must be measured from top of safety valve opening in side of dome to inside top of shell of tank.

(b) The manhole in the dome head must be of sufficient diameter to permit access to the interior of the tank. The opening in tank shell within the dome must be at least 29 inches and not more than 30 inches in diameter.

(c) The dome head must be dished convex outward.** [Par. 9] 72.103-10 Closures for manholes. (a) All covers not hinged to tank must be attached to outside of the dome head, by at least a 3%inch chain or its equivalent.

(b) All joints between manhole covers and their seats must be made tight against vapor pressure, and to secure this a suitable gasket must be used. For cars used for the transportation of inflammable liquids with flash points below 20° F., the manhole cover must be of approved type and design, to make it practically impossible to remove the cover while the interior of the tank is subjected to pressure.

(c) Manhole rings and covers must be made of cast or pressed steel, malleable iron or other malleable metals.* [Par. 10]

72.103-11 Gaging devices, bottom outlet valve operating mechanism, and venting, loading, and discharge pipes extending through dome of tanks. Not specification requirements. When installed, these external projections, including their valves, must be protected from accidental injury by being set into a securely covered recess, or by means of a cast or pressed steel or malleable iron housing with a cover that can be securely closed. Openings in wall of housing must be equipped with screw plugs or other closures.* [Par. 11]

72.103-12 Venting, loading, and discharge pipes. These pipes, when installed, must be closed by efficient valves made of metal not subject to rapid deterioration by the lading. Provision must be made for closing the pipe connections of the valves.*† [Par. 12]

72.103-13 Bottom discharge outlets. (a) The bottom discharge outlet, when applied, must be made of metal not subject to rapid deterioration by the lading, be of approved construction, and be provided with a valve at its upper end and a liquid-tight closure at its lower end.

(b) The valve operating mechanism and outlet chamber construction must be such as to insure against unseating of valve due to stresses or shocks incident to transportation.

(c) Tanks used for the transportation of poisonous solids, when designed for bottom unloading, must have the openings securely closed against leakage.*+ [Par. 13]

**For statutory and source citations, see note to § 72.1A-1.

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72.103-14 Safety valves. (a) The tank must be equipped with one or more safety valves mounted on expansion dome. Total valve discharge capacity must be sufficient to prevent building up of pressure in the tank in excess of 45 pounds per square inch.

(b) One safety valve must be provided for each tank, or compartment thereof, of 6,650 gallons capacity or less, and two safety valves for each tank, or compartment thereof, of over 6,650 gallons capacity. (c) Each safety valve must be set to open at a pressure of 25 pounds per square inch. (For tolerance, see § 71.103-18.)

(d) Tanks used for the transportation of corrosive liquids, inflammable solids, oxidizing materials, or poisonous liquids or solids, class B, need not be equipped with safety valves, but if not so equipped must be equipped with one vent at least 2 inches in diameter, and the vent must be closed with a frangible disk of lead or other suitable material, of a thickness that will insure rupture at a pressure not higher than 30 pounds per square inch. Vent closure must be so chained or otherwise fastened as to prevent misplacement. [As amended Dec. 10, 1935]** [Par. 14]

72.103-15 Fixtures, reinforcements, and other attachments not otherwise specified. All external attachments to tank must be riveted in place and calked to comply with conditions prescribed in §§ 72.103-6, 72.103-8, or applied by other approved means of at least equal strength and efficiency. Heater coils, when installed, must be so constructed that the breaking off of their external connections will not cause leakage of contents of tanks.** [Par. 15]

72.103-16 Plugs for openings. When plugs are used in the heads or other parts of tanks they must be solid, of good grade gray cast iron, with standard pipe thread and taper, and of a length which will screw at least six threads inside the face of fitting or tank.*+ [Par. 16]

72.103-17 Tests of tanks. Each tank must be tested, before being put into service and also at intervals as prescribed in § 72.103-19, by completely filling tank and dome with water, or other liquid having similar viscosity, of a temperature which must not exceed 100° F. during the test, and applying a pressure of 60 pounds per square inch. Tank must hold the prescribed pressure for at least 10 minutes without leakage or evidence of distress. All rivets and closures, except safety valves, must be in place while test is made.* [Par. 17]

72.103-18 Tests of safety valves. Each valve must be tested, before being put into service and also at intervals as prescribed in § 72.103-19, by attaching to an air line and applying pressure. The valve must not leak below 20-pound pressure. (See note, § 80.100 (c) (4).) The valve must open at the pressure prescribed in § 72.103-14 with a tolerance of plus or minus 3 pounds.*+ [Par. 18]

72.103-19 Retests of tanks and safety valves. Tanks and safety valves must be retested, as prescribed for original tests in §§ 72.103–17, 72.103-18, within 10 years after the original test, and thereafter at intervals of 5 years or less. Tanks must also be retested before being

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**For statutory and source citations, see note to § 72.1A-1.

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