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cause a loss to the manufacturer. Sooner or later the government inspector will find out who are manufacturing or selling impure food or drugs, and the publication of their names as manufacturing or selling impure articles must necessarily injure their business. The dealer purchasing such article will soon find that it is cheaper for him to purchase from them who comply with the Pure Food and Drug Laws, and the consumer will soon learn not to deal with one whom the United States or State authorities have found guilty of violating these laws.

Second. No manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer can afford to have the government or the State prosecuting him, and thus place himself in a position to be fined or imprisoned. That they may have been innocent of any wrong doing will not protect them. If they violate the law they are equally guilty in 'the eyes of the law with the men who wilfully, maliciously and premeditatedly break those laws, although in the former case their punishment may not be so severe as in the latter case.

A violation of the law may also arise, either because a manufacturer has intentionally violated it, as where he makes an article which he represents to be pure, but which he knows is impure and deleterious to health, or because he marks or labels an article as one thing which he knows in fact to be another.

Another case may arise where the manufacturer has innocently violated the law. He may believe that his goods are pure, when they are impure. He may believe they are suited to the purpose advertised when they are not.

For instance, he may be using a preservative, such as salicylic acid or benzoate of soda without in any way intending to violate the law, the use of which chemicals, however, under the conditions which he used them may be unlawful.

The wholesaler and retailer may violate the law also unintentionally by relying solely upon the representations of the manufacturer.

Many cases have been brought against dealers who did not manufacture the article themselves, and yet the article was offered for sale contrary to National and State laws. Under the National Pure Food and Drug Act, if such dealer, when he had purchased the article, had received a guarantee from the manufacturer that the article was made and labeled in accordance with said act, he would not have been punished, but through ignorance of the law he had not demanded or received this guarantee.

Thus we may readily see that too much attention can not be given to the publicity of our Pure Food and Drug laws, in order that only those who wilfully and knowingly violate the law may be punished.

The consumer should also know when he buys an article, that it is a proper food or drug and is what it is represented to be, and should insist upon buying from only those who comply with all the requirements of the law, for in such cases only can he be assured that what he is buying is not deleterious to the health of himself or family.

That the cases and the decisions of various courts in different States as they arise under these laws should be published, so that all who manufacture, sell or use may know them, and that no one can plead ignorance of the law, are objects which all who are interested in a healthy nation and a healthy people should most heartily indorse. A publication of the names of those manufacturers and dealers who violate the law and a publication of the names of those who comply with it will assist in securing the results desired.

The eminent Professor Lloyd's com

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The drugs will serve their purpose.

Erring Pure Food Law violators, comnunicate with this journal. We will assist and enlighten you on this important subject.

Manufacturers of strictly pure foods conforming to the Pure Food and Drug Laws will please also communicate with this journal.

Preservatives in foods are temptuous license to ignore the natural life of its existence. It is humane to avoid its use.

There is a market for both artificial and genuine goods. But label them in accordance with the Pure Food and Drug Laws.


At Wetterstroem's (Cincinnati, Ohio) laboratory, the chemist has collected about a hundred specimens of "cod liver oil" that contain no cod liver oil, "consumption cures" that are not consumption cures, and had to cut out the word "cure," "rattlesnake oil" that contained not a trace of rattlesnake oil, "mutton tallow" that never saw a sheep, and other "dollar a bottle" concoctions claiming immense worth, but made out of a cent's worth of cheap powders and salts.


Chemist Wetterstroem is packing the collection in a box and will send it to the Ohio State Fair at Columbus. made the exhibit at the request of the State Food and Dairy Commissioner, R. W. Dunlap, who hopes to show the public some of the reforms that have been accomplished in the drug business. Many of the outright 'fakes have been driven off the market, and other drugs. that contained no ozone. Name of this on their labels have been forced to come out under different labels that are closer

to the truth. Here are some of the specimens:

A "skin food" that sold for fifty cents a box, found to consist of the very cheap concoction of nine parts epsom salts and one part borax.

"Cod liver oil" contained no cod liver oil, and label had to be changed to "extract of cod liver," for some part of the liver was used, though no oil.

A certain variety of "ozone" mixture, that contained no ozone. Name of the drug had to be changed to conform to the law.

"Cure for consumption, coughs, colds, etc.," read the label of one drug, but the law forced this to be changed to read, "relief for," and the word "consumption" was omitted.

"Here are two partly emptied bottles, 'consumption cures,' for which a poor man paid $5 apiece," said Wetterstroem. "That man is now sleeping in Spring Grove Cemetery. The drug is an imposition, especially on poor consumptives, and was really worth about ten or fifteen cents. Relatives brought the bottles to me after the man died, and I examined them. It is a shame to rob the poor like this, and that is why I have been fighting for honest and pure drugs that do not make false claims to mislead the poor or unknowing. I also analyzed a 'consump

tion cure' that cost the exorbitant sum of $50, and found that it, too, was an imposition."

The exhibit contains samples of a "flesh forming food". that has been driven off the market as a fake. "Gone into the patent medicine graveyard," says the placard.

Samples of coloring matter for butter are also shown, and they indicate an improvement in this line.

In one case of a drug the word "cure" was forbidden, and a word that sounded something like it was substituted.

A certain castor oil" was found to contain no castor oil.

Many of the labels are changed to conform to the law, and some of the alterations are shrewd and cunning. One label read, "Guaranteed to do all that is promised in the circular." It now reads: "Guaranteed to give entire satisfaction." The Federal Government's regulations forbid the use of the word "cure" and the words "relief," "remedy" or "for" are now used.

Chemist Wetterstroem found an expensive "elixir of life," that was rich in promises, to consist merely of cheap salts.

A certain kind of castor oil remedy was found to contain only 45 per cent. castor oil, and the label was changed. In such instances the label should read, "compound castor oil."

Wetterstroem has a large collection of drugs in which wood alcohol is used. Said he "Wood alcohol is a poison, and its use is now forbidden in drugs in Ohio. Some manufacturers put wood alcohol into rum, and a number of deaths occurred. The human body can get rid of grain alcohol easily enough, but wood alcohol persists in the system. We had a hard fight to get the Legislature to kill wood alcohol in drugs, and I have scores of bottles of disused drugs, all containing wood alcohol. The drugs are now made with grain alcohol."

A "catarrh cure" containing ten grains of cocaine is in the drug collection, but this "cure" is off the market, for the Ohio law now forbids the use of cocaine in drugs.

Another "catarrh cure," that sold for $1, was analyzed and found to be made of washing soda, and was really worth about one and one half cents.

"Much has been accomplished in improving the drug situation, but there is still plenty to do," said the State chemist.


tories, the human stomach. We seize a

It is related of Cyrano de Bergerac that, telephone and say: "Bring us steak, bring

when his Gascon cadets informed him they were a-hungered, he tossed before them a copy of "The Iliad.” No doubt, aside from the mere feeling that he was "doing something smart," the witty Cyrano may have had a sneaking notion that "The Iliad" was quite as digestible as some of the breakfast foods then on the French market, to say nothing of contemporaneous brands of prepared cod fish. But "The Iliad" must have appeared somewhat in the light of an extraneous argument to the hungry Gascons-a thing not to be desired, and, momentarily, far from appreciated. Had Cyrano lived to-day, he might have conferred upon his cadets a real benefit by tossing before them a copy of The American Pure Food and Drug Journal. Thus the ends of practical health and intrinsic knowledge, instead of those of impractical sarcasm and extrinsic wit would have been conserved.

If, before all those who hunger, as well as all those who no longer hunger because of gastronomic bankruptcy, and who merely eat to live, some humane benefactor would toss a sample copy of The American Pure Food Journal, inducing them to read, mark, learn and digest-well, they WOULD learn to digest, that's all, and whatever they digested would mean genuine nourishment for body and brain. A Golden Age, a true millennium for the human stomach would have certainly set in. How little do we realize-we Americans particularlyhow stupendous are the impositions which, through our own carelessness and through the cupidity of those who purvey our foodstuffs, we daily place upon the hard-working little chemists who toil so tirelessly in that greatest of all labora

us beans, bring us salmon, bring us this or that, or the other thing." When we get it we eat it, and then, perhaps after thirty or forty years of such promiscuous, heedless feeding, we wonder why there is something wrong with us, which the doctors sometimes fail to diagnose. A little care, a little accepting of advice from reliable sources, would obviate all of this stored-up trouble for old age. This journal proposes to do its best for those of the lay people not able to analyze their own foods, who are receptive enough to permit it to deliver to them its monthly quota of reliable and vitally serviceable advice. It is not a paper for doctors, chemists and food men; it wants to be a paper for the people, a worth-while monthly friend which will soon be found. on as many family library tables as The Ladies' Home Journal, Munsey's or McClure's.

The Pure Food Laws have been passed -to the eternal credit of the present Congress and the men who worked so long and hard and admirably to "get them through." The only question now before us is one of enforcement. The government experts will do their best, but, without the aggressive assistance of the people, the Pure Food Laws, National and State, can never arrive at that degree of perfectly valid effectiveness which the too frequently evaded necessities of public safety demand. It is by interesting the lay people in the fight for the enforcement of these laws, and in teaching them how incalculable is the individual and common good to be derived from their assistance, that this journal will find its best and most effectual means of attaining its high object. It is because we realize how efficient an instrument it will prove in helping to bring about the reforms of which we speak that we hail the launch

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This legend appears on packages and containers in which are articles that come under the regulative influence of the Pure Food and Drug Law. Its object is to assure the purchaser that the article. purveyed has been and is being manufactured in accordance with that act. In so far as this legend meets that object it is wholesome and salutary, for some such declaration or assurance is necessary for the protection of both the public and honest manufacturers of foods and drugs.

But unfortunately the inscription in question is being perverted from its original purpose by cunning deviations in phraseology. These deviations are framed for the purpose of conveying to the purchaser the impression that the United States Government guarantees the product in question, whereas the United States Government neither directly or by inference guarantees anything. To do so would not only be apart from the purpose of the law, but would necessitate numerous laboratories and an army of inspectors and other assistants. would, furthermore, imply a state of paternalism that would entirely relieve the manufacturer of responsibility, a condition of affairs manifestly against public policy.


But the public is entitled to protection from this new kind of deception. This can be done either by regulation or by amendment to the law in which the language of the legend shall be definitely prescribed. This language should make it clear that the article guaranteed is

guaranteed by the manufacturer, and not by the government. If, therefore, each package or container shall bear the inscription "Guaranteed by the undersigned manufacturer under the Pure Food and Drug Law enacted June 30, 1906," signed by the name and address of the guarantor, the object really aimed at would be better subserved.

The protection of the people is the object aimed at in this law. It should be remembered in this connection that the retailers the final purveyors of foods and drugs—are a part of the people, and that they, too, are entitled to protection. It is not to be expected that either grocers or druggists shall know the quality of the contents of original packages. They may, however, with justice be required to exact from all manufacturers a specific guarantee as to the quality of the contents of each original package exposed for sale. If the retailers do sell such packages without such guarantee, they assume responsibility for the purity of the goods. If, on the other hand, the manufacturer is required to make a guarantee, and if the goods are found to fall below the standard, in that event the manufacturer ought to be held responsible, and all proceedings by either the State or the Federal Government ought to be primarily against such manufacturers.

(Signed), CHARLES A. L. REED.

SUGAR vs. SACCHARIN. A committee of the Seine Council of Hygiene, in September, 1888, composed of Messrs. Peligot, Gautier, Jungfleisch, Proust and Riche, declared: "Saccharin is not an aliment, but a medicament, and. will find its chief use as an adulterant of alimentary substances."

In the Conseil de Hygiene, at Hague, June 22, 1888, Dr. Dujardin Beaumetz, as spokesman for the committee previously appointed to investigate the use

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