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diseases. It seems to us it would have been well for the management also to have considered preventable diseases of the human family. The death rate and sick rate among farmers is 20 per cent. higher than it should be. The preventable diseases and preventable deaths from which they suffer cost them more than all of their losses from insects and from animal diseases.

We hope the next State Farmers' Institute will take up to some degree, the subject of "How to prevent disease in human beings on the farm." The money saving which can be made along this line is enormous and the saving in happiness and strength is incalculable.

HOGS VERSUS CHILDREN. The Bulletin of the Iowa State Board of Health recently contained the following item which graphically sets forth the apparent relative importance of children, and hogs if one is to judge from the government of appropriations made for their safety:

Congress has been asked this year for an appropriation of $3,000 for the employment of an expert in the welfare of children. It was hoped by those who made the request that this modest beginning would lead to an efficient bureau of the Department of the Interior which would eventually deal with a wide range of questions affecting school children.

In support of this request a Nebraska woman wrote that her husband was engaged in raising hogs while she was trying to raise a boy. Her husband, she said had no difficulty in getting expensive aid from the government in his hog

raising pursuits, but she has to struggle along in her own way with the boy question. With the pardonable mother's prejudice, she argued that the welfare of her boy seemed almost as important as the health and happiness of her husband's hogs."


The International Conference for the repression of the use of Sacharin was held at Paris, France, November the 15. The governments represented were those of France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia and Switzerland. The first session was devoted primarily to the examination of existing legislation for the repression of the sale and use of Sacharin and similar artificial sweetening substances.

Continued from page 8.

of alcohol or inhibited drug content to be stated on the label has been noted. While the drug trade feared that this section would work a hardship upon it, yet the employment of corrected labels has apparently made it possible for the druggist to label his goods properly with no greater trouble than before the law became effective.

Continued from page 29.

fore the American people, as an able conscientious officer, to whom the American Pure Food and Drug Journal feels itself honored in the opportunity to pay willing and sincere tribute. As a parting word for the evening, let us resolve

that pure foods are most essential for the welfare and happiness of mankind, and drugs when needed, to be of a food quality, as upon the nation's health depends the nation's strength.

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Continued from page 18.

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A sample of this product was analyzed by Doctor Ladd and found to contain 0.205 per cent. of benzoate of soda. The Van Camp Packing Company having been afforded an opportunity to show any fault or error in the aforesaid analysis and they having failed to do so, the facts were reported to the United States attorney for the district of North Dakota, and libel for seizure and condemnation under section 10 of the act was duly filed, with the result that defendant pay all cost of this proceeding and file a $500.00 bond.

UNIV. Or men.
DEC 16 1999





Devoted to the Enforcement of the National and State
Pure Food and Drug Laws

VOL. I-NO. XII. CINCINNATI, O. DEC. 1909. NEW YORK. Price $1.00 per Year. 10 ots. per Copy.

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Advertisements of Inferior Products and those not conforming with the National and State
Pure Food and Drug Laws are not accepted by The American Pure Food and Drug Journal,


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the purpose of Benzoate of Soda is not to preserve unfit materials, why is it so generally found in foods prepared of cannery waste and other discarded products?


Benzoate of Soda is harmless and improves good food, why is it that manufacturers of pure food do not use it.


57 Varieties

are free from artificial preservatives of all kindsBenzoate of Soda included.


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Forty years before the Pure Food Laws existed we were manufacturing Pure and Correct
Mineral Waters that conformed to the analyses of the Natural Springs.
Artificial Vichy, Selters, Carbonic and twenty other varieties.

Ginger Ale, Sarsaparrilla and Lemon Soda. Only pure distilled water and the best and purest ingredients used in our products. Send for pamphlet.


430-444 First Ave.,


The Certified and
Inspected Milk


The French Bros. Dairy Co.

Is produced under the supervision of the Milk Commission of the Cincinnati Academy of Medicine.

THY not pay the same attention to inward, as you do to outward cleanliness? Insist upon getting

The Representative

"Wagner's" Artificial Mineral Waters.

They are pure, clean, wholesome and the only wa ters in the market of the same composition as that of the respective natural springs. Drink "Wagner's Waters" Only! Recommended and used by the Medical Profession. Examinations by our State Chem. ist of the Lithia Waters in the market have established the fact that "Wagner's Lithia" is the only water which contains Lithia. All others were denounced as worthless and misbranded.

Selters, Lithia, Vichy, Carlsbad, Kissingen, Hunyadi, Enis, Carbonated Sodium, Phosphate, etc., etc.

Snap"-The only pure and wholesome Ginger Ale in the market, free from saccharin, capsicum and preservatives. "Minnehaha"-America's purest table water.

W. T. Wagner's Sons,

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