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L'Art des Accouchemens; par M. Baudeloque, Membre du College et Adjoint au Comité perpétuel de l'Académie Royale de Chirurgie. 2 Vols. 8vo. Paris.

The refult of obfervation and application, warmly approved by the royal academy of furgery, and illuftrated with a fett of elegant and accurate plates, engraved under the author's own inspection. Effai fur les Alimens, pour fervir de Commentaire aux Livres diététiques d'Hippocrtae. Nouv. Ed. corrigée & augmentée. 2 Vols. 12mo. Paris.

By the celebrated Dr. Lorry, one of the warmest admirers of HiDpocrates, Sanctorius, and Boerhaave; whom he has taken for his fafeft guides, in collecting all the certain knowlege on the nature of aliments, into a regular and practical fyftem.

Ephemerides Aftronomica, anni 1-81, ad Meridianum Vindebonenfem` Juu Auguftorum calculate a Maximiliano Hell, Aftronomo Cæfareo Regio. Cum Appendice Obfervationum. Vienna.


The twenty-fifth volume of this ufeful annual publication of Abbé Hell's it contains the heights of the thermometer and barometer obferved at Vienna, three times each day, in 1779; aftronomical obfervations made at Buda or Ofen, in Hungary, by M. Weifs; others made at Prague by M. Zeno; at Manheim, by M. Mayer; at Cremfmunfter, by M. Fixmin; at Tyrnaw, by M. Taucher; at Warfaw, by M. Byferzycky; thofe of Erlaw, in Hungary, made in a new and very fumptuous obfervatory, conftructed and furnished at the expence of prince Efterhazy, bishop of that place, by Abbé Madaraffy, whofe meteorological and aftronomical obfervations are here included: the latitude of this new obfervatory is 47° 53′ 54′′, and its longitude, 1 h. 12′ 54′′ east of Paris. M. Hell concludes his appendix with a critical examen of a new map of Hungary, by Mr. Krieger, pretended to have been drawn from aftronomical obfervations.

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The Bevy of Beauties. A Collection of Sonnets. 4to. 25. Baldwin,

ORTRAITS of the most celebrated beauties now living in P England, drawn by a very bad poetical painter, who has paid fo little regard to difcrimination, that any one of the chas racters will fuit the whole groupe.

O thou, in whom nature's perfections are join'd,
A figure enchanting, an elegant mind!

In whom ev'ry winning attraction is found,
Whofe voice to the foul, is a zephyr of found;
Forgive each allufion, by rapture exprefs'd,

Nor the feelings misjudge which arife in the breast:
For fince, by each virtue adorn'd, you appear,
'Tis the charter of nature to love, and revere !'


What our author means by a zephyr of found, we cannot poffibly tell; nor why it fhould be the charter of nature to love, any more than to eat, drink, or fleep. In the verses on Mifs Thynne we are told that love

• When dusky shades add horror to the scene,

He'll footh, with gentleit note, her cares to fleep;
Then wander forth, 'inidft tempefts bleak and keen,
And lend the brow of night, an eye to weep!'

The idea of lending an eye to the brow of night, is too fublime to be understood. To the countefs of Jersey he fays:

Yes,-and thofe fprightly eyes can weep,

And to the tale of mis'ry, progrefs keep.

Praise to her heart!-the tears which forrow move,
Are brilliant jervels on the check of love!'

Keeping progress to any thing, is certainly a new, but not a very elegant phrafe; and jewels on the cheek, are ornaments which we very feldom meet with. Mrs. Harcourt, this gentleman affures us, looks as lovely

as conqueft, to the fight!'

A very ftrange fimilitude; and in his Serenade, as he calls it, to Lady Townshend, he carries us,

Thro' blooming vales, and ever-fadelefs groves,'

Fadeless is, we believe, a word of this poet's own coining, we hope it will never be current.

If after this glimpfe of the Bevy, any of our readers defire to purfue the game, we can only think them very eager sportsmen, and with them much diverfion.

Ode to the Genius of the Lakes in the North of England. 4to. 2s. Richardfon and Urquhart.

The author of this Ode informs us, in the advertisement prefixed, that he difclaims the idea of offering it to the public as a literary production, and throws the piece only into the way of actual tourifts. The word tourift is, we believe, not to be met with in Johnfon's, or any other English Dictionary, though the meaning of it is fufficiently obvious; but as we are not actual tourists, unless wandering through the regions of literature may entitle us to that diftinction, it cannot be expected that we fhould receive much entertainment from this poem. Even the best poetical defcription of places gives us, indeed, but imperfect notions of the object reprefented, and not a twentieth part of the pleasure which we receive from the oculis fubjecta fidelibus.

Let the reader take, for inftance, the following stanza of the Ode before us.


Lo! thy wand'ring eye to pleafe,
O'er Thurston's fmooth expanfe,
Verg'd with lawns of tufted trees,

The lightfome fun-beams dance.
On Windermere's long-fcatter'd ifles
Though Kirkston frown, fair Orreft fimiles.
Chearful Whythop waves his woods:
And round Derwent's glaffy floods,
With many a fringed glade between,
Falcon's cliffs fublime are seen.
And hark! to greet thy ear, remote
(While nearer flows the stock-dove's note)
Down Harter-hills, and Swarth-fell steep,
A thousand humming cataracts fweep;
The eagles fcream on Glaramara high,

And Ulls' grand echoing founds reverb'rate through the sky." In these lines, which run smooth and easy, mention is made of a number of very fine places. But what idea can we form of them from a sketch fo loofe and indifcriminate? Plain profe feems a better vehicle for all information of this kind, as it can not only defcend to the most minute particulars, and muft, therefore, better answer the purpose of exciting curiofity; but will, at the fame time, prove more entertaining, efpecially where the verfification, as is the cafe with regard to this Ode, does not rife above mediocrity.

A Poetical Epifle; attempted in the Style of Churchill's Epifle to Hogarth. 4to. 15. Fielding.

The weak effufion of querulous malevolence, venting itself in very bad rhimes against fome private characters, heavens knows where. The whole is tellum imbelle fine icta: the defign is invidious, and the verfes contemptible.

The Royal Naval Review, or a late Trip to the Nore. 4to. 1s. 6d. Kearfly.

As a fpecimen of this production, a few lines from the beginning will be fufficient:

How shall I tell where I have been,

Where I the rareft things have seen ?

O Dick! beyond a doubt,

Such fights again cannot be found,
Such tricks ne'er play'd on English ground,
But by the felf-fame rout.

At a Great House, hard by the way
Where we do fometimes fell our hay;

My memory here but lame is;

Pfhaw, where folks fay what they don't mean;

Plague! rat it now, what is its name?

Oh! aye-'tis call'd St. James's.


We know not whether, to read the whole of this rhapfody, might not, on fome constitutions, have an effect fimilar to that which is fometimes produced by a real Naval Trip to the Nore.

The Cow-Chace; an Heroic Poem, in Three Cantos. 4to.



This poem was written, as we are informed in an advertisement prefixed to it, by the gallant and unfortunate Major Andrè-He was a brave officer, and much to be lamented; we fhall therefore fay nothing of his poem.


The Baron Kinkvervankotsdorfprakingatchdern. A new Mufical Comedy. As performed at the Theatre-Royal in the Hay-Market. By Miles Peter Andrews, Efq. 8vo. Is 6d. Cadell.

This piece would afford ample matter for the severity of criticism, but

We war not with the dead.?

It has been tried, condemned, and Executed; and peace be to

its manes!

Nathan the Wife. A Philofophical Drama. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Fielding.

A heap of unintelligible jargon, very badly tranflated, from the German original, written it feems by G. E. Lefsling. The tranflator informs us, in his preface, that the author of this drama fand's very high in the opinion of his countrymen, becanje he ftands foremost amongst the late reformers, to whom Germany is indebted for its prefent golden age of literature. The reader will here please to obferve, that this German author, in the elegant language of his tranflator Mr. Rafpe, lands because he ftands; we wish he may not fall, because he falls infinitely beneath all criticism; and can only fay that if this is the golden age of German literature, it appears, at least by this fpecimen, to put on a very leaden appearance.


A Review of the Conduct of his Excellency John, Earl of Buckinghamfhire, Lord-Lieutenant and Governor-General of Ireland, during his Administration in that Kingdom. 8vo. IS. binson.


This pamphlet, written with more than common correctness, contains a high panegyric on the earl of Buckinghamshire; whom the author paints in an amiable light, as a man; and in a refpectable view, as a minifter, and the friend of Ireland. Indeed, the important conceffions, made to the fifter kingdom, during his administration, muft ever throw a luftre on the domestic government of that period.


Remarks on Comm dore Johnstone's Account of his Engagement with a French Squadron, April 16, 1780, in Port Praya Road, in the Iland of St. Jago. 8vo. 6d. Debrett.

The defign of thefe Remarks, which feem to be re-printed from news-papers, is to impeach the commodore with mifconduct during the action, and with perplexity in his narrative. The whole, however, appears to be nothing more than a groundlefs and invidious effort of detraction.


Cafes in Midwifery; with References and Remarks. By William Perfect, Surgeon. Vol. I. 8vo. 6s. fewed. Dodiley.

The cafes related in this volume prefent us with a variety of obfervations, made in the courfe of the obftetrical employment; and, confidered as a collection of facts, must prove ufeful to practitioners in that art.

Cafe I. The delivery of a dead foetus, from the mother's being afflicted with a lues venerea, which proved fatal. -Cafe II. Labour retarded by the circumvolutions of the funis about the neck of the child.-Cafe III. The funis uncommonly fhort, and impeding the birth, by being twifted round the child's neck.-Cafe IV. A lingering labour, occafioned by the extraordinary fhortness of the funis.--Cafe V. A retention of the placenta, and a fingular infertion of the funis into its central part. -Cafe VI. A prefentation of the funis and belly; the child turned and delivered. Cafe VII. A woman was pregnant with twins; one of which was born breech foremost, and the other delivered with the forceps.-VIII. A flooding, and the labour protracted by the rigidity of the membranes. The two cafes laft mentioned are related in a letter to the late Dr. Colin Mackenzie, and accompanied with the doctor's anfwer.-Cafe IX. Twins, with an intervention of fix days between their births.-Cafe X. A breech prefentation, in a letter to Dr. Mackenzie, with his anfwer.Cafe XI. A gonorrhoea virulenta in the fourth month of preg nancy -Cafe XII. A large head; the pelvis diftorted; and delivery effected by the crotchets; in a letter to Dr. Mackenzie, with his anfwer.

We shall proceed no farther in fpecifying the various cafes recited by Mr. Perfect, but fhall refer our readers to the work; obferving only that the author generally illuftrates them by fimilar cafes from other writers on midwifery; and that the volume derives confiderable merit from the correspondence of Dr. Mackenzie.

The New British Difpenfatory. Imo. 35. Newbery.

This production contains the preparations and compofitions of the new London and Edinburgh Pharmacopoeias; the prefcriptions of the latter not being given at full length; but only the occafional difference remarked between them and those ordered by

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